
Bloody Bones Quotes

Bloody Bones by Laurell K. Hamilton

"Drinking coffee as black as I could swallow it wasn't helping much."
"Bones studded the earth like scattered flowers."
"We didn't like each other, but we could do business together. Commerce at its best."
"I don't go anywhere unarmed, Mr. Stirling. Live with it, because I have to."
"I prefer the word 'confident' to 'arrogant'."
"Did I mention that? No one at the school knows. If they did, he'd be out of a job."
"The thought of having to have sex with the vampire was more likely to keep me chaste than any high ideals."
"I don't think I like your attitude, Ms. Blake."
"If you didn't make me so much money, I wouldn't put up with your shit."
"The view from the top of the mountain was worth the hike. Trees stretched out and out to the horizon."
"Raising the dead isn't evil, but it does require darkness. I don't know why."
"The dead are very honest, Mr. Stirling. They don't lie."
"No, Mr. Stirling, your future rides on the dead at your feet. Whatever comes out of their mouths will decide it."
"Most of them specialized in vampires. I was one of the few who would look at other types of kills."
"If cutting someone's arms and legs off and putting them in a little box for all eternity isn't torture, I don't know what is."
"Darkness slides from the trees and fills them first, then spreads outward to the open places."
"You learn to survive. Which means you learn to eat after seeing cut-up bodies."
"The cops didn't teach me that, Larry; it's natural talent."
"Ordinarily human beings didn't fare well against the monsters."
"It's been a long time since I was with anyone who wasn't straight human."
"Money is not everything, Anita. Though Stirling seems to think it is."
"It's our case. I don't think we need any help; that includes you."
"Murder scenes were always thick with people."
"The sin of omission is a many-splendored thing."
"Being murdered doesn't make you a bad person."
"Every freckle stood out on his face like ink spots."
"I know evil when I felt it, and that wasn't what they were."
"Facing the vampire even in the dark didn't seem so bad by comparison."
"I wasn't sure if 'good' was the word I would have chosen, but it wasn't my sister lying dead in the other room."
"I was glad it wasn't my job to hold the Quinlans' hands. Facing the vampire even in the dark didn't seem so bad by comparison."
"I'd become Episcopalian when the church declared all animators excommunicates."
"Murder investigations are never pleasant, and some of that unpleasantness has nothing to do with the corpse."
"I would give you anything you wanted, ma petite, if you would only let me."
"I didn't believe anyone could raise dead this old without a human sacrifice."
"Protecting our lands has been a valid excuse for slaughter since the beginning of time, ma petite."
"I wasn't going to stand there and watch them kill a man for walking on a piece of ground."
"Nobody kept a secret like Jean-Claude, and nobody else had as many of them."
"I'm just a little on edge tonight, Larry. I'll be alright."
"Magic, if that was the right word, often rises and falls on your own belief in your abilities."
"God doesn't always save someone. Often He just helps you live through the loss."
"I'm out of it from now on. Money doesn't spend if you're dead."
"Fine, you've delivered the message. Tell Mr. Stirling that it isn't the gunfight that's going to make me bail."
"Maybe. The question isn't can I, but will I, Lionel."
"The problem, Lionel, is that I'm not sure I can raise zombies this old without a human sacrifice. Even I have my limits."
"We will do anything to make this oversight up to you, Ms. Blake."
"That little man is up to something," Jean-Claude said.
"I do not think money is all that is at stake," he said.
"I'm kidding. Honest. Besides, elephants are an endangered species."
"Remember, ma petite, I can tell if you are lying."
"You couldn't just comfort me? Tell me we'll find him?"
"Stomp your feet or something when you do that."
"Our luggage has not arrived, has it, my wolf?"
"I've never known a vampire that didn't sleep in a coffin."
"Do not fear, Lawrence, all I need is darkness, or rather lack of sunlight."
"The first time I manage to share a hotel room with you, and there is no time."
"I've seen you kill a lot of people, Anita. A lot more than Jean-Claude."
"Maybe I should have shown her my gun. 'Don't threaten me, Dorcas. I'm not in the mood.'"
"The magic seemed to seep away like water running into a crack in the rocks."
"Just so we understand each other, Ms. Blake. If you tell the police and they let loose the creature, the deaths will be on your head."
"Most children born of human and fairie blood don't have a lot of magic."
"My ancestor imprisoned Bloody Bones so he could make a potion of its blood. But the potion had to be remade periodically, retaken, or his magic deserted him."
"You say it nearly wiped out an entire tribe way back when?"
"You can't prepare for Bloody Bones," she said. "It is immortal, Ms. Blake, truly immortal. It cannot die."
"I'm not ready to cut the apron strings, but I'm going to have to lengthen them a bit."
"If you're not ashamed, you don't need to look away."
"I've never been around vampires that were having a good time when it didn't get ugly."
"I was going to give Larry the proverbial rope. Here was hoping he didn't hang himself."
"Being afraid doesn't help. Being prepared does."
"We have a council, ma petite. It has existed for a very long time."
"He had not fed tonight. and was wasting no power on looking pretty."
"The rules have not changed. Do not draw a weapon. Do not strike the first blow. They cannot harm us unless we break these rules."
"She cannot be your master, Janos. She is not powerful enough."
"Fine; they're over eighteen, but an unwilling human is still an unwilling human, regardless of age."
"I won't just stand here and watch you hurt them."
"Always so much more entertaining to break someone strong."
"The women came willingly into our house. They knew what we were, and agreed to help us entertain guests."
"Vampires have a very unique sense of what's harmful, don't they, Jean-Claude?"
"We were discussing whether to kill you all now, or later."
"I see accusation in your eyes, but remember this, ma petite, you asked me to bring you here."
"I am sure of nothing anymore, but I believe that they will keep their word."
"Let the human take his lashes. All you must agree to is satisfying the desires of my two helpers, Bettina and Pallas."
"It was a person used by royalty to be beaten in the place of the royal heir."
"You can't just drag a couple of underage girls in here and expect us to do nothing."
"I've seen what a whip can do," Jason said suddenly. "Don't hurt them."
"No killing, no crippling. We simply want our pound of flesh, and a quart of blood."
"You don't know what a whip will do to human flesh. You don't know what you're offering."
"I don't have a choice," he said. "Besides, I'm a big boy, remember? I can take care of myself."
"I remembered Jean-Claude's warning not to use weapons, but fuck it, I was going for the Browning."
"If they break the truce first, ma petite, then you are free to slaughter everyone in this room."
"Then I agree," he said, but his voice was soft and uncertain.
"Please, Jean-Claude, let me go. It's your ma petite, let me go."
"Looking away is like lying to yourself. You pretend it isn't happening, but it is."
"Everything dies, bitch. You aren't immortal, none of you are."
"Worry about the things you can control; the rest will either work themselves out, or they'll kill you. Either way, no more worries."
"Being allowed to leave was not the same thing as winning."
"They are monsters, Larry. Some of them are prettier than others, but they are monsters. Never doubt that."
"If I have not thanked you for saving my life tonight, ma petite, my apologies."
"Memories don't wash that easily. More's the pity."
"As long as she did not harm us, we could have been her guests for the day."
"Nothing like getting thrown into a wall to give you a little color."