
Storm Of Locusts Quotes

Storm Of Locusts by Rebecca Roanhorse

Storm Of Locusts Quotes
"I’ve learned a lot about Hastiin in the last few weeks, and I know the man shakes like an aspen in the wind when he’s got something on his mind."
"Only it’s my day off, so this better be good."
"I lean against my front door and cross my arms, patient as the desert."
"Stare at him until he stops fidgeting like a goddamn prom date."
"And it occurs to me that maybe, just maybe, this is his idea of friendly."
"It’s a good trade, and better than me hauling the logs down the mountain by myself."
"I hate to admit it, and I intend to deny it if he asks, but I like Hastiin."
"The bilagáana scientists call that continental shift geology."
"If that didn’t kill him, then I’m pretty sure he’s not dying anytime soon."
"You follow my rules. Second, no killing people without permission, and third, no annoying me."
"Because why shoot someone when you can talk them into shooting themselves?"
"You’re not going to start mothering me, are you?"
"Pretty sure there’s no drinking age in the apocalypse."
"I don’t know what to say to that, but it even sounds weak to my ears."
"I do if I’m going to kill the White Locust. And I am going to kill him."
"I volunteer. Just like I volunteered to stay behind. To be the messenger."
"I haven’t seen Kai since he came back. And it’s killing me."
"I was being stupid, you know? I didn’t understand what Gideon wanted."
"We either run for the canyon or we’re road splatter."
"Everything in Knifetown is for sale. Just you ask, and Bishop will do his best to make sure you receive!"
"I’m trying not to kill people. It’s a new thing I’m trying."
"We’re a long way from the Grand Canyon. How’d you end up here?"
"They're just women. And strangers at that. Who cares what we do to them?"
"It’s a sin. Especially because they are strangers. Especially because they are women."
"You know the rules and you chose to break them. You know the punishment."
"Why bother with this silly quest? Why not go home? Lick your wounds and start again? What do you owe him, this boy?"
"Is it known that he sacrificed his life for me?" I bite back.
"What if the silver-eyed boy does not want to be saved?"
"No. This is different. Neizghání was never my friend. Kai is. And that’s what friends do. They don’t give up on someone just because they’ve fucked up."
"Indeed. But forgiveness is not always offered."
"Despite what you might think, some things cannot be changed. The order of the day. The rising and setting of the sun. And not all things can be forgiven. You will learn this the difficult way, I think."
"You don’t know the way it works," he hisses, his rage bubbling up again. "Or you don’t want to admit it. I have been a pawn in their games, just as you have. So please, please, don’t presume to tell me how it works."
"The Diyin Dine’e are sacred beings. More powerful than anything you can imagine. You can’t defeat them."
"No more, Godslayer," he grinds out between clenched teeth. "No more will I be a victim. I am going to do what should have been done a long time ago."
"Did you know that the Diné traditionally considered the locust a messenger? He led the way into the next world."
"Because I’m just a five-fingered girl," I say finally. "And I need other people."
"Weakness. Dependency. Human frailty. Why wallow in your humanity when you can become a god?"
"Remarkable," he says, wonder in his voice, and I think he means it.
"They cannot make you whole."
"They don’t have to."
"The world is out of balance. We must prepare for war."