
Stonehenge Quotes

Stonehenge by Bernard Cornwell

Stonehenge Quotes
"The gods talk by signs. It may be a leaf falling in summer, the cry of a dying beast or the ripple of wind on calm water."
"The gods were not talking that day. They were screaming."
"He was tall, had a narrow face and was reckoned one of the tribe’s great hunters."
"If Sannas were here, I would kill her first."
"Gold for the moles! Metal for the worms! Treasure for the grubs!"
"We scratch for flint and all the while we have gold."
"The business of life, he liked to say, is to plant grain, not blades."
"Folk don’t realize that. They want heroes, but heroes get their people killed."
"I have been unlucky in my sons," he said to Saban. "But in you I have a proper son. Prove it in these next days."
"It’s stupid being enemies. If men want to fight they should go and find the Outfolk."
"Women can worship whatever they want," Sannas said, "but it is a woman’s prayer that is heard, and women pray to Lahanna."
"I think I want to be like my father," he said carefully. "He’s a good chief."
"You need friends and hounds to beat me?" Saban asked.
"Bear meat," Hengall said, "to give you strength."
"A man who does nothing," Hengall liked to say, "eats nothing."
"Then it is time you went," Saban said, and led her eastward. He was a man.
"It means we are special to the gods. It means, I think, that this is the very center of all the world!"
"My brother is doing a marvelous thing, a thing that only a great man could do. Your brother is making the world anew."
"For years, I struggled with this world and its gods. I was trying to explain it all."
"The gods made you clever. The gods made me strong."
"All boys do. What good is a boy who wants to be anything else?"
"We never did ask why, we just wrapped a girl in gold and killed her, and we went on doing it year after year after year!"
"Things change, but priests do not change. And now things are changing fast."
"What you want counts for nothing, but what your brother wants is everything, and he saved your life."
"To go to war, I must lead my men across the black hills, then through the land of Salar’s people."
"We are sick, we are maimed and we are twisted. The gods made us perfect, and we are flawed. Why?"
"I simply treated her properly, unlike the fools you call healers and priests."
"I want everything to change, and then nothing will change, for we shall reach the point of balance."
"The gods want me, and I must want the same thing that they want."
"Give Slaol a whore and he’ll turn his back on us."
"I shall plant this on a stake outside this hut."
"He and a dozen men boarded the boat and paddled it downriver, followed on the bank by a horde of excited men."
"The harvest was cut and then the rains started, blasting from the ocean in teeming downpours so that Saban had to empty the moored boats of rainwater every day."
"At high tide one of the boats was hauled in to the river’s edge and its stern was tied firmly to the bank."
"Aurenna smiled. 'Our young men will return tomorrow,' she said. 'They will come in their boats and their song will be heard in the river. There will be joy tomorrow, so why cause more sadness tonight?'"
"He was waiting for the wind to die and the sea to settle, but the wind seemed relentless in those late summer days and the gray waves roared endlessly from the west to shatter white on the rocky coast."
"The evening tide brought the fleet upriver and, just as Aurenna had promised, the crews sang as they guided their big boats into her settlement."
"The skies stayed dark and he began to despair of ever moving the stones, but Lewydd never abandoned hope and his optimism was justified for one morning Saban woke to a strange calm."
"They were waiting for the weather. It was already late in the summer, but Lewydd prayed at Malkin’s shrine each morning then climbed the hills behind the settlement to peer westward."
"She did not raise her hands, she did not speak, but just stood there and the attackers checked."
"We are trying to turn the world back to its beginnings. To end winter. To drive sadness and weariness from the land."
"Lahanna and Slaol! They are made for each other as a man is made for a woman."
"I shall comfort them, and in time they will worship at our new temple and share in its joy."
"We have no wives, we have no husbands, we have no sons, we have no daughters, we have nothing till the temple is built."
"It was easier to be cleverer than Lengar, but men don’t admire cleverness. They admire power."
"The Outfolk have never worshipped Lahanna. And we were wrong."
"Our old life is gone. I was given to Slaol, and even though he rejected me I was ever his worshipper."
"Slaol wants a bride forever, a bride to match his glory in the sky and that can only be Lahanna."
"For once, don’t be a fool, because in time you will want my help."
"I am Sannas come back to earth, come to save you from punishment!"
"In the spring they will worship at our new temple and share in its joy."
"There was no wind that day and the world was silent and white."
"We shall build a temple, like none that is now or ever will be again."
"That is the mother stone, reminding us that we are of the earth and that the earth is at the heart of all that exists."
"And thus we shall take the dead from Lahanna and give them to Slaol, and it is Slaol who gives life."
"They will let the dead escape from Lahanna’s grip."
"Slaol demands that it be done! He wants it done in three years."
"And no one will ever be ill, and no one will be unhappy again."
"The graves will empty when the temple is built."
"The stone was a piece of stone so huge that it looked like a rib of the earth itself."
"And when we bring Slaol to the temple she will come to us."
"They will welcome us, but they will also keep silent."
"I have sworn my daughter's life on Hanna's life."
"He is coming with me, and you can take the ordeals there."
"Do any of you know how to raise a capstone to the summit of that pillar?"
"He was my father and my mother," he shouted, "my only family!"
"Haragg loved being a trader. He loved it. He was curious, you see, and he wandered the land to look for answers..."
"Go! You never really loved me! You never loved me, go!"
"The gods demand sacrifice. They always have. They always will."
"Fill it," he ordered the waiting men, and so they scraped the earth and chalk onto Camaban’s body...
"Day folded into darkness and the stones were left to the spirits."