
Once Upon A Time In Hollywood Quotes

Once Upon A Time In Hollywood by Quentin Tarantino

"We're human people; human people cry. It's a good thing."
"It doesn't matter if you think he was a total failure. And it doesn't matter if you think it's the biggest piece of shit you've ever seen in your life. What matters is he tried to make art."
"I thought Ralph Meeker was sensational, the best damn actor I ever worked with."
"Sometimes you had to watch the whole movie just to know what it was you saw."
"Nothing... and I mean nothing, is as important to me as my client list."
"I've been doing this over ten years, Mr. Schwarz. And it's a little hard to sit here after all that time and come face-to-face with what a failure I've become."
"I’m okay now, just embarrassed. Sorry about this humiliating display."
"Actors have to be able to access their emotions. We need our actors to cry."
"But the studio kept puttin’ me in flicks with faded old fucks."
"William Witney busted his ass to get his day done and have good footage at the end of it. But he was hardly a sculptor turning a piece of rock into a woman’s buttocks that you wanted to fondle."
"He was a little concerned when he heard it was based on Shakespeare’s Macbeth. Cliff never responded to Shakespeare (though he wished he did)."
"Cliff’s connection and devotion to Japanese cinema wasn’t limited to just Kurosawa and Mifune."
"But there were a lot of foreign filmmaking heavyweights of the fifties and sixties Cliff wasn’t enamored with."
"Cliff thought back to what Richard Schickel wrote in that Life magazine in Marvin Schwarz’s outer office: 'Ten—even five—years ago, this would have been dreadfully shocking aesthetically and culturally, not to mention morally. But we have in every area of thought and art been brought so teasingly close to this level of explicitness that it’s a relief to arrive there and finally be done with it.'"
"Rick Dalton’s 1964 Cadillac Coupe de Ville, with his driver Cliff Booth behind the wheel, pulls out of the underground parking lot of the William Morris building onto Charleville, then turns one block down onto Wilshire Boulevard."
"After Cliff became a widower, he never had another serious relationship with a woman for the rest of his life. He fucked girls. He took advantage of all that free pussy/free love that was floating around in the late sixties. But no serious girlfriends and definitely no wives."
"The dog waits anxiously by the door to Cliff’s trailer home for the sound of her master’s Karmann Ghia pulling up outside. The moment she hears it, her little nub of a tail starts quickly moving from left to right, and she instinctively whines and scratches at the door with her paw."
"That’s the spirit," he said, as he pulled back onto the highway.
"Bless your sweet heart calling my sun damage a tan."
"A dude with a big black stallion named Boston Strangler, now, that’s a fella you can trust."
"Well, if ya ask me, this Tony's one lucky fella!"
"You'll melt all the girls' hearts, you handsome devil."
"I swear, you're gonna turn into a cup of Postum."
"Americans love their fucking dogs more than they love their children!"
"And bless your sweet heart calling my sun damage a tan."
"Unlike a train, a stagecoach arriving three hours later than scheduled was practically on time."
"Both brothers were born on the Lancer Ranch, but neither had met the other."
"Johnny’s whole childhood, he thought sex was something men paid women to do, like dance and sing, cook food, or wash their clothes."
"And even though it took him a decade, he eventually killed every member of that crooked jury as well."
"In the meantime, there was gold to be stolen, pussy to be laid, and tequila to be guzzled."
"Mirabella Lancer caught her breath as the Butterfield stagecoach door finally opened."
"Oh my goodness," she exclaimed excitedly, "this is great! Both of you came together!"
"Some say luck is when preparation meets opportunity."
"It’s the actor’s job to avoid impediments to their performance. It’s the actor’s job to strive for one hundred percent effectiveness. Naturally we never succeed, but it’s the pursuit that’s meaningful."
"I believe it’s the job of an actor—and I say actor, not actress, because the word ‘actress’ is nonsensical—it’s the actor’s job to avoid impediments to their performance."
"He’s a genius, you know. I mean a once in every fifty or hundred years kinda genius."
"If she likes Last Train to Clarksville better than A Day in the Life, she likes it better; she doesn’t care who wrote it."
"What’s not to love? They pay you a lot of money for pretending, they feed you, they fly you places, they put you up, give you spending cash, and do their best to make you look good?"
"But the truth of the matter is, I don’t have representation, so if all goes well with this audition and they want to sign me to a contract, I’m all by my lonesome."
"A paradise, where her sins would be washed away, was what lay before her (if this whole Jesus business was to be believed)."
"Reading western paperbacks is one of the most solitary activities that he partakes in."
"He’s not the best anymore. In fact, far from it."
"Now I’m crying in front of children about my fucked-up life? Holy shit, I’ve turned into my Uncle Dave."
