
Again, But Better Quotes

Again, But Better by Christine Riccio

Again, But Better Quotes
"People can continue along most paths, however unpleasant, if they have at least one good friend with them."
"I find it cathartic to pour out my soul via pen and paper. These days all my notebooks are Horcruxes."
"I’m going to make friends. I am. I’m going to talk to people I don’t know like I already know them—that’s the secret."
"Start your great American novel. You’ve spent an absurd amount of time trying to think of the perfect first sentence. Stop it. Just write."
"Kissing people doesn’t make you better than non-kissed people. Sit down."
"It’s all in the technique. Be chill. Be Zen."
"I’ve been conditioned to think of creative jobs like mystical beings. Finding one would be like finding a unicorn."
"I always listen to my mother, and I’m always smart!"
"Maybe as a final project here, you could even do a piece for us?"
"His smiles aren’t like mine, which typically etch themselves onto my face for various stretches of time."
"The idea of carrying the added guilt of ruining Rome for both me and Pilot is too much."
"We don’t have smartphones here; he probably didn’t see."
"I mean, I appreciate a good picture. I respect that."
"You need one of those nice pretentious cameras."
"When the band stops, this moment is going to stop, and I don’t want this to stop."
"I wonder what the protocol actually is for losing your passport in a foreign country."
"And that’s about the time she walked away from me."
"It’s not worth the stress of stressing. We’re here for two days."
"I mean, when you think Hall of Mirrors you think hall full of mirrors—mirror maze."
"We should all plan another trip for this weekend."
"Why wasn’t this in So You’re Going to Study Abroad?"
"This is the ANTHEM, throw all your hands up!"
"What’s that? Are you Angry Birding without me?"
"The thing is, I don’t want to zone out here. I want to zone in."
"I’ve never had to lie to their faces like this."
"I’m never going to be able to tell him how I feel."
"I came here to do things. Not regret things."
"I came to take risks. I came to be outgoing. I don’t want it to end like this."
"What the hell did you do to piss them off so much?"
"You’re not really happy with me because I’m not happy with you because I’m not happy with me."
"I wasn’t really sure what I wanted to do, so I just kinda picked gastroenterology."
"There’s no need to be rude. I’ll be there in a moment."
"What’s that supposed to mean? I can be creepy."
"We barely know each other anymore. I didn’t ask for this."
"I forgot how great it feels to do what I want to do."
"I’m a mess. I can’t believe I randomly showed up at your place of work."
"I’ve been dragging myself through the motions of what I thought I needed to do for so long."
"I don’t typically tell people I like them. I actually have a track record of complete and total secrecy."
"It makes my mom really happy, but I’m, I don’t know. I thought it’d make me happier."
"We get a second chance to do life, and we’re going to waste it five days in?"
"I thought I was okay with it. It makes my mom really happy, but I feel like I’m losing myself a little bit."
"When someone asks me if I'm okay, and I'm clearly not, it busts apart my tear-duct dam."
"Dreams live up in the highest of mountains; the pursuit is ominous, but without them, we’re just asleep."
"I'm pretty sure we kinda broke up back in February … I was an idiot, a how you say? Douche. Canoe."
"I'm not going to stay and watch my family find out about this and disown me as their daughter a second time."
"You throw this education away, and you’re going to be living in a fucking box on the street!"