
Dark Desire Quotes

Dark Desire by Christine Feehan

Dark Desire Quotes
"Time no longer meant anything to him, his world had become so narrow, but at some point he felt another’s presence in his mind."
"His first duty was to protect a woman above his own life at all times."
"Droplets of blood began to seep from his pores. Red blood. He clearly saw that his blood was red."
"She was completing her residency, the youngest resident on record, and it was an exhausting ordeal."
"The pain hit her unexpectedly, slamming into her with such virulence that she was thrown off the bed."
"Gut-wrenching agony. Evil faces above him. A sharpened stake poised over his heart."
"He heard the dirt hitting the wood as they buried him in the wall of the cellar. Each shovelful. The darkness was complete."
"Hunger began to invade his world of agony. Time passed, meant nothing."
"In the endless moments that inched past during his waking agony, he would whisper his name to himself. Jacques."
"The first time he touched her mind, it was such a shock after all the thousands of fruitless tries that he immediately lost contact."
"Shea’s slender body writhed, locked, writhed again."
"You must come to me. I can help ease the pain."
"Come now! I cannot take your suffering a moment longer."
"Open your mouth for me, stubborn little red hair."
"You are certain your mother never touched blood?"
"Lifemates are born to one another, Shea. There is only one for each."
"I need you, Shea. Is it so impossible to think you might actually love me?"
"You fear me. He wanted her to face the real issue, not push it aside."
"Do not forget that you must merge with me this time."
"I will not be like my mother, Jacques, living only for a man."
"Vampires feel nothing but the momentary high a kill brings."
"I know you think to leave me, Shea, when I am at full strength."
"I am more powerful than a vampire, little red hair."
"I cannot exist without you, little red hair."
"You are my sanity, or what little remained of it."
"My imprisonment may have destroyed whatever I originally was, and I do not know who I am now."
"I have existed for over eight hundred years."
"You are my lifemate. It means we belong together, never apart."
"She was always in control. Always. No one had ever taken her decisions out her hands, not even her mother."
"I cannot wait to feel our child growing within you."
"Once you make up your mind, you stick to it like glue."
"I swear, Jacques, neither of us is going to be able to stand."
"You do not think sex is a good idea in these situations? But you taste so good."
"You are so beautiful, Shea, unbelievably beautiful."
"Can you do that?" Shea fit the back of her head into the niche of his sternum. One hand idly slid over the heavy muscles of his chest.
"Make us so hot we turn the rain to steam?" He grinned boyishly down at her.
"It is normal for us, love. We can shape-shift whenever we like."
"No, really—what they did, those others. They were like fog or mist."
"You make me invincible. You make me vulnerable. Most of all, you make me alive."
"The truth is, the pain was splintering and cracking the inside of his mind."
"I expected steam this time," Jacques said, crushing her to him.
"Nothing can ever happen to you! Not ever. They may attempt to do so, but they will not survive."
"Jacques smelled the beckoning blood. His hunger was sated, but the taste of fear and adrenaline, the need for revenge, were burning in him."
"Mikhail could see the war raging in Jacques. It would be a difficult thing for him to live with, the taking of blood during a kill."
"Gregori watched the fight go out of Mikhail and turned his attention to Jacques, simply waiting for the decision to be made."
"Shea stared out the window of the cabin into the driving rain. The droplets looked like tiny silver threads streaming from the gray sky."
"I am sorry I startled you. I can hear your heart beating."
"It is in our nature to kill. We are predators."
"I am aware that I have entered into a pact with him. I will honor it."
"What do you think, Jacques? Deliberately Gregori used his name to call him back from the need to run wild, to hunt and kill and be truly free."
"You must live, small one. You must live to save our race, to save all of mankind."
"You are the air I breathe. Do not be afraid of this."
"I do love you. I mean it, Shea. I do not just need you, I love you."
"It is impossible for lifemates to lie to one another."
"I love that in her. He wasn’t stupid enough to give away his knowledge that she wouldn’t harm a fly."
"I would give anything to spare you this heartache."
"You hated yourself, Rand. You hated yourself all these years."
"My family will have to be your family. We will make our own family."
"Whatever happened in the future, whatever they were forced to face and deal with, they had one another, and that was all anyone could ask."