
Tiger's Curse Quotes

Tiger's Curse by Colleen Houck

"I was standing on a precipice. Technically, I was just standing in line at a temp job office in Oregon, but it felt like a precipice. Childhood, high school, and the illusion that life was good and times were easy were behind me. Ahead loomed the future: college, a variety of summer jobs to help pay for tuition, and the probability of a lonely adulthood."
"Plans change. It seems that your brother would like to take my daughter for his bride. He has promised me certain remunerations if I help him achieve that goal."
"Don’t you see? Your actions have freed the viper, and we are bitten. His poison now runs through our blood, destroying everything."
"Writing my own book was a chance to channel my inner hero. I’m a lot like my character, Kelsey. We both have a special blanket given to us by our grandmothers, we both love chocolate, and we both sat in the back of class."
"He’s like James Bond, Antonio Banderas, and Brad Pitt all rolled into one," Kelsey thinks.
"Hard work keeps you grounded," Dad always used to say. "When you love someone, you learn to give and take. Someday that will happen to you too."
"The personal stories of Stephenie Meyer and J.K. Rowling really touched me. Both women just decided one day to give writing a try and the course of their lives changed."
"Tigers could be completely wiped out in the next ten years. India has already passed several laws against killing them. Poachers and villagers are mostly responsible."
"We are like a small, how you say, family here, and need some assistance while we are in your magnifica città, eh? Splendido to have you! Let us get started immediatamente."
"Those eyes. They were mesmerizing. They stared right into me, almost as if the tiger was examining my soul."
"I hope that safety door holds, or I’ll be what’s served for breakfast."
"Ah, you’ve offended him. He’s very sensitive, you know."
"I am the Cat. Because I bend not to the will of man."
"I, the Cat, whose ancestors Proudly trod the jungle, Not one ever tamed by man."
"What would you like to read today? How about that cat poem I promised you?"
"A large cat staring at you with great intensity can’t be a good thing."
"An Indian tragedy. It reminds me of Shakespeare."
"I really would like to go to India and see Ren settled on the tiger reserve."
"Technically, I was an adult, but I was still nervous about traveling so far alone."
"Comparing this to a regular plane was like comparing a soggy, stale French fry you find under a car seat with a giant baked potato with salt rubbed into the skin and topped with sour cream, crumbled bacon, butter, shredded cheese, and sprinkled with fresh-cracked black pepper. Yep, this plane was loaded."
"When life gives you lemons, make lemon meringue pie."
"The key to happiness is to try to make the best of, and be thankful for, the hand we’re dealt."
"If you stare into a tiger’s eyes long enough, you will be able to recognize a kindred spirit."
"One flipper at a time, Miss Kelsey. One flipper at a time."
"The tiger is considered the great protector of the jungle."
"Tigers are also a symbol of power and immortality."
"I think he can hurt me, but I know he won't hurt me."
"Trust me, Miss Kelsey. All will be well with you."
"You never know what things might come in handy along the journey."
"Are there any damsel-in-distress type tiger myths?"
"It was twilight, and the dark canopy of trees overhead blocked out the little sun we had left."
"Despite all the time I’d spent with him, he’d chosen not to share this secret with me."
"I trusted my tiger, but could I trust the man?"
"It requires patience and for this explanation you will need some."
"I have to do this rather quickly. I only have a few minutes of each day when I can take human form."
"I knew he’d never hurt me. He was a . . . friend, and I trusted him."
"So, what are you? Are you a man who became a tiger or a tiger that turned into a man?"
"Keeping still is something I had to learn while being a tiger."
"Please, come inside the house. You can sit down and relax, and I will attempt to explain everything."
"Even barefoot with nondescript clothing, he looked like someone powerful."
"Tigers always seem regal to me. They capture my attention."
"In the language of the Hindus, Durga means ‘invincible one.’"
"I yanked off my socks and enjoyed walking barefoot on the plush carpet."
"Soft plum-colored towels hung on a heated rack and glass bottles held soaps and bubble bath in lavender and peach fragrances."
