
The Mother's Promise Quotes

The Mother's Promise by Sally Hepworth

The Mother's Promise Quotes
"Humor, Alice always thought, was tragedy’s best friend."
"You’re like your mother," her gran had always told her. "You’re not dying," she said automatically.
"You don’t need brains to be a success," David said. "Just common sense and hard work."
"I do." Dr. Hadley grinned as she guided Alice toward the table. "What I’m trying to ascertain is whether the discomfort you’re feeling in your shoulder is what we call referred pain."
"He’s an alcoholic. A practicing alcoholic. Not that he needs the practice…"
"Geez, I hope not," he said, and they both drifted into silence for a moment.
"Mrs. Buxton?" Kate said, suddenly animated. Alice realized the nurse had mistaken her for a potential support person.
"Which isn’t bad at all compared to…" "Drowning in elephant poop," Zoe would finish.
"I manipulated you. Making you hold hands with a dying old man."
"I’ll have to stay in the hospital for a few days."
"I’m sorry," she said, a final time, and then she sprinted out the glass doors, into the night air.
"I am in a safe place, I am calm, collected, and in control."
"What if she doesn’t answer? What if she screams at me? What if she is screening the call and laughing?"
"I tried, Mom. I went to the mall. I even talked to Em. But then the boys came up and I … I started to panic. I ran away in front of everyone. I ran!"
"I know it seems hard to believe now, but this is not the end of the world."
"For some people this is a lifelong condition that needs to be managed."
"Are you all right, Zoe? You seem a little shaken."
"If everyone in the world did his or her part, then no one would have to be alone. We could all just be there for each other."
"She’s at home. Hopefully getting ready for school."
"We have so much. I realize it will take time. This is a huge loss. But we can have a different kind of life together."
"I thought maybe we could go away for a few days."
"You deserve to be a mother. You, perhaps more than anyone."
"I’d better let you rest. I just wanted to check in and say, you know, sorry."
"I have an operation scheduled tomorrow. They’re going to take out my ovaries and fallopian tubes."
"I wouldn’t want to leave Zoe with you, surely?"
"I know I get a bit scared when I’m home all by myself."
"There are only two types of speakers: the nervous and the liars."
"I’m sorry I haven’t been here earlier. But I’m here now."
"Everything is fine. Why did Alice not believe that?"
"You heard your options. Push it under the door if you want me to do it. Bye, Dulcie."
"I can’t promise about tomorrow, but today I’m here to help, for as long as you need me."
"No, it’s fine. I should have given you a key."
"Why don’t you try to figure that out while I walk you home."
"I don't think it's stupid to think about it."
"But Mom, what would we have done without her?"
"I feel good. Much better since taking a break from the chemo."
"She’s involved in her own life. She has a boyfriend, some friends. She’s probably doing better than she ever has."
"I just want things to go back to normal. Except, they won’t go back to normal. They’ll be better."
"During the downs you just have to remind yourself that the next up is just around the corner."
"You might like to arrange a small group of friends, people that you really trust."
"But Alice could see that Zoe didn’t hate it there."
"It’s insurance. It means they know they’ll be taken care of. Just in case."