
The Homewreckers Quotes

The Homewreckers by Mary Kay Andrews

The Homewreckers Quotes
"It's not enough for me to be as good as a man. I gotta be better than them. And I gotta prove it. Every. Damned. Day."
"I believe in fixing up old houses, finding their souls, making them shine again, and giving them new life."
"A house is just a bunch of lumber and nails, Hattie. It’s just a thing. Never fall in love with anything that can’t love you back."
"I might have found a buyer for all those damn kitchen cabinets."
"I'm Hattie Kavanaugh. And I’m helping to save my hometown of Savannah. One old house at a time."
"You know how it is, the cobbler’s children..."
"This house isn’t a teardown, it’s a fall-down."
"Every day, I drive past old houses in this town that are just sitting there, slowly deteriorating. It’s our history, you know? The history of our community."
"Finding the right property at the right price—it's like looking for a needle in a haystack."
"Nobody likes a skeleton-in-the-closet-type surprise."
"You get to pound the hell out of it, and it doesn't talk back."
"The only person he really cared about was himself."
"I can't wait to get busy on Homewreckers. You’re going to be amazing!"
"Her hand was shaking uncontrollably when he took the ring from the box and slid it onto her left hand."
"I don’t appreciate being judged all over again by my own daughter."
"I don’t need your love, or your approval, or even your respect anymore."
"Trae? Oh. Right. The designer-slash-catalog model."
"You can’t buy my family’s house out from under me like that."
"I think Elise got custody of my mother in the divorce."
"Let’s just hope the ceiling joists are still intact."
"You just missed her. She loves ‘helping’ play store here."
"You’ve got potential, all right, along with lots and lots of problems."
"We run into these kinds of problems all the time on the coast here in Georgia."
"I was still stubbornly, insanely, calling Saving Savannah."
"I finally figured it out. Everything is a transaction to you."
"Jesus, Mary, and Fred, Hattie, what have you gotten us into?"
"The past is past. Just try to get through it, and give yourself some grace."
"Everyone agreed, even if the marriage was in trouble, she never would have walked off and left her little kid like that."
"It’s like Friday Night Lights but on steroids."
"The kind of teacher who actually listened. Who was interested in what was going on with her students."
"If she were going to leave, she would have taken us with her, or sent for us."
"My guys are about ready to roll out. All things considered, you got damn lucky."
"You’re the star of Homewreckers. All these reporters want to hear from you."
"The newspaper story mentioned Homewreckers and the network. It’s gone viral. All publicity is good publicity as far as HPTV is concerned."
"I’m not really an asshole in real life, I just play one on television."
"Clearly, you can see the dumpster isn’t covered."
"Whoever took that photo was trespassing on private property."
"She’s saying your ‘concerned citizen’ is a goddamned arsonist."
"Don’t you have anything better to do with your time?"
"The firemen cut power to the house last night."
"I’m sure you’re aware that we had a fire out there last night."
"The only thing that separates us from the animals is our ability to accessorize."
"I guess we’ll just have to wait ’til Homewreckers premieres in September."
"I think this is the first time we’ve crashed a dumpster into an old septic tank."
"We’ve uncovered all kinds of weird, uh, stuff, over the years."
"We’re gonna gun it and pray to the sweet baby Jesus that it will work."
"We’ll reset the dumpster. But what you do with that stinky old septic tank after that? Not my problem."
"Don’t touch anything. Get your people away from that septic tank."
"I might never get the smell of that septic tank offa me."
"I’m gonna go sit in my car for a minute and get my shit together."
"How many times do I have to say it? I didn’t do it."
"I’m sorry to upset you this way at work, Emma."
"I would rather have died than let on to you."
"I’ve been trying to bleach that nightmare out of my brain for the past seventeen years."
"I can’t stand this lying to you. I’m such a fucking fraud."
"As God is my witness, I don’t know how that body ended up there."
"I’m gonna take a hot shower and wash off this stink."
"The hell you know is preferable to the heaven you don’t."
"You’re not nearly as big an asshole as I thought you were."
"We’re gonna have to find another old house to restore as soon as you sell this one."
"Only the best movie soundtrack song in the world."
"I don’t know how you have the energy to keep going."
"I even talked my high school girlfriend into doing it with me."
"This is not how I envisioned the evening ending."
"I’ll try to keep that in mind as I race to finish this damn house."
"Everyone in the country has been following this story."
"She and her husband had attended a neighborhood Super Bowl party."
"I’m going to rush those Homewreckers T-shirts into production."
"I just dropped by to have a little heart-to-heart with you."
"I’ll make it my business to ruin you and your shitty business."
"I'm not asking you to do anything like that. Honest. I'm not. I've got this great idea, and I think I can make it work, but only if you're a part of it."
"No. I don't know you at all. I thought we were friends. You, me, Hank."
"Don't worry about any of that stuff she said about your father. Nobody cares about shit that happened twenty years ago."
"As soon as I saw those burns on his hand and chest, I knew. He did it."
"The only shame in making mistakes is if you don't acknowledge them and learn from them."
"You should have let me do it. Let me take the easy way out. Not on your life."
"This is the second time this week that you’ve had to come to my rescue, Mo."
"Let’s do it. Let’s put what you do have in place in each room."
"We’ve already begun promoting it on the network."