
Manson: The Life And Times Of Charles Manson Quotes

Manson: The Life And Times Of Charles Manson by Jeff Guinn

Manson: The Life And Times Of Charles Manson Quotes
"Everything you or I do springs from two motives: The sex urge and the desire to be great."
"The only way on earth to influence the other fellow is to talk about what he wants and show him how to get it."
"You have to use showmanship. The movies do it. Radio does it. And you will have to do it if you want attention. Dramatize your ideas."
"Let the other fellow feel that the idea is his."
"He has come to worship his guitar and music."
"Rape is as common as bullshit on Haight Street."
"Death was the same thing as life and nothing was bad."
"Breaking away from your inhibitions was important."
"The way out of a room is not through the door; just don’t want out, and you’re free."
"To truly own something, you had to give it away first."
"Everything was unmentionable but nothing was unimaginable."
"We're out to break down those barriers that we see to be arbitrary."
"I feel like there's some sort of guerrilla warfare, psychological warfare going on, and I feel like a guerrilla."
"The key to a strong police department is to prevent crimes, not just to arrest."
"America might well find itself divided into two permanently hostile camps."
"Race riots raged with staggering regularity."
"The worse things got out there, the easier it was for Charlie’s followers to fall further under his influence."
"She was willing to devote herself completely to Charlie."
"Charlie considered it an obligation to give each of them a turn with him once in a while, and they thought of it as an honor."
"Charlie said he wanted everyone to concentrate on the now rather than worry about what some soulless gadget said was the correct time."
"Whatever you felt and did while tripping was invariably right."
"Books weren’t allowed on the ranch, either. All anyone needed to know was whatever Charlie wanted them to."
"Charlie often presented himself as the reincarnation of Jesus, but he also hated Jews and frequently preached that they were evil."
"Charlie explained that whatever the state of their vision, that was their natural way to see the rest of the world, and only natural things were good."
"If he seemed to be violating his own philosophy, that meant that his followers simply weren’t smart enough yet to understand what was going on."
"Charlie’s certainty that he was about to hit it big was reinforced when Terry Melcher also made a few ranch visits."
"Charlie told Jakobson about inventing the 'insane game' to survive, and bragged that now it was easy for him to 'change hats' and instantly alter his personality to fit whatever company or situation he found himself in."
"Charlie and the Family weren’t above occasional shoplifting, which they didn’t consider stealing because everything belonged to everyone."
"Charlie enjoyed showing off his musical expertise, especially when Wilson, Melcher, and Jakobson were around."
"Charlie interpreted such generosity as personal weakness; he had the veteran hustler’s scorn for gullible marks."
"Charlie’s word was his bond and he didn’t believe in written contracts."
"Charlie stressed that everyone had all the proof that they needed—Revelation and the White Album."
"Charlie not only interpreted the Bible for his followers, he defended it to them."
"Charlie was Jesus returned to earth, and Satan and all his followers and works were the enemy, not allies."
"Charlie was about to get the recording deal and then the fame he deserved."
"I’m the devil and I’m here to do the devil’s business."
"It wasn’t peace and love and hippies anymore. It was almost like an army."
"What are you going to do with us? You’re all going to die."
"Nobody compared notes about what they had done. It had been a long, exhausting night and everyone just wanted to sleep."
"The LAPD was already certain that the Tate slayings were drug-related, so thanks for calling and good luck on their case."
"That was enough for Charlie. He decided that Powell and Pursell would probably turn up next at Myers Ranch. Charlie gave Tex a shotgun and ordered him to wait there in the main building’s attic."
"But it was good the cops were dumb because they would never be able to prove it."
"It irked Charlie that Paul Crockett had poached Brooks Poston and Little Paul Watkins."
"Susan kept elaborating to Virginia. When she ran out of details about Gary Hinman, she moved on to a fresh subject."
"It was a poor decision; Charlie should have realized that the law would keep an eye on the place waiting to see who might show up."
"The Family still combed the inhospitable desert looking for a bottomless pit, and were always sun-broiled and often hungry as they did."
"Charlie griped that it was wrong for National Park officers to participate in law enforcement: 'You should be out telling people about the flowers and animals.'"
"Susan Atkins went to court for a preliminary hearing in the Hinman murder case."
"Everyone is God and the Devil at the same time."
"Charlie says that when he gets out, you all had better not be around the desert."
"I am only what you made me. I am only a reflection of you."
"If the death penalty is to mean anything in the state of California other than two empty words, this is the proper case."
"I have killed no one and I have ordered no one to be killed."
"You want to kill me? Ha. I'm already dead, have been all my life."
"I never went to school, so I never growed up to read and write too good, so I have stayed in jail and I have stayed stupid."
"If they’re following God the way they followed me, with their own interests always in mind, then God can’t be too proud."
"I’m going to chop up some more of you motherfuckers. . . . I’m going to pile you up to the sky."
"What about your children? You say there are just a few? There are many, many more, coming in the same direction."
"Here is a man who was guilty, directly or indirectly, of eight murders without reason."
"It's all your fear. You look for something to project it on, and you pick out a little old scroungy nobody that eats out of a garbage can."