"I scooted to the back of the bed and had just pulled out my poetry book when I heard a light tapping at the open veranda doors."
"He was so good looking that I felt even mousier than usual."
"Ren smiled at me widely and almost knocked me off my feet."
"I was mesmerized by his bright blue eyes, which somehow sparkled even in the dark."
"My father was of Indian descent, but my mother was Asian."
"I don’t know. I was twenty-one when I was cursed. I haven’t aged since then."
"I realized that in a way, we were both alone, and I felt great compassion for him in that moment."
"Instead, I felt comforted. Ren’s loss echoed my own, and his touch gave me a sense of peace."
"Normally, I would never wear midriff-exposing clothing, but this dress was stunning."
"I couldn’t imagine three hundred years without human contact, without communication, without anyone looking into my eyes and knowing who I am."
"The Seal is a special stone that has been in my care all these years."
"She wanted to follow the natural course of life."
"He smiled at me. 'Don’t feel sad for me, Miss Kelsey. It is a time for celebration. You have come into our lives.'"
"I don’t think my heart could take saying goodbye again."
"The skirt slid smoothly over my head and down my arms to settle at my waist."
"I decided I would make an extra effort with my hair and makeup."
"You standing here in the setting sun with your hair and skin aglow is almost more than a man can . . . fully appreciate."
"I tried to change the subject. 'What does sundari mean?' 'It means ‘most beautiful.’'"
"I was very grateful that he took the more dangerous side."
"All it would take was one second of slipped concentration—one wrong step and I’d be dead."
"After the spikes, the bugs don’t seem so bad anymore."
"Tigers can swim. I can hold my breath longer as a tiger than as a man."
"Men! No matter what century they’re from, they’re all the same."
"Wonderful! Who do you think I am? Indiana Jones?"
"Romeo was a fool. His big mistake was not announcing the marriage."
"I’m just sad that you had so much warfare in your life and that you missed out on so many other things."
"War was different then than it is today. We followed a warrior’s code, similar to Europe’s code of chivalry."
"I have seen the world change century after century. I have witnessed many terrible things, as well as many wonderful things."
"It’s not for me to tell. This is his story to share."
"It’s beautiful, isn’t it? It’s my favorite place in the entire world."
"Thank you for saving me. What would I do without you?"
"Despite appearances, I’m usually pretty good at taking care of myself."
"Kelsey, we all have some animalistic tendencies."
"I hope you both appreciate the fact that cleaning your wounds freaks me out. I hate blood."
"You’re punishing yourself by staying out here in the wild, aren’t you?"
"I gave up wishing for things that will never be a long, long time ago."
"Thank you, Kelsey, for the very interesting chat."
"Too many nights sleeping on the hard ground and you wind up an old lady before your time."
"Relax, Kelsey. Your back is full of knots. Let me work on it."
"He’s lucky to have you, and he’d better realize it."
"You are confident, feisty, intelligent, and full of empathy."
"It’s not a sign of weakness to need help sometimes."
"Captivity is still captivity no matter how pretty the jail is."
"Being caged made me think long and hard about my relationships with other creatures."
"For some reason, after you wished me free, I was able to call him."
"My lovely, your enthusiasm is infectious. A man can’t be near you and remain aloof to your cause."
"I wouldn’t want anything to happen to you, bilauta."
"You have come to seek my blessing, and my blessing I will give. Come closer to me and accept it."
"Our faith is weak and simple. Our task is complex and mystifying. Please help us find understanding and strength."
"I don’t know. I hope it’s true so the tigers can be freed."
"If something looks dangerous, avoid it. If something chases you, run."
"It’s faith that keeps me focused on our goal."
"For such a young person, you’re very compassionate and perceptive."
"I have great confidence in you and Ren, and I believe, for the first time in centuries, that there is hope."
"The prize you seek is hidden in Hanuman’s Kingdom. My sign will show you the gateway."
"I guess I'll have to be really careful with this thing."