
A Flicker In The Dark Quotes

A Flicker In The Dark by Stacy Willingham

A Flicker In The Dark Quotes
"The common cold can be contagious before ever showing any symptoms."
"Ragweed is higher than normal. Severe, actually. An 8 out of 10 on the allergy tracker."
"You're always welcome! Good with me. Feel free to call it in."
"My industry thrives on clichés—I know it does."
"A home isn’t just a house, a collection of bricks and boards held together by concrete and nails."
"But what if your home isn’t safe? Isn’t secure?"
"What if the outstretched arms you collapse into on your porch steps are the same arms you should be running from?"
"And now that you’re comfortable verbalizing why you’re angry, we can work together to help you manage it a little better."
"What if your home is where it all started: the epicenter of the earthquake that shook your town to the core?"
"The anticipation that it would be me—that I would be next—was always there, always present, always suffocating."
"You could feel it, taste it, see it in the eyes of every person you met."
"An inherent distrust had captivated a town that was once so trusting; a suspicion had taken hold that was impossible to shake."
"The same way Cawker City, Kansas, must be proud of their five-thousand-pound ball of twine."
"It brings superficial meaning to an otherwise meaningless place."
"Sometimes these things don’t have a clear answer."
"I think it’s safe to assume she left the building."
"Once you leave the lobby, there isn’t really anywhere left to go but out."
"If I’m being honest with myself, that’s the real reason I’ve left her here for all these years."
"I’m sorry, I got lost in thought for a second there."
"The thought pisses me off more than it should."
"Human beings are habitual creatures, I’ve learned, and the act of taking a life can reveal a lot about a person."
"She reminded me of Lena, the way she twirled at the festival."
"You can tell by the bruising, just there," the coroner continues, pointing to her neck with a pen.
"I’m just wound kind of tight right now. I’m jumpy, for some reason."
"She does have something to worry about, Cooper. This is serious."
"Do you really think I don’t know who you are, Chloe?"
"I’m talking about your father. I’m talking about taking one."
"Why is it fair that Dick Davis’s daughter gets to grow up and live a perfect life?"
"That’s a lie. It had taken place. Pharmaceutical sales reps had flocked to the city from all across the country, but not Daniel. He wasn’t there."
"Every day, when he gets home, he tucks his briefcase neatly into the corner of the dining room, locked and ready for his next trip."
"I don’t want to be self-conscious the entire time, worried about making a fool out of myself and having it wind up on your phone."
"What happens in New Orleans stays in New Orleans."
"Getting away. Getting to stop the pretending, the constant acting that’s required of me every time I step foot in my own home."
"I’m not supposed to be communicating! It’s just one weekend."
"He holds my head in his hands, cradling my skull in that familiar way."
"I feel the hallway open up to our living room."
"The common thread binding all this together seems to be you."
"I killed someone. How do you think I’m holding up?"
"He killed two girls, and it wasn’t your fault."
"The world creeps by around you as you’re being force-fed caffeine at four in the morning."
"I knew you wouldn’t come home unless you thought I was gone."
"Sometimes I think it might be the devil himself."