
Adelaide Quotes

Adelaide by Genevieve Wheeler

Adelaide Quotes
"You know you don’t have to have sex with every guy you go out with, though, right?"
"There were few things more intoxicating to Adelaide than locking eyes with a stranger, running her tongue along his bottom lip, and abruptly leaving the bar, or his flat, or wherever when she decided she was ready to go."
"I don’t have to sleep with everyone, you say? News to me!"
"She was always going to jump into this lake, no matter how dark or dangerous it might turn out to be; she was too intrigued by its shimmering surface to even consider turning away."
"But to say that this night did not transform her life would be fallacious."
"I don’t know why you think you’re going to die so young. You’re not exactly jumping off cliffs, honey."
"There were moments in which Adelaide looked around and thought, 'Holy shit. I’m doing it.'"
"She never really thought about her dream wedding growing up. She thought more about her funeral."
"Not everything has to be a big deal, Adelaide."
"Writing was what set my heart ablaze, and now I get to do that full time."
"I think God’s less bothered by sex than we all like to think She is."
"I'm sure it’s brilliantly written and cited and the board will love it."
"He's vomiting blood and shitting himself right now."
"I have a theory that people enter our lives when we need them most."
"The hardest part about falling deeply, knowingly in love for the first time—the first time outside of hormonal, teenage love, that is—is suddenly realizing you're alone in this place."
"She believed in something more, in something purposeful, and she couldn’t quite untangle the past few nights’ events in a way that made sense."
"She cried during documentaries, while reading books, when royal babies were born."
"Heavy is the head that wears the director's crown."
"But love was also meant to feel easy, comfortable, not... Not whatever it was Adelaide felt—something akin to her heart being grated, slowly."
"Adelaide Williams considered letting this whole mess of a fantasy go."
"But she struggled with this particular death, with Nathalie's. There was no relief here, no end to suffering."
"Adelaide, as we know, was not afraid of Death. But she struggled with this particular death, with Nathalie’s."
"She’d never know what made this woman feel so inexpressibly special to her: The light that had been Nathalie Alban was extinguished."
"But she was starting to feel as though she was in her element."
"Can't complain," she said. "It's best not to address it all."
"You have to love fiercely, and unselfishly, and with intention. It's the only way."
"I love you so fucking much. I don't know if now's the right time to say that or not but I just needed to say it."
"We lost the best kind of person. My hope is that we can all carry a bit more Nathalie in us moving forward."
"I'm living in this shadow and I don't know how to make you love me. What the fuck else can I do to make you love me?"
"You're throwing this at me at nine o'clock on a Sunday night? You show up with a potted daisy and now you want to take a fucking break?"
"I’m scared I’m going to raise this baby all by myself and Rory Hughes will never love me."
"I can’t believe we’re here. Can you imagine what our fifteen-year-old selves might say?"
"I’ve only had one boy love me. The same boy who held my head down and stuck his cock in my mouth."
"You think I don’t have enough on my fucking plate? I lost my parents when I was a kid and now the woman I once thought I was going to marry is dead."
"I always mean to ask you. You’re always talking about the books you’re reading, but where are all of your books?"
"This is how it ends. With a photo from Rory’s dating profile."
"There were ways to break up without breaking down, without crumbling, without losing every ounce of yourself."
"But it felt like that muscle had gone limp now. Like she could flex and stretch and strain, but not fully feel a sense of positivity."
"She knew she would not be mourned by thousands, that her name would not become a hashtag on Twitter."
"Her grief was not as acute as Rory’s, but it was hers."
"But the thing is, once you’ve gotten so sick you nearly kill yourself, your mind knows where it can go."
"I’ve always believed that the most important people enter our lives when we need them most."
"The qualities that had long been integral to her character and being, the desires that had always existed within her—they all still existed."
"She knew! There was no equation in which she was not overwhelmingly kind."