
The Unusual Suspects Quotes

The Unusual Suspects by Michael Buckley

The Unusual Suspects Quotes
"My sister and I are going to get cleaned up. We’re going to get dressed and then you are going to take us to school."
"I won’t let another Christmas go by without you. I’ll find a way to bring you home."
"Go to bed, child, or are you going to huff and puff and blow the door in?"
"I thought we weren’t going to do that anymore."
"It means the people who live in a particular place."
"Every one of them had a couple of grouchy teachers, a bully, a bully’s punching bag, a weird cafeteria lady, a bathroom that everyone was afraid to go into, and a librarian who worshiped something called the Dewey Decimal System."
"I’m more concerned about waking up in his belly, Sabrina thought."
"Even a grouch like Grumpner didn’t deserve to die so horribly."
"We have to think about it. Now that we’re police officers, it’s up to us to find his killer."
"Puck, sweetie, no shape-shifting at the table."
"Excuse me? You’re sending him because of all this Scarlet Hand message business, when we all know he’s the one who did it."
"Hatred can grow, child, into something terrible and beyond your control."
"You can’t blame them all for the actions of one."
"You can look at it any way you want, but if they aren’t all in on it, then they sure aren’t stepping up to help."
"You have to get a hold of your anger. If you cannot learn to control your hatred, your hatred will control you."
"I’ll get a hold of my anger when my mom and dad are safe at home."
"Child, this is not an invitation. There is work to be done."
"Feeling better? Good, a nap can do wonders for a person."
"No offense, Relda, but my kid is freezing out in the cold somewhere. I don’t need an old woman and two kids, I need the police department."
"I’ve got the best tracking dog in the world in the car."
"I think he’s been trying to stop what’s going on in this school."
"Trouble would be wise to stay out of my way."
"I don’t steal children, I care for them. These children have been treated with nothing but love and affection. I give them everything they ever wanted."
"We were nearly broke when we found out I was pregnant."
"You filthy Everafters are nothing but animals!"
"Sabrina Grimm, you will hold your tongue this instant!"
"Do you know how worried your mother and I have been?"
"But there’s a caper afoot, and I’m in the thick of it."
"What do you think about when you’re sitting on top of the car?"
"I concentrate on all the people I hurt when I was unable to control myself."
"I warned you about keeping him under control."
"They’re not going to do anything of the sort. I’m going to do it."
"The Scarlet Hand isn’t a person, child. It’s a movement, an idea."
"He was causing too many distractions. He was jeopardizing our plans."
"You and your Scarlet Hand, killing innocents. This wasn’t part of our plan, troll! I just wanted out of this town."
"These aren’t your children! You took advantage of their real parents. You played on their fears and made them feel hopeless. Their real parents want them back."
"Is that true, father? You said they abandoned me in a park."
"He’s lying. I’ve talked to your parents, Toby. They’ve been searching for you since the day they gave you to this sicko."
"I know your pain. If I were to lose one of my children, I would be heartbroken, too."
"Without your pipes you are nothing, Hamelin. And now that the barrier has been reached, your usefulness has expired."
"This is one time I’m glad you didn’t listen to my rules."
"We have to find a way to get the others down."
"I know you did, son! You’re a great detective!"
"I know this is going to take a lot of forgetful dust!"
"It was my anger and my prejudice that did this."
"We’re trapped down here, troll. If you pull that stupid trick of yours on the Wolf, you’ll let him out, and he’ll kill us all."
"He’s powering himself with your anger and when he has enough he’s going to blow up this cave and bury everyone in it, including you."
"Take a look around you, rover. Your little tantrum is helping to fuel your destruction."
"I can’t play house without my grandma or my puppy."
"I don’t need a sister or another brother! I need a grandma and a puppy!"