
My Friend Anna: The True Story Of A Fake Heiress Quotes

My Friend Anna: The True Story Of A Fake Heiress by Rachel DeLoache Williams

My Friend Anna: The True Story Of A Fake Heiress Quotes
"It didn’t matter if it was a relative or the lady making milkshakes at Long’s Drug Store: through politeness we acknowledged another person’s dignity."
"Our parents wanted us to work hard and follow our passions, and they gave us the tools to do it."
"In the mood for the carbiest, creamiest, most truffle-covered pasta on the menu, she had ordered it without offering a single excuse, and with zero discernible trace of guilt."
"But without exception the people have texture, and texture is character, and character is fascinating."
"It takes individuals who are willing to look."
"I suppose, to varying degrees, we all try on different identities in college, on the path to finding our own."
"I strongly believe now that you should approach your first real job with some very specific guidelines, especially if you’re a recent liberal arts graduate."
"I discovered my passion for production, and fell in love with the fast-paced and glamorous world of photography."
"It’s a funny idea. Why is exclusivity appealing? We all want to be included. We crave validation, from friends and from strangers."
"Anything was possible, or maybe it had already happened. Maybe it was all already there."
"I’m about to see apartments in SoHo, she responded."
"I get interrupted all the time and about to get into meeting."
"It’s a lot of responsibility to have people working for you. People have families to feed. That’s no joke."
"Politics had little to do with power, she professed. Money was the world’s true governing force."
"You have to be scrappy, smart and self-motivated."
"It’s not illegal to buy anyone’s domains. I didn’t publish anything on them yet."
"It's not unusual for transfers to take a while, especially for higher amounts."
"Sorry, just got my phone now. Checking tonight."
"I only said it to say that I have multiple other options to settle this payment with you."
"If you don’t believe I’m not in my room you’re welcome to wait for me there."
"I requested tracking from german side since its been so long and your bank doesn’t see it - they will reach out to me with response."
"Sorry its such an unfortunate timing for payments to get delayed."
"Yes like nothing can be easy for me, for every one thing that goes well there are 99 that dont."
"I resolved any outstanding issues this Wednesday."
"I thought you’d at least text me before showing up."
"I’ll get it sorted so you have it this week."
"I have a lot of things going on. One thing came on another at the same time, especially yesterday."
"Things, like money, could all be lost in an instant."
"I can’t believe I’m in this situation. I really trusted you."
"You have all my info. You’ve had it for almost three months. My life has turned upside down because of you."
"I am heartbroken that you went through that on your own, but I am so proud of you."
"I don’t know what to make of it, but seeing the ticket on this day of all days felt like the closing of a circle."
"I was on target and my efforts were coming to fruition."
"I keep telling her that she’s the first priority."
"For a few minutes, dusk fell in the middle of the day and we humans were reminded of our tiny place in the universe."
"If I didn’t write each of them thoroughly, whatever stayed behind might fester, or become lost inside forever."
"I am already doing all of that. I am trying everything. I’m not just like sitting around all day and counting stars."
"I was busy sifting through every remembered detail and scene from my time with Anna."
"Was that it? Just wait. Anything you can think of, I’ve already asked, and anything you suggest, I’ve already tried."
"I was too tired and too grumpy. I just wanted things to be normal. I needed a break."
"I hadn’t noticed my callus before the trip to Cape Cod, but when I got home, rested but raw, I was abruptly struck by its absence."
"How far back did the lies go? How had she gotten to Purple magazine in the first place?"
"Anna had become a disembodied force, more of a specter than a human."
"I had felt that I was right, but even so, that voice on the other end of the line, echoing with affirmation, rang loudly in my brain."
"I understood Kacy’s and Beth’s anger and disbelief; I’d had those feelings for months."
"I had found a space where my story was welcome, and even useful."
"It was a joy to see how much pleasure Grandma Marilyn got from making and using it."
"Was she being manipulative or crying out for help? Or, to Anna, were those one and the same?"
"I was fully committed to exploring every possible lead."
"I was too worn out, too depressed, and frankly in need of the money."
"I was too busy ruminating, trapped in my own head."
"If I tell them, they would have so many questions, and I didn’t have it in me to patiently respond."
"I suddenly realized that I didn’t know her at all."
"I watched Anna intently as we strolled, with her Balenciaga tote bag over her arm and large sunglasses atop her head."
"I didn’t have the energy to engage, so I said very little."
"I stood up as she blubbered, took four strides into my small kitchen, and came back with two glasses of water."
"I didn’t want Anna spending the night at my place."
"What makes you say that? All my story’s the same."
"I’m doing everything I can. I’m not, like, being out all every night!"
"She’s full of shit. She’s full of shit. She’s got nothing."
"I am trying everything. I’m not just like sitting around all day and counting stars."
"I can’t keep starting my days with panic attacks and tears."
"There is nothing so special about this story."
"Many people want to find out something about my daughter from me, but by and large, I have nothing to do with it."
"She had such a selfish character; we can't do anything about it."
"To a certain extent, yes, naturally, she is guilty."
"Anna had to kick down the door to get her chance at life."
"Anna didn't wait for opportunities, Anna created opportunities."
"This is the most traumatic experience I've ever been through."