
Skyhunter Quotes

Skyhunter by Marie Lu

Skyhunter Quotes
"When you’re fighting a losing war, you are always on edge."
"Look proud, she would say to me as she patted my cheek, until you feel it."
"I suppose I now make use of that silence. In my line of work, at least, it is essential for survival."
"This is the display of shame we offer for failing to protect each other."
"We sow the seeds of Infinite Destiny for our children so that they may rule from this earth to the stars."
"If not for the Federation on the other side of this mountainous warfront, if not for their Ghosts stalking the narrow passes, the land is achingly beautiful."
"They are the eyes of someone who just wants to waste away the minutes until he no longer has to be here."
"It’s a fragile thing, Talin. So be gentle to it."
"Aren’t we all always searching for someone to understand us?"
"It’s her way of making me promise to return home alive and safe, a promise we both know I can never be sure to keep."
"We don’t follow the orders of a foreign ruler."
"Your people are slowly starving to death in this tiny country. Why do you want them to keep suffering?"
"It would be foolish for him to try anything out here. What would he do? Break out of his chains and through the heart of our defense lines to deliver messages to the Federation?"
"But at the warfront, none of that matters. I’ve been handed the responsibility of your care, and that means you will accompany me as I go about my duties."
"We are the rightful heirs to the Early Ones."
"Our pasts matter because they created us, helped mold us into who we are."
"I spend my days in silence, signing to those who understand, steering clear of those who don’t."
"In order to control their human weapons of war, the Federation bonds with them through a mind link."
"We have tortured captured Ghosts, cutting them open in an attempt to understand."
"I’m his war machine. Others cannot obey me. I was supposed to obey the Premier."
"The Federation’s Premier quite literally invades their minds."
"Did you know? There are a billion, billion, billion suns in the sky."
"We are all just young souls in identical sapphire coats, fighting to hold back the darkness."
"It’s a dangerous game for the Federation to play, handing us one of their newer experiments like this."
"We’re not fighting the Federation only to become them."
"Can you be kind and a killer? Can you be gentle and a weapon of war?"
"It’s the kind of expression that begs to be left alone."
"The same thing that happened to my father, he tells me. They turned her into a Ghost. And I had to kill her."
"The Strikers are closing the distance between us."
"I fight because there are good people in Mara."
"My brother’s name was Olden, and when I was a little girl, he would tease me about my name."
"The Federation tends to keep their soldiers and captains close to their Ghosts."
"I’m not here to save him, but to find a way to take down the Federation before the Federation can take Mara down."
"Everything feels run with overwhelming efficiency—and yet, I can’t help but feel that things are off, that there’s an underlying tension beneath this bustle of economy and productivity."
"My jaw clenches tight. I’m not here to save him, but to find a way to take down the Federation before the Federation can take Mara down."
"The only thing that steadies me is the constant, quiet pull of Red on the other end of my link, a sure sign that he’s in another carriage on this train."
"They’re the faces of those who know that the war is all but won for them."
"You think you can threaten my Architect," he says to me."
"The Premier’s security is even tighter than I thought. I grit my teeth and twist in their grasp."
"They don’t think of the Ghosts as machines of death, mutated from humans like themselves. They think they’re fun. Entertainment."
"We may all die by the end of this mission, but so long as I’m alive, I’m going to bring this Federation down."
"We don’t have to go back, you know. I can get my mother. We can flee. We’ve done it before, and we can do it again."
"You have to hide, Ma. When they come. Do you hear me? At the first sign, make for the forests. Stay there for as long as you can."
"This is for what you’ve done to Red. To his family. For what you and your father have inflicted on every nation you’ve conquered and brought under your fist."
"Because my mother taught me that, in spite of everything, I must choose goodness."
"We are death now, steel and sword and bullet."
"You see, Mara is rumored to hold the ruins of an ancient technology mightier than anything we’ve ever discovered."
"After all, there are other lands to conquer across the seas."