
The Perfect Couple Quotes

The Perfect Couple by Jackie Kabler

The Perfect Couple Quotes
"We’d only been in our new home for three weeks, but the words ‘domestic bliss’ pretty much summed things up, cringeworthy as it sounded even to me."
"I fight cybercrime. I’m basically a security superhero."
"If these two murders were connected, if they’d been carried out by the same person, well …"
"It’s work,’ I’d retorted, waggling my fork at him, then smiling as I speared another piece of black pudding."
"He raised his thick, dark eyebrows – once a monobrow, until I’d finally pinned him to the bed one day, brandishing my tweezers – and I laughed again at his comically exaggerated expression of disbelief."
"It needed to be three, though, officially. Three murders, to fit the most widely used UK definition. And so far it was only two."
"There’s nothing at the moment to suggest that the two killings are linked."
"If he’s lied to me about this, what else might he have lied about?"
"We’d met on Tinder only eighteen months ago, as I’d told the police officers when I’d gone to the station."
"Always a day for celebrating. And I can’t think of a better reason for celebrating than marrying you."
"Mum hates travel, and Liam isn’t good with changes to his routine, it freaks him out."
"It was really how Danny had wanted it – he hated fuss, as he called it – but I’d been happy to go along with it."
"We fitted. And I hadn’t lied when I’d told the police we’d been virtually inseparable most of the time."
"He lied to me. He lied. And not just a little white lie, a massive one."
"He has a savings account too, and we’ve checked that, but it’s empty…"
"It’s because they look … well, they all look quite similar, don’t they?"
"I mean, if someone was on a dating site searching for dark-haired, dark-eyed, fit, slim but sporty men in their thirties, they’d all pop up, wouldn’t they?"
"We have zero evidence at the moment that the deaths of Mervin and Ryan are linked, and we don’t even have a third body yet."
"He’s now vanished, so did that person hurt him in some way? Kill him? And maybe kill the others too?"
"It’s blood. Pints of it. Everywhere. What the hell has happened in this room?"
"So we’re going to go out now, get some fresh air, walk Albert, go to the supermarket."
"I’m just hoping he’ll come back, and all this will be over. It’s just been so awful."
"I’ve seen worse, you know. Not sure why this one has got to me so much."
"This is pointless, all of it, and in the meantime Danny is out there somewhere and he could be dead, or injured, and you’re wasting time with this ... with this bollocks."
"I don’t know why his blood is all over that room, I can’t explain that. But I didn’t hurt him."
"They’re only doing their jobs. Not a pleasant experience though."
"I don’t understand any of this, it’s like some sort of horrible nightmare and I’m just so scared about ... about where Danny is and what’s happened to him."
"I feel like I’m stuck in one of those horrible dreams where everything’s back to front and upside down and nothing makes sense."
"I shook my head in bewilderment, but then a thought struck me."
"Was there any way of getting to Ireland without a passport?"
"It wasn’t just me under siege now, my parents were too."
"I was on my feet now, and I kicked the waste bin next to the basin so hard that it flew into the air."
"I don’t care if you’re in trouble, or what you’ve done. I just want to know where you are, Danny."
"But all I know is that I didn’t do anything to hurt my husband."
"I just want you to be alive and well and safe and here."
"I’m out of ideas, and I feel like I’m going mad. What am I going to do?"
"How could a life, a nice, normal life, unravel so quickly?"
"I thought I needed to see ya as soon as possible, so I took the day off work."
"You just want to eat that shitty cheap chocolate crap which is full of fat and sugar."
"They know she was here at some point, Danny. At least they know I’m not making everything up."
"I’d have died that day, if it wasn’t for him."
"I was struggling with that too. And I know, I know how unlikely this all sounds."
"I don’t know if any of this is true, but it works. It made some sort of weird, twisted sense."
"If he was alive, he knew it, he knew all of it."
"I loved this bathroom, with its huge double walk-in shower."
"I have no idea why they took pictures, but Quinn knew what had really happened. So why tell such a different story, unless he’s trying to make the police think I killed Danny?"
"If I’d killed someone, the last thing I’d do is go to the police and put myself on their radar."
"I’m the neighbour from hell, aren’t I? They just don’t want to know me."
"I would never … who told you that? And what evidence?"
"It was a pretty extreme thing to say, wasn’t it?"
"I’m so sorry. I know you wouldn’t do it if you didn’t have to."
"If he was using the gym, if he was travelling around Bristol every day, why wasn’t he using his bank account?"
"If they’d found a tiny speck of gunpowder in his pocket, but everything else was circumstantial."
"Who uses an alarm clock nowadays, you mad woman? Use your phone like everyone else does!"
"The blood in that bedroom, the little shit …"
"I just need a bit of cash in the bank to start me off, but I didn’t need loads."
"They gave me a deadline – the end of January – and said I had to do the job by then or it would all be over."
"If only they’d given you some idea of where to find the money, we might be able to track him down."
"But now, well … it’s like building a jigsaw."
"I’ve turned their nice quiet street into a circus over the past couple of weeks."
"I’ve started telling you now. No point in missing anything out."
"I didn’t know Quinn was going to do that with them, make up that story about Gemma."
"I thought I’d be safe here, for a few more days anyway …"
"I’m a feckin’ sneaky little shite, aren’t I?"
"Just sex. Now and again it went a bit too far though."
"I’d never breathe a word to a living soul, that wasn’t enough."
"If I didn’t do the job, it would be curtains."
"But it would have meant that after a while, nobody would have looked for me."
"This is your last warning. I’m coming for you."
"I mean, if it is Gemma O’Connor behind all this, why is she attacking men who look like her husband?"
"If I went to the police before that, they wouldn’t just kill me, they’d kill Gemma and my mum and my brother Liam, too."
"Do you realize how much trouble you’ve caused, Mr O’Connor?"
"You can tell the texts are from the same person just by looking at them."
"I’ve been worried about you, you’ve hardly been eating a thing."
"I should have known, after the stupid git told me he’d gone to see you after he met with Gemma."
"I’ll send someone in with a coffee, and I’ll be back down in a few minutes."
"I jumped, a jarring sound rousing me from an uneasy sleep."
"But he said you seemed to think I was dead, you know, weren’t looking for me alive, so I thought I’d be safe here."
"They think that whatever happened to him happened weeks ago … they found blood, you see, in our old apartment in London, lots of blood …"
"And then I’d asked him if he thought Danny might be cheating on me."
"But he said he’d use a cheap pay-as-you-go phone, untraceable."
"It’s just a sausage stew but it generally goes down well when I’ve got friends round."
"He has ways of making me do whatever he wants, trust me."
"You’ve told me how you did it, now tell me why."
"Let’s go and find our serial killer. Let’s find Danny O’Connor."
"I’ll never be able to tell you how sorry I am."
"My husband is a serial killer, my husband is a serial killer …"
"You’re strong, Gemma. You’re so bloody strong."