
LIFEL1K3 Quotes

LIFEL1K3 by Jay Kristoff

LIFEL1K3 Quotes
"It was just about the right shape for a nasty exit wound."
"Hard to swallow your fear with no spit, isn’t it?"
"This is not the end of me. This is just one more enemy."
"Grandpa said it’s always better to be shot at for who you are than hugged for who you aren’t."
"Only logika have to obey the Three Laws." Eve smiled. "Kaiser’s a cyborg. Got an organic brain, see? Bigger one than you, maybe."
"Grandpa’s gonna be so flat with me," Eve sighed.
"They outlawed those things for a damn reason."
"This is our home, Grandpa. And these dustnecks brought an army to it."
"You gentles got no biz . . . on my property."
"I’ll give you one chance to walk away," it said. "All of you."
"Arguments later." Grandpa nodded to the monitor banks. "Brotherhood means biz. Time to talk them out of it, Ezekiel."
"Oh, I’m Mistress Eve now?" she demanded. "What happened to Ana?"
"Think you can chalk up a win for the good guys, Crick." She smiled.
"Pride cometh before the fall, little brother."
"In a world of stupid... that was the stupidest thing I've ever seen."
"I’m okay. Kaiser’s ambulation is shot. But he’s alive."
"My vocab software lacks the capacity to describe how disgusted I am right now."
"I don’t want to fight you, Faith," it called.
"We may look human, but the Three Laws still bind us. You could bash my skull in and I couldn’t do anything to stop you if you ordered me not to. You could tell me to walk off the balcony and I’d have to obey."
"We don’t need your help, Stumpy!" Cricket yelled, shrill with fury. "And if you call me little again, I’ll rip off your other arm and shove it up your—"
"Their motto is ‘Sustainable Growth.’" Ezekiel nodded. "And they take it seriously. BioMaas technology isn’t built anymore, it’s grown."
"Even in our darkest moments, we have a choice, sweet Ana."
"If he wasn’t a real person, why does this hurt so badly?"
"It’s your flaws that make you beautiful, Ana. It’s the imperfections that make you perfect."
"No one hurts my children. No one will hurt you again. I promise, Ana."
"You ever want a decent meal," he’d said, "come out to Tire Valley and look us up."
"You’re too old for me, Gramps," Lemon had replied.
"Says the stabby twelve-toed kid named Salvage."
"Well, word to the wise, you don’t usually tie up people you like unless they ask you to first," Lemon said.
"You are unnatural. You are polluted. You and all your kind. It is in your nature to destroy. It is all you know how to do."
"Be wary in the deadworld." "It brims with pollution and pain. But we will tell CityHive about Lemonfresh. She is important. She is needed."
"Polluted." "Unnatural." Just one more insult to add to "deviate" and "abnorm."
"Life had been simple a few days ago. Her worst worries had been finding meds for her grandpa. Winning in the Dome. Dodging trash like the Fridge Street Crew."
"You’re my bestest. Rule Number One in the Scrap, remember?"
"True cert, if you ever had doubts about my affection for you, Riotgrrl, I hope crawling into a sewer for you will put ’em to beddy-byes."
"Your father gave me life. But you were the one who made me live."
"I’ve lived up to my neck in lies for two damn years. They were my family, Ezekiel! This is my life, and I need to know the truth about it."
"Loving you was the only real difference between me and them."
"Better to rule in hell, than serve in heaven."
"You’re my bestest," the girl insisted, squeezing Eve tight. "Your past doesn’t make calls on your future. It doesn’t matter who you were. Only who you are."
"I don’t want any of you getting hurt for my sake. It’s not right."
"It’s wrong because we’re not human. We exist to serve you."
"I don’t want servants, Crick," Eve said. "I know sometimes I don’t act like it. But you and Kaiser have always been more than that. You’re my friends. And I’m not going to let you put yourself in danger for my sake."
"You think the only reason I stick with you is programming, huh? And part of you wonders, if I was given the option, I’d turn on you, maybe? Like they did?" He shook his head. "You’ve been hanging around these murderbots too long, Evie."
"I think you need more practice," she heard herself say.
"Lemon had been right. It was time to stop letting the past define her. Time to accept the person she’d been and decide who she’d become."
""Of all the mistakes I made, I think you were my favorite," she whispered."
""Your scars tell who you are. Your skin is the page, and your scars are the ink, telling the story of your life. And your scars make you beautiful, Ana."
""Your father created us to love, Ana," she said. "But we love almost too much. In the days we were first created, it was even worse. The world was so new to us. Every feeling was so loud. Every sensation so tangible."
""The gift of life, of course. It wouldn’t do for the Almighty to teach his children to create as he had. What use, then, for a God?""
"One day, those hands will close, Ana. And they will become fists."
""I’m your friend, Nic. Your family is my family. Never forget that.""
"This is crazy, Riotgrrl. I’m glad you wanna get Mister C back, but—" "Crap," Ana said. "Um." Lemon blinked. "That’s a little rude, but okay. . . ." "No." Ana pointed past Lemon’s head, out the rear window. "Crap.""
"The harder she squeezed, the more the memories slipped through her fingers."
"Radiation doesn’t hurt us. It’s why Gabriel had Faith overload the Babel reactor."
"Do I make this look fabulous, or do I make this look fabulous?"
"I can't help but feel you're not taking this seriously, Miss Fresh."
"I'll have you know I take my fabulosity very seriously, Mister Cricket."
"Red on my hands. Smoke in my lungs. My mother, my father, my sisters and brother, all dead on the floor beside me. Hollow eyes and empty chests."
"No sign of life. No sound but the endless, whispering winds."
"A robot must obey the orders given to it by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law."
"You dress it up in fancy talk of liberation, but at day’s end you’re a murderer."
"And what’s loyalty? Look at yourself. Ready to die for a human who’d never do the same for you."
"It’s simple to love someone on the days that are easy. But you find out what your love is made of on the days that are hard."
"I was happy for you once. And this is how you thank me?"
"But love finds a way. I can’t fail her again."
"You are our dinosaurs, Ana. And we will raise a new civilization on an earth littered with your bones."
"Look outside that door and you will see a world built on metal backs. Held together by metal hands. And one day, those hands will close, Ana. And they will become fists."
"Most people didn’t get a happy ending in real life."
"For the first time in my life, I can do whatever I want."