
The Inheritance Of Orquídea Divina Quotes

The Inheritance Of Orquídea Divina by Zoraida Córdova

The Inheritance Of Orquídea Divina Quotes
"The time is here. I am dying. Come and collect your inheritance."
"Finding Four Rivers on a map was nearly impossible, as the roads were still mostly gravel, and the memory of the place lived only in the minds of those who remained on purpose."
"There are locations all over the world where power is so concentrated that it becomes the meeting ground for good and evil."
"She carried that house in the search for a place with a pulse of magic to anchor it."
"She’d lived a hundred lives in different ways, but no one—not her five husbands or her descendants—really knew her."
"Bad luck woven into the birthmarks that dotted her shoulders and chest like constellations."
"Orquídea Divina Montoya could not die. Not now, not ever."
"She was more than that. She wanted to be rooted so deep into the earth that nothing, no human, no force of nature, save an act of the heavens themselves, could rip her out."
"The house did not like that, but Ricky never listens."
"Who invites people over and then keeps them waiting outside?"
"I can’t wait to sell this slice of hell into a million fucking little pieces."
"We’re all late," she said, voice rough as gravel.
"You should be in school. I didn’t go to school. Now look at me."
"We become what we need to in order to survive and I need to make sure that you are all protected."
"Love and companionship are different things, Penny. I have made mistakes out of fear. But this?"
"My bones are weary. But I’m happy you came. It’s been so long since we’ve had a baby in the house."
"We’re safe here. Besides, Marimar could use the company."
"I’ve always accepted that I’m ordinary and plain, you know. But I can’t ignore this feeling right here."
"What’s the last place your family would think to look?"
"I keep them in a butter cookie tin and then I get sad when I open the tin and there aren’t any cookies inside." – Tati
"I didn’t belong there anymore." – Orquídea Divina Montoya
"I belong wherever my bones will lie! Wherever my bones will lie." – Orquídea Divina Montoya
"Protect your heart from brittle things." – Agustina Narvaez
"My freedom for a taste of my power." – The Living Star
"I’m a marvel?" "No. You are divine. My Orquídea divina." – Bolívar Londoño III
"Do you think about when you stand out here on your own?" – Bolívar Londoño III
"Your hands are cold." – Orquídea Divina Montoya
"I wish Lázaro never finds me, never sees me, never hears my voice, never comes near me."
"I don't want a taste. I want a sliver of your power to keep for always."
"My dear fallen star, so you’ve told me again and again."
"You said, if I gave you your freedom, you’d give me a taste of your power."
"I’m afraid of a lot of things. But not of you."
"When a man kissed your eyes shut, he is lying to you."
"The anticipation that tomorrow will be better than the next day."
"I loved her from the moment she asked me if I was lost."
"It feels like… thousands of constant cuts in my soul."
"Belief was like glass—once broken it could be pieced back together but the fissures would always be there."
"My Orquídea isn’t dead. She’s a survivor. She’s eternal."
"We are celestial beings, made from the spark of the world’s dawn."
"How do you fight a thing that believes it owns you?"
"Nothing was infinite, not truly. Not even the stars."