
A Touch Of Midnight Quotes

A Touch Of Midnight by Lara Adrian

"She wasn’t blind to the fact that the single professor had selected only female students for his after-hours extra credit project."
"Having come to Boston University on a full academic scholarship and the highest SAT scores across twenty-two parishes in south central Louisiana, Savannah didn’t really need help bolstering her grades."
"Much as she loved Amelie, Savannah had been happy to leave the bayou behind and try to make her own path in life. A normal life."
"For as long as she could remember, she’d felt...different."
"She knew of a far more efficient, accurate way to resolve the origins—all the hidden secrets—of these old treasures."
"Through the lens of her mind’s eye, Savannah watched the warrior come to a halt. He stared down at the one he now met in mortal combat."
"The man was immense, thick roped muscles bulging from broad shoulders and biceps beneath the loose drape of his ecru linen shirt."
"She closed her eyes and tried to conjure the face of the swordsman from memory, but only the faintest impression of him remained within her grasp."
"She’d seen a lot of incredible things with her gift before, but never something like this."
"Eva had set off the compound’s kitchen smoke alarm again."
"Besides," Eva went on, "there was only a little bit of smoke this time. I swear that alarm hates me."
"Cooking has never been your best quality. Look at the upside, at least no one got hurt."
"He could no longer picture the boys’ faces, or hear their laughter. But he could still taste the ash from the fire as he tried desperately to pull them out of the burning stable the night they were killed."
"Trying to find some small degree of redemption for how he’d failed to protect them."
"It had a ruby in the pommel, held in place by carved steel talons."
"Someone was in the library’s delivery room outside."
"The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled."
"I suppose you could say I’m more comfortable with the past."
"No, the quest for truth by someone who isn’t afraid to pursue it, no matter the cost."
"Painting is silent poetry, and poetry is painting that speaks."
"All it took was a chance meeting with a stranger, some unexpected conversation."
"I’m okay, but what about you? What are you doing out of the hospital?"
"I’m leaving tonight for Louisiana. I‘ve already got my bus ticket reserved and waiting for me."
"One can never be too careful these days, sad to say."
"There are some problems at home right now, and my family needs me there."
"You’re the only thing that feels real to me, Gideon."
"I need to understand that there are dangers in this world."
"You make me feel as though nothing bad can touch me so long as I’m with you."
"I don’t want you to be afraid of me, Savannah. If you would just hear me out now—"
"You’re not human," she murmured. "You can’t be."
"I mean, how could it be you, right?" she pressed, a raw edge to her words. "The man I saw should be a couple of centuries dead by now."
"I’m not undead, Savannah. That’s where myth and reality differ the most when it comes to my kind. The Breed is otherworldly in origin. Big difference."
"You have nothing to fear from me," he told her, speaking the words as a promise. A solemn vow.
"Feel me, Savannah. I’m flesh and blood and bone, just like you. And I will never harm you."
"I doubt there’s ever been anyone more worthy," he replied.
"The Ancients were otherworlders, not little green men. Deadly predators unlike this planet has ever seen. The very top of the food chain."
"Desire," he rasped thickly. "That’s what those colors mean."
"I’ve never imagined I could feel all the things I feel with you, Gideon."
"You’re a first in that regard. I’ve had my share of liaisons. Thoughtless dalliances that meant nothing to me."
"None of them were, compared to this. Compared to you."
"I learned from it. It made me more careful. More protective of myself, of my heart."
"I’ve never understood how lost I’ve felt—all my life—until I found you."
"I thought killing Rogues would make the guilt about my brothers lessen, but it hasn’t."
"Simon and Roddy were killed three centuries ago."
"Three-hundred and seventy-two," he drawled. "Give or take a few months."
"Yes," she replied quietly, but without hesitation.
"It was easier to accept that he was Breed—something far other than human—than it was to realize she’d been played this whole time."
"One other person had used her to get something he wanted more, but Danny Meeks had only taken her virginity. Gideon had taken her heart."
"Then she pivoted and bolted, before the first hot tears began to flood her cheeks."
"His sole concern, his every cell, honed in on a single thought...her."
"You’re okay. Tegan brought you back to the compound last night."
"That she’s been your personal obsession since you saw her on that newscast the day of the attack at the university."
"She could be in danger, Tegan. I need to find her and make sure she’s all right."
"He crept off an unpaved road to stalk up on the modest, gray-shingled house."
"I’m not going to let anything happen to Savannah."
"Are you the one who broke her heart back there in Boston, sent her back here last night like her whole world was falling apart?"
"I’m the one who loves her. More than life itself."
"My brothers were innocent children. You arranged for those three Rogues to go in and murder them?"
"The blood bond, Savannah...it’s permanent. Unbreakable."
"You saved me with your blood, Gideon. So, I had to try to save you with mine."
"I know you can feel my love inside you now, in your blood."
"Maybe there are other ways—non-combat ways—that I can serve the Order’s missions, yet keep a pledge to you...my woman. My Breedmate. My forever love."
"You hurt me, Gideon. You weren’t honest with me."
"Say you love me, and let me start being the man you make me want to be."
"A lifetime with Gideon was going to be very, very good."