
Brutal Obsession Quotes

Brutal Obsession by S. Massery

"Money and good looks will help people get away with just about anything."
"People are sheep, all too eager to be sacrificed to the wolves."
"The familiar, intoxicating smell of burning rubber follows me."
"I scream right along with them. My coffee goes everywhere."
"You recognize me. I clench my jaw to keep from saying anything."
"When I’m done with you, your precious little dance team won’t be the only thing I take from you."
"She looks at me like I just stuck a knife into her and twisted the blade."
"It’s that sort of purge that tends to be necessary."
"I’m not what they think I am. I’m not anything, at the moment. I’m free-floating."
"I didn’t know it until just now. But your fear is better than any drug."
"How many ways can a person break before they can be reshaped into something new?"
"Sometimes you’re more trouble than you’re worth."
"What did he do to get you to drop the suit in the first place, I wonder?"
"That was the last dick you’re ever going to touch that isn’t mine."
"Because maybe she’ll forgive me for this, or maybe she won’t."
"You don’t think he’s going to send Greyson to get you, do you? That would be… Terrible."
"I don’t like chaos, I don’t like uncertainty."
"Well, not Violet. She had the chance to run because she’s seen past the veneer, and she knows what my family is capable of."
"You’re either in our good graces, not worth our time, or you’re our enemy."
"Hope is this dangerous thing. It’s quiet and warm and it stays locked away until we feed it, and then it bursts into flame. It can consume us."
"I want to know every little thing about her."
"Tomorrow, all the bad things can sweep back into my brain. Tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow."
"Everything a politician’s son needs."
"Once the receipt comes back, he signs it with a flourish."
"The better question: where would she think I wouldn’t find her?"
"That’s exactly what I’ll become. Tougher than he could ever imagine. Stronger, too."
"But somehow, sparring with Greyson has worn away the edges."
"My heart is rioting, slamming against my ribs. My pulse is all I can hear, like rushing water in my ears, and I struggle to calm down."
"Sleepovers generally don’t involve that much sleep."
"I thrash against the handcuffs, trying to dislodge him, and he covers my mouth over the duct tape."
"I don’t remember much about it. I was rushed into surgery…"
"I let it happen. I fucking let him do this to me, and a part of me is getting off on this knowledge."
"The rational part of my brain has shut off and checked out. She’s long gone."
"What do you think will happen if one of them wakes up?"
"If I truly wanted him to stop, I could scream through the tape."
"No matter what Greyson does to me, there’s always a bigger threat."
"I’ve been waiting for this opportunity for months."
"Remember the last game you went to, Violet? Remember what happened to us?"
"Dance was my outlet for stress for such a long time, I used it to get more confident."
"That hope inside me? It grew and grew and grew, and now it pops."
"I love fresh ice," he says in my ear. "I love that there aren’t any other marks to catch my blade."
"Your cunt looks like it was made to hold my cum," he says eventually.
"My leg doesn’t hurt like he says it should. Not really."
"The added classes worked us all ragged, because we wanted to be the best."
"I’ve always been sensible about money, and this feels largely out of my scope of knowledge."
"They keep catching my attention. The lights, that is."
"Standing under the spotlights on stage was warm. Hot, even."
"The world is tilting, and I’d rather tumble headfirst into traffic than let him assist me."
"Because inside, everything becomes real. And I just really don’t want to live in the real world for a little while longer."
"Leaning into the hate seems a lot less scary."
"I collect them because the alternative is worse."
"Outward appearances can be deceiving. I know that better than anyone."
"You fuck with the team, you fuck with the whole school. Got it?"
"It wasn’t intense physically, but emotionally?"
"You’re not leaving me any choice," he mutters.
"Don’t give me your excuses. You’re going to get up and come with me."
"You know what, Violet? I don’t fucking believe you."
"How would it feel to die like this?" he asks, reading my mind. "Suffocating on my cock."
"You’re an embarrassment," he says to her. "Get the fuck away from us."
"Even if you hadn’t come along, as you said… Even then, we were destined to find each other."
"Without them, I fear I’ll forget her face. Her voice is already a distant memory. Her smile, her fake-serious expression when she caught me doing something I shouldn’t, and she was doing her best not to burst into giggles… those stick. Her laugh, too. I hope I never forget them."
"Good thing, too, because she’s not at home. At this hour?"
"She wears athletic shorts and a cropped top, and it paints every muscle in sharp relief. The harsh lights and shadows help give her a dangerously fragile appearance. Like that of a bird about to take flight."
""I see you," she says. Her head whips around with each spin, up on her toe. She turns breathtakingly fast, but she doesn’t lose balance."
""My body will heal." She meets my eyes. "Unless you’re planning on breaking me again.""
""It’s the ‘Moonlight Sonata.’ The first movement.""
""You’ll never fucking find it," I say. "Because I burned it to ashes.""
""Okay." My voice is pitched low. "I know what this is about.""
"There's a certain magic that happens to the school on Friday nights when the hockey team is playing at our home stadium."
"If I wanted, I could move the money into a separate account without his name on it. That’s exactly what I did."
"Trust me, Coach, I’d never ask him to do that. He and I haven’t discussed this."
"This is the biggest fucking game of the season, so he’s nuts if he thinks I’m pulling one of my best skaters."
"You’ve got me intrigued, Reece. You ever score a hat trick?"
"It takes dedication on top of the love. It takes a willingness to fight to stay together."
"And that’s exactly what I want. I want to get so close to Violet, I inhabit her skin."
"It’s stupid how much I want Violet all to myself."
"I’ve never loved anyone. I don’t know what it feels like or if I’m feeling it right."
"Fights are legal, for the most part. As in, unless it’s extreme, you’re not going to get kicked out of the game. Brawls are an integral part of it."
"Funny. I thought… I thought I’d have her if I truly needed her."
"I’m not sure there’s anything I wouldn’t do."
"This girl you’re championing has been stealing from our family for months."
"And the guilt follows me a second later, because now I’m left to wonder if I should’ve seen the signs. Could I have prevented this?"
"I thought insurance took care of my hospital expenses and that she had a job she liked."
"I want to scream at him that it’s not true. That this final manipulation is an effort of his father to break us apart once and for all."
"I wanted my medical bills covered," I say quietly. "Because my career was over."
"You took—" "Violet’s career," he interrupts."
"I’m sure any article that comes out about you would be national news."
""Don’t you ever fucking lay a hand on her," he says in the bodyguard’s face."
"I don’t want to even think about seeing them again."
""Thank you," I say. "For coming to rescue me."
""I will. But I’m too busy imagining all of the demons that live under your skin, and how I’m going to make every single one of their dreams come true."
""You’re my favorite person on this planet, Violet Reece.""
"I just wanted to give you a heads-up about Shawn and the open audition."
"I want the distraction," I finally say. "Of a violent variety."
"Sometimes I think we’ll never be close enough. Is that strange?"
"Thank you. I’m glad to see you back, Ms. Reece."
"We’re so pleased to be offering spots in our company to talented dancers."
"I wanted you to dance for the American Ballet Theatre."
"I think it's best if we go our separate ways. I love you, but…"
"We’re connected, you and I. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you."