
Wolf Gone Wild Quotes

Wolf Gone Wild by Juliette Cross

"Please just be quiet for five minutes. I need to think."
"My wolf might need to break someone's bones, but I didn't."
"All supernaturals in New Orleans knew about the Savoie sisters."
"The supernatural law was that blood-hosts must go willingly to feed a vampire for the night."
"Most humans were oblivious to the supernaturals living amongst them. Until they weren't."
"A good witch sees the truth, absorbs its goodness, and honors her gift."
"With great power must also come great responsibility."
"To be trustful and kind isn't a defect, Evie. It's rather wonderful really."
"Something funny?" She inched back a little and arched her brows in concern.
"Uh, I’m not sure what kind of witches you think we are, but we’re not whores."
"I mean"—I dropped my voice lower—"there’s something about you that calms the wolf."
"If you must know, I drive farther north in between projects or when I need quiet for inspiration."
"I don’t feel like I’ve been missing anything."
"You know, I saw this chick in cosplay as Gamora at Wizard World last year. I swear I thought it was actually the actress Zoe Saldana."
"It’s where the freaks and the geeks of the world unite."
"If you like artwork, I’ll create a sculpture for you in payment."
"You go take care of your werewolf. I’ll be fine on my own."
"You’ve got the craziest imagination, sweetie."
"You should’ve pulled his arm out of the socket."
"It’s like her presence whispered to my muse, channeling my energy into my hands and fingers to do the work it was made to do."
"It was right before King Leonidas left for the battle at Thermopylae. This was the last moment he would look on his wife, Queen Gorgo."
"Mr. Cruz creates one-of-a-kind pieces. He never creates the same Greek character twice."
"A fleeting moment between two people who obviously had loved each other for a long time. It wasn’t a clingy, needy touch, but a swift, careful one that said so much. A deep, knowing kind of love."
"To see that serene marble crack into disbelief was more comical than hurtful."
"Sending me that damn card to rub it in my face screamed loud and clear that he was not for me."
"The world of witches was a small circle, so our choice for spouses was practically microscopic."
"The last thing in the world I wanted was to have Dr. Derek gloating over me with some model-leggy blonde on his arm."
"It was like his comments about my pitiful attempt at being an artist had stabbed holes in my sails, and I couldn’t make myself venture out into open water just in case he was right and I’d end up sinking and drowning."
"I needed to see you. Be near you." He winced. "I know that sounds so creepy."
"Men are beasts, Capitán. So be it. Blood of your blood, till the end of time, will curse your name and pay your crime. In every heart, beauty will dwell beside the beast, only the man can tell, who will rule and who will feast."
"I couldn’t imagine Mateo as a bloodthirsty animal, tracking down witches and killing them. He was, like Clara said, a nice guy."
"The moon was full and beautiful, shining down on a pool in the warm summer night, stars shimmering on the water like fireflies."
"Some survival instinct told me to never run from a hunting predator, but holy hell, my brain shut down and my body took over."
"This isn’t real. This isn’t real," I mumbled over and over to myself."
"What the—? How did he—?" But no, werewolves weren’t psychic. Only witches had that ability."
"Kind of a wet dream, if I was totally honest with myself."
"I can promise you this," she said. "Any man capable of restoring an old beauty like this couldn’t possibly disappoint me with his surprise."
"I ogled the menu and wanted to spank it and make it my bitch."
"I’m not pissed at him. I broke up with him, remember?"
"The least you can do is save me a dance at the Coven Guild Party. I won’t take no for an answer."
"If I was going to stalk anyone, it would be you, Evie."
"I’ll have to think of another way to get those five stars."
"Don’t wear them out. They have a flight to catch tomorrow afternoon."
"This kind of witch could transfer energy from any source into another. Apparently, even energy to extend the life of a cat."
"Mateo, where does your inspiration for your art come from?" "Um, mostly mythology. And history."