"I must be getting old. I can’t talk ’bout nothin’ touchin’ wit’out gettin’ all choked up."
"Wait till you’re fifteen, you’ll be livin’ it."
"Maybe this book hits harder than I gave it credit for."
"Don’t make me act scared, make me react scared."
"Having more confirmed kills of Japanese enemy soldiers than any other American serviceman fighting in the Pacific theater is one hell of a feat."
"Movies weren’t art, not like the Thomas Hardy book in her hand. They were entertainment."
"Because he could." - Roman's reasoning for manipulating the audience
"She fell in love with and married a cinematic Mozart." - Sharon's realization about Roman
"The Wrecking Crew isn't a film, it's a movie." - Sharon's critique
"I want you to think about a rattlesnake." - Sam to Rick
"It's actually American English that is closer to the English spoken in Will's day." - Sam's opinion on Shakespearean acting
"He's the bastard son who's been resentful his whole life." - Sam describing Edmund to Rick
"Fuck those motherfuckers!" - Bob's victorious exclamation
"I can't believe they put that goddamn mustache on him." - Jim Stacy's frustration
"He wasn’t bad." - Jim Stacy's assessment of Rick Dalton's acting
"If that sadistic rock-headed bastard was that cool, I woulda stayed put till the war was over." - Cliff's opinion on the movie portrayal of his wartime experience
"The goddamn movie practically had me rootin' fer the fuckin' Japs." - Cliff's reaction to the movie's portrayal of the Japanese
"Do not underestimate the desire for a woman to have a daddy take care of them."
"You can’t be bored, you can’t resent it, nobody gives a shit if you’re in the mood."
"It’s like that old expression, the only people who don’t like riding horses are cowboys."
"For work, they fuck customers for money. For work, you fuck them for money."
"When a man of principle battles a scoundrel, the scoundrel always at first has the upper hand."
"In other words, a maq ain’t got no days off."
"And when you’re Murdock goddamn Lancer, life’s pretty fuckin’ sweet."
"The only people who don’t like riding horses are cowboys."
"Tourists love to drive me. I’m the favorite part of their L.A. vacation."
"What? he thinks. At first, when she said Spahn Movie Ranch, Cliff just assumed she was George Spahn’s hippie granddaughter or his hippie caretaker."
"In the meantime, he intends to keep flirting with Elbows and Kneecaps and maybe find out more about these 'friends' and where they came from."
"I’m just surprised what an accurate description of me that was. Some old cowboy dude who used to make movies at Spahn Ranch."
"Actors are phony. They just say lines that other people write. They pretend to murder people on their stupid TV shows, while real people are being murdered every day in Vietnam."
"It’s only by embracing fear that one conquers one’s self. To conquer fear is to render one unconquerable."
"Great! she hollers, as she folds herself up on the passenger-side front seat."
"Hey, Mark Twain said, 'If people didn’t have different opinions, there’d be no such thing as horse races.'"
"What I’m too old to do is go to jail for poontang."
"A life that consisted of merely existing transformed itself into a life of purpose."
"Charlie is love. And you can’t kill love with a shotgun."
"Later my dad asked Charlie could he join the Family."
"Professionals know their lines, and Rick is a professional."
"And you’re going to rule it violent, rule it cruel, you’re going to rule it like a cowboy De Sade, but you’re going to rule!"
"But if push came to shove, and you had to do the thing you said you’d do, kill me—you couldn’t do it."
"The allure of The Beverly Hillbillies, Gomer Pyle, Get Smart, and Gilligan’s Island isn’t going to challenge his authority."
"Not bragging, mind you, just letting you know I know the place."
"I think I’ve been shot off of horses on every inch of that main drag."
"Because me and George like to watch TV on Saturday night."
"It doesn’t matter, George, I’m an old colleague from the past, and I just wanted to make sure you’re okay."
"With all my heart, and everything that I have, and everything that I am, I love George."
"I got more cock in the Navy than he did his whole forty years in Hollywood."
"It was some of the finest acting I’ve ever seen in my whole life."
"You didn’t treat me like some little eight-year-old actress. You treated me like an actor colleague."
"If you don’t know your lines, I’m going to make you look bad in front of the crew."
"I’m not bothering him, Mom! I’m congratulating him on his performance!"
"I hear he was the biggest queer in Hollywood."
"Greed's what makes the world go 'round, little lady."
"I'm entitled to whatever I can take! And after I take it, I'm entitled to whatever I can keep!"
"If I was your pa, I'd cut off my arm to get you back!"
"My only problem, Caleb, is you keep callin' me 'Madrid.'"
"Wow, Rick, isn't our job great? We're so lucky, ain't we?"