
All The Devils Are Here Quotes

All The Devils Are Here by Louise Penny

All The Devils Are Here Quotes
"What greater triumph for evil than to ruin a garden?"
"Anything that offered such peace had great value."
"Life can be cruel, as you know. But it can also be kind. Filled with wonders."
"With patience comes choice, and with choice comes power."
"You have your own choice to make, Armand. What’re you going to focus on? What’s unfair, or all the wonderful things that happen?"
"For people I love, yes [I'd give up my life]. For strangers? I hope so, but honestly? I don’t know."
"I’m not afraid to die. I am a little afraid of going to Hell."
"You must prepare yourself for a difficult decision."
"I see a good man. A brave man. This’s a better world because you’re in it."
"These are not the droids you’re looking for."
"Never underestimate anyone, especially a smart woman."
"Memories of seeing Armand in much the same condition."
"A tableau so intimate he felt as though he’d violated these people by his presence."
"You were a moth brushing against my cheek in the dark."
"I killed you not knowing you were only a moth, with no sting."
"He’s in a coma," Armand went on. His voice gentle. Though he knew nothing could soften the blow he was about to deliver to an eighty-year-old woman who also loved Stephen. "He might not recover."
"He liked reading annual reports, like others like reading celebrity magazines."
"He loved having a secret, and loved nothing better than knowing the shit was about to hit the fan."
"A snake sheds its skin, but nothing else changes. It’s still exactly the same creature."
"You think this was no accident, don’t you, Armand?"
"If knowledge was power, both wanted to be the most powerful in any room."
"If anyone knew his secrets, it would be her."
"He’s not an avenging angel. He’s an exorcist."
"People believe what they want to believe. Beginning with their own lies."
"It’s true what you say, Reine-Marie. People believe what they want to believe."
"This’s where they hid the treasure looted from the Holy Land in the Crusades."
"It’s never mattered. Not enough. You’re a cop first and a father way far down the list."
"In the event of a storm, this garden will be closed."
"That’s bullshit. It’s never mattered. Not enough. You’re a cop first and a father way far down the list."
"It was a city of façades. Of beauty, both obvious and obscure."
"No matter what my job is, I’ve always been, and always will be, your father."
"I’m not a child. Stop treating me like one. I can look after myself. And I can provide for my family. So stop trying to protect me, and stop giving me money."
"I honestly don’t know what you mean. I haven’t done that since you were at college."
"How could I love you … how could I care … when …"
"You couldn’t be a teacher, a plumber? Even a normal cop? You had to do the most dangerous thing. I know you never loved us."
"I love you. With all my heart, I love you. I’m so sorry."
"You’re a fool. The only consolation is that it’s probably too late anyway. For you. For your son."
"That’s the problem, and that’s why we wanted to find the water test. We don’t know."
"Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face."
"The bridge will probably stay up. The plane will probably fly."
"Because you can’t be brave if you’re not afraid."
"A woman loses her water and a man loses his mind."
"In order to save their skins, if not their souls, the board members voted to kill GHS Engineering themselves."
"What makes you think you won't end up in some Parisian landfill?"