"My mother, She was fond of the Greeks. I believe that’s where it started for me."
"It’s okay, I just need a few strands for Violet. I promise not to damage your pretty hair."
"Relax," she whispered down to me. So I tried.
"We’re a very attractive guy, Mateo. Handsome with a thriving business. A sensitive artist."
"By the time we got to the front door, I’d erected a stone fortress, complete with battlements and a moat filled with crocodiles, around my silly, soft heart."
"I’m not sure what I was expecting of your fellow artists in the gallery, but it sure wasn’t her."
"I’m not mad at you." And now it was true somehow.
"Whatever you have planned, it must not be Halloween-related." "Why not?" "Because it’s Halloween, doofus."
"So if you have any requests, tonight is the night to ask."
"Death isn’t just about endings. It’s about beginnings as well. It can mean birth and rebirth. Change and transformation."
"I can take nothing for that reading, and you know it."
"You think Alpha would’ve had his way with me?"
"That’s how it felt, you know. This song. When the shift would come over me, it was like passing my wolf on the stairs, like seeing an old friend and brushing by him with a nod."
"Except for that one time with my father, he’d kept his end of the bargain, Evie."
"I would never act on those cravings…unless you wanted me to."
"The past couple of days, I kept praying I wasn’t alone in this."
"That next time I won’t be able to push Alpha back again."
"So, I think we have good chemistry together."
"A man can fall for many women, but the wolf falls only once."
"He wasn’t just cursed. He was dipped into the batter of a very, very dark spell."
"Don’t hurt him, Jules. Don’t take anything away. It’s not his fault."
"This wasn’t your fault. We’re dealing with something I’ve never seen. Far more powerful than we thought."
"I’ve never failed to break a curse," I said dumbly.
"Stop saying that. It wasn’t you who did that. It was the curse that blocked your magic. We had no idea. We need to find out more before we move forward."
"I’m sorry, Mateo. We’ll figure this out. Don’t you worry."
"His dark lashes formed perfect black crescents on his cheeks."
"So soft." He fanned his hand from the base of my skull and let the strands drift out of his fingers.
"It’s going to be okay. We’ll figure this out."
"You felt it?" "Yes. Definitely." Jules looked at me. "It was like a living malevolence, wasn’t it?"
"We’re dealing with something serious. Someone serious."
"Don’t be ridiculous. Yes, you should show extreme caution because this witch means business. But every one of you is more powerful than any blood witch."
"But now I’m more worried than ever. I mean, blood magic? What the hell?"
"The sooner we can get to the bottom of it, the better off we’ll be. If my mother says we can handle this, then we can. Trust me."
"You mean, speaking to magic," clarified Mateo.
"Speaking of dates, I'd like to take you on one."
"You're like the perfect man conjured from my nerdiest fantasies."
"I'm not blind. I saw enough to make a good, sound judgment of your artistic ability."
"It will take away the fear and give you the focus you need."
"I'll ask around and see if I can find anything."
"Welcome to the best Thanksgiving meal you’ll ever have."
"She’s got us for slave labor, so don’t you worry your pretty head."
"This is my day to give back to those who work so hard for us."
"So incredible it scrambled my brain. I can’t think straight."
"Let’s start with your award-winning meat pie."
"She ain’t smiling like that because of a damn omelet."
"You could’ve made someone up. Some beauty from your imagination."
"Why bother? When I know a woman, now intimately, who I can’t get out of my head."
"It’s good to see you relaxed, Mateo. So happy."
"What does the whole of these symbols mean? I need it reduced down to a word, Jules."
"The key opens a doorway and can only be used in conjunction with other witch sign in a complex spell."
"Just enjoying the ride now that we’re finally on the same page."
"This isn’t a walk of shame, Mateo. It’s a walk of pride."
"Gotta keep our girl healthy. Full of energy."
"Draws out negative energy, then heals the body and mind."
"You’re the bestest boyfriend in the whole wide world."