
Certain Dark Things Quotes

Certain Dark Things by Silvia Moreno-Garcia

Certain Dark Things Quotes
"Collecting garbage sharpens the senses. It allows us to notice what others do not see."
"Domingo didn’t think himself very smart, but he got by."
"The garbage collector is alert. After all, this is a profession."
"A person with enough brains could make a living downtown, scavenging."
"Those days were behind. He had a proper place to sleep now."
"Sometimes Domingo saw people and things that were a bit scarier."
"He spent fifteen minutes staring at Japanese music videos before it switched to the news."
"Because none of the others wanted to touch it."
"Mexican police work didn’t play out like in the movies."
"Ana recalled the spectacle of the dead girl in the alley and shook her head."
"Ana wondered what she would do if Marisol did not show up one morning."
"The vampire’s face had the coldness of an autumn moon yet Domingo sensed he had passed muster."
"Ana knew it was true. She had been going through the motions with this case."
"I’m a detective," Ana said, though she couldn’t muster any conviction when she spoke."
"Ana extended her arm to open the refrigerator, but Marisol shook her head."
"I need to buy a new school uniform," Marisol said as she flipped her egg with the plastic spatula."
"No, it’s not the same everywhere. There’s no vampire cartels chilling in Mexico City."
"A human could be infected via sexual contact or by imbibing the vampire’s blood."
"Physical evidence was used in about 10 percent of convictions."
"What’s up, man?" Quinto asked. "You missed my party."
"I thought there weren’t any vampires living in Mexico City," Domingo said."
"I need to find a place with an Internet connection," she said."
"They’re also filthy," Atl said. "They’ll make you sick if you come in contact with their blood."
""You could have something to show for it. A couple of vampire corpses for your buddies and maybe even a bit of money."
"I’m not going to shoot you," the woman said with a dismissive gesture."
""Did you just read my mind?" he asked, shocked that the vampire could actually do that."
"It was practically an accident, she thought. A fluke. Maybe it wanted to die."
"But you must at least have a drink." Valentina snapped her fingers and motioned to the young man at her feet."
"The Iztac clan. Tlāhuihpochtin," the man said. "The first vampires in Mexico, did you know that?"
"The vampire’s smile disappeared. "No," he said with a finality that made Domingo wince."
"Well, I did your tour. I should head back to my apartment."
"The vampire placed his hands atop his cane and stared at Domingo."
""Have you ever thought of selling it?" he asked."
"I came to Mexico City to get away from vampires," Ana said."
""I’m not looking for a boyfriend. Especially not a human one."
"I’ve never killed anyone. I don’t hurt people," she said."
"The future," Valentina said. "They did this."
"If you don’t help me, that dog’s gonna kill you."
"If she needs me, come and look for me in the back, all right?"
"She’s a vampire. You need to get rid of her before it’s too late."
"They’ll send us more heads if we attack them."
"I think I can probably negotiate a solution," Izel said.
"You think if we stay here, with our arms crossed, they’ll magically leave us alone?"
"I’m Atl of the Iztac clan. You should let me go now. Immediately."
"I feel like it’s still there," she told him. "I try to move my fingers, but I can’t."
"You’re a liability. I’ve made mistakes because of you and I can’t afford them anymore."
"I’m not interested in broadcasting my current state to the entire world."
"I’m doing you a favor. You’re too young to die, especially for me."
"It’s just the two of us now," Domingo muttered as he picked up her backpack, which she’d dropped during the fight.
"You’ve managed to surprise me, boy," he said.