
Soulless Quotes

Soulless by Gail Carriger

Soulless Quotes
"To put the pudding in the puff: she had retreated to the library, her favorite sanctuary in any house."
"In this particular case, what he did not know could hurt him."
"Certainly, most daylight folk wouldn’t peg her as anything less than a standard English prig, but had this man not even bothered to read the vampire’s official abnormality roster for London and its greater environs?"
"Miss Tarabotti was not in the least surprised; soullessness always neutralized supernatural abilities."
"Supernatural creatures, be they vampires, werewolves, or ghosts, owed their existence to an overabundance of soul, an excess that refused to die."
"I thought you were a lady, alone. It would be my right to feed, if you were left this carelessly unattended."
"If she had no soul, she also had no morals, so she reckoned she had best develop some kind of alternative."
"The idea made her shiver oddly. It must take a lot of effort to keep a man like him tidy."
"Only a female vampire, a queen, can metamorphose a new vampire."
"Nothing was worse than werewolf and vampire at cross purposes."
"Most supernatural battles are over information."
"Every naturally occurring poison has a naturally occurring antidote—usually located in proximity."
"We werewolves are not so certain. For us, metamorphosis is part curse."
"The feudal system was based on hive and pack dynamics."
"The hive structure is more than just a social institution. It is supernatural instinct."
"Why must you always be so difficult?" wondered Lord Maccon in utter exasperation.
"Alexia, who was poking through another pile of rove paperwork she had scooped off the floor, waved one of the metal sheets at him. 'He did.'"
"It is her responsibility to come to me at this juncture. I made my initial interest perfectly clear."
"It is possible to learn many new and interesting skills in one lifetime."
"That woman is definitely alpha and most certainly female."
"You mean like whack you upside the noggin with that deadly parasol of hers?"
"If they do marry, he will take her all the way back to the Colonies with him."
"He is clearly bookish. I did not follow a single word of their conversation at dinner last night, not one jot of it."
"I am convinced the dewan would have much to say on the subject of unsanctioned intimacy between a werewolf and a preternatural."
"He was still the same person: stronger, paler, night-born, yes, but essentially the same."
"I switched from banking to biology and have been studying the supernatural ever since."
"I have had a report from the Westminster hive of yet another rove appearance."
"I am not actually food. You do realize this, yes?"
"You are, you will forgive my saying so, Miss Tarabotti, simply too much Alpha."
"In pack protocol, we call it the Bitch's Dance."
"Your family, they are a bit, well, fibberty-jibbitus, are they not?"
"Imagine having to live with them all the time."
"It is unseasonably warm this morning, wouldn’t you say?"
"They will want to dissect you and understand this."
"Why would he be? You are a preternatural, soulless."
"To be wise, one might never leave one’s room at all."
"Being a claviger is not so bad in this day and age."
"Fantastic! There are so many things we need to know about her."
"You are profaning creation, not only with this—but with that. It is you, Mr. Siemons, who is the abomination."
"We had better hope, for her sake, that it is not."
"I take it you will not cooperate willingly with our research?"
"Well, it would be easier all around if you were a willing participant."
"They are nothing more than a plague on the human race."
"I assure you, Miss Tarabotti, I do not do these kinds of things with a woman of your caliber without contemplating marriage in the very near future."
"Why, you think your family will allow us some privacy?"
"We are concerned that this Hypocras Club is a symptom of greater unrest."
"You are one of the only preternaturals on British soil."
"I will have them make you a hundred such parasols, one for every dress."
"I suspect you are much better at paperwork than I am anyway."
"I am very effective. You should put me to good use."
"This wedding of yours is going to be the social event of the season."