
Kiss Of Crimson Quotes

Kiss Of Crimson by Lara Adrian

"You’d better get out of here right now, because I’m calling the cops."
"Sleep tight, you psychotic son of a bitch!"
"This man was hard and deadly, everything about him throwing off an air of violence."
"His mouth was profanely beautiful. The kind of mouth that could wreak havoc on a woman from about a hundred different angles."
"No way," she told her stricken expression. "How can that be?"
"This is not happening. This is not happening."
"You’re a Breedmate. As of tonight, you are mine."
"I am not a man, Tess. I am something... else."
"Are you talking about HIV? Please don’t tell me you have AIDS..."
"Sounds like your boyfriend phoned in some backup."
"Now that we’re all here, let’s get down to business."
"It wasn’t so long ago that the general population of the Darkhavens were condemning us as lawless vigilantes."
"That’s some messed-up shit, Darkhaven pencil-pusher thinking he’s got balls enough to ride with us."
"Death had a harder time catching up to a moving target."
"Something spicy-sweet tickled his nostrils, sending every cell in his body into instant alert."
"Dante knew it at once. It belonged to the female he'd fed from—the Breedmate he'd so carelessly claimed as his less than twenty-four hours ago."
"His female, came the dark reminder from somewhere inside him."
"When they wanted, vampires could move among humans undetected, nothing more than a cool breeze on the back of their necks as they passed them by."
"Jealousy curdled in his gut—jealousy he had no true right to feel."
"I suppose it could have been worse. At least Harvard knows how to follow orders, even if he seems the type to prefer being in charge."
"All he wanted right now was to be moving. He'd been still for too long. Long enough for death to come looking for him."
"All he knew was the fire. And the fact that it was killing him."
"He’d been seeing the same vision—living it in vivid detail—for as long as he could remember."
"Back then, she’d been a different person, and Teresa Dawn Culver knew a few things about impostors."
"Lovers. Warmth stirred somewhere deep inside her just to hear him speak the word."
"Dante could only imagine how far he would have been tempted to take things with Tess if her boyfriend hadn’t returned when he did."
"His pulse was throbbing, his fangs stretched long in carnal hunger, all of which did nothing to curb his frustration."
"Despite his inappropriately casual attire, he held himself with a confidence that made him seem like he owned the place."
"Jesus Christ. He should never have come here tonight."
"It shouldn’t register on his fury meter at all, but damn if it didn’t."
"We’re all running away from something, Tess."
"I’ve been running all my life—longer than you could know."
"I’m not sure it’s possible to cheat fate, no matter how fast or how far we run."
"I like helping animals. It makes me feel... useful, I guess."
"We wouldn’t be able to contain an epidemic of Breed civilians suddenly turning Rogue on Crimson. It would be complete anarchy all over the world."
"I'll take him." Dante checked the time. It was just past five o'clock, already dark topside, thanks to New England sitting on the front end of the Eastern Time Zone.
"Tess wasn’t afraid of that option; she was used to moving around. Sometimes she wondered if it wasn’t easier for her to start over than to really dig in somewhere."
"Get a grip," she whispered to herself as she headed out of her office and into the hallway that opened onto the lobby area.
"You stayed with me," he said, awed by her compassion. "You helped me, Tess. Thank you."
"Poor baby," Tess said as she unlatched the cage and carefully stroked the dog’s fur.
"Listen, I’d love to stay and chat, but I really have to go."
"Regret was bitter in her throat as she gazed out to the world beyond her own."
"For Camden, she could bear anything. Couldn’t she?"
"Right. Like Dante himself was some kind of prize."
"You don’t have to help with this, Tess. I’m used to taking care of myself."
"You’re not going to just sit here and bleed all over my tile, are you?"
"I should stay away from you. I should, but I can’t."
"You can tell me anything. You are safe with me, Tess, I promise you."
"I swore I would never do it again, but I..."
"It's not a curse, Tess. It's a gift. A very extraordinary gift."
"You did nothing wrong, Tess. That human scum had no right to live as he was doing. You dispensed justice on your own terms, but it was justice. Never doubt that."
"I think you're courageous, Tess. An avenging angel, that's what I think."
"I want you to talk to me. Tell me what's going on. Tell me what this is about."
"It was my birthday," she whispered numbly. "He came into my bedroom around midnight, telling me that he wanted to give me a birthday kiss."
"I’m a coward. Just like you said, I always run away. It’s true. I’ve been afraid and running for so long, I’m not sure I can ever stop."
"I’ve been trying to outrun my own end. I’ve been running from it forever. I’ve kept myself insulated from things that might make me want to slow down and live. I’ve never permitted myself to truly feel."
"She deserves to have the truth. Even if she ends up hating me for it, which wouldn’t surprise me."
"Gotta tell you, I’m looking forward to meeting the woman who can scare the shit out of one of the fiercest warriors I’ve ever known."
"Trust you, I guess that’s something I can’t do right now."
"Everything okay? You still with me, or did I lose you?"
"It’s a vision, it’s not reality. Not yet, anyway."
"You know, I thought killing you was going to be difficult. You’ve made it very easy for me."
"Don’t try to negotiate with me. You are beneath me... human."
"The only good Rogue was a dead one—especially this one, which had its hands and mouth all over Tess, sucking precious life out of her."
"Tess... hang on, baby. I’ve got you now. I’m taking you out of here."
"For the Rogue moving carelessly around in the apartment at the top of the stairs, death was imminent."
"Chase could have fired in that instant, probably should have. All of his training and logic told him to pull the trigger and release one of those custom-made titanium rounds into the back of the Rogue’s skull, but instinct made him hesitate."
"Cam, it’s me. It’s your uncle. Put down the knife, son."
"It’s all over. You’re safe now. I’m here to help you."
"She was safe now, and that was all he needed."
"He had always been the taker, feeding out of necessity and often for pleasure, but never with a Breedmate. Never with a woman who moved him the way Tess did."
"She had to wake up soon. She had to get better, because he had to make things right with her."
"Tess made him wish that he had all the time in the world, so long as he could spend every second of it with her."
"I’m a warrior. This is war, Tess. Things have only gotten worse now that the Rogues have Crimson on their side."
"But that had all been based on lies. Now she had the truth —incredible as it was—and she would give just about anything to pretend it wasn’t real."
"It’s too late, Dante. You already have," she whispered, moving farther away from him, stepping back into the arched doorway.
"As real as her feelings for Dante, which only made his deception cut deeper. She loved him, and she’d never been more terrified of anything in her life."
"There wasn’t a blood-bonded male alive who wouldn’t walk through a sea of fire for the woman he loved."
"Assuming I survive at all, if I am able to save Tess, and if she will have me as her mate—I intend to relocate to the Darkhavens with her."
"I would quit breathing for her, if she asked it of me."
"Like it or not, D, Chase and I are all you’ve got on this mission. You’re not doing this alone."
"All I care about is getting that flash drive back."
"She can survive that if she gets help soon enough, but you’d better start talking fast."
"I’m the one who took the flash drive, not her. She’s not involved in this—"
"It’s always been you, Tess. I just didn’t know it until that night."