
Wildwood Quotes

Wildwood by Colin Meloy

Wildwood Quotes
"How were they doing this? She found that her legs felt like they were made of cement, her mouth empty of anything that might draw forth words or a sound."
"She had to go into the Impassable Wilderness and find him. It seemed like an insurmountable task, but she had no choice."
"Her heart was racing in her chest, and she had to keep her momentum up."
"This is Wildwood, kid, and I can’t afford to stop for anything."
"I’m prepared to end this right here, right now."
"You might call us the wardens of Wildwood. We’ve made this untamed wilderness our own and imposed an order on it that was sorely lacking."
"The forest becomes like a hall of mirrors, its image repeated in illusion into the horizon, you see, and at every turn one would find oneself exactly where one had started."
"No, my sweet Curtis, the only way you would have been able to cross the border and travel in these woods would be if you were born of the Magic yourself."
"Incredible. How did you find your way, girl?"
"I just walked in, sir. But I guess I wasn’t supposed to be able to. Something about a boundary?"
"I mean—it’s absolutely impossible! Or it should be absolutely impossible, unless—"
"We follow no law, accept no governance. They call me the Bandit King."
"I’m good in a team, too. Really. I mean if you’re ever in need of a partner, I’m your man."
"You are a singularly independent spirit, aren’t you?"
"I can’t believe this has been here all along and I never even knew it."
"Prue couldn’t remember ever being as impatient for the sun to go down as she was now."
"With the dimming of the day, the activity in the Mansion seemed to ease and calm."
"I’m really super sorry. I’m sure someone will be along to help you."
"I apologize for the state of the rooms. We’ve scarcely found the time to make ourselves at home here."
"Never underestimate the power of grief, Prue."
"You’re only going to make things worse for yourself."
"We need only follow the path of destruction laid in the wake of the ivy."
"She’s a smart girl, that Prue McKeel. She knows when she’s in over her head. Unlike certain other Outsiders of my acquaintance." - Alexandra, the Dowager Governess
"Let the South Wooders and the Avians battle and imprison one another, fighting suspicion with suspicion—I will throw them both." - Alexandra
"I can assure you, Prue, that we will prevail. We will be victorious. And we will return your brother to you and your family." - Alexandra
"Your courage is uncommon. I would hate very much to be the party responsible for your brother’s kidnapping! You would prove an indefatigable foe, no doubt." - Alexandra
"Good-bye, Curtis. I don’t expect that I’ll see you again. This is where you will find your end, sadly. I wish it could’ve worked out differently, but alas, such is the way of the world." - Alexandra
"The world seemed to have continued on without her fairly handily."
"They said I should let my kin know to stay clear."
"The tuft of grass had knotted itself into a tangle of quivering green wires."
"We tried to get our heads around the idea of being a family without kids."
"But we die in the fight. And that’s a sight better than waiting for the ivy to come and do the job."
"We were the children of an indifferent universe."
"They wheeled around her, as though she were the center of their universe."
"I'm going to go get my brother back," continued Prue, her voice now loud and commanding.
"Guess someone had to do it. It just happened that my cage was the right one—to make it to the ladder, that is."
"The lads have come to me with a petition... You’ve been nominated to take the bandit oath."
"It means to be a Wildwood bandit, through and through, till your dying day."
"How they will fall, how they will beg for forgiveness."
"A great wrong is unfolding, a threat to every living thing in the Wood."
"This is our task, we must stop this aberration from happening."
"We are a peaceable people, my girl, but even we, in the course of our history, have been called to defend our community."
"What do we care about what happens in Wildwood? That’s no business of ours."
"The thing that threatens Wildwood threatens us all."
"The ivy knows no boundaries. It will consume and consume until it is instructed by its commander to cease."
"In this moment of my victory, this moment of fruition."
"I don’t want to die," he said, his face soft and quieted. "I want to keep here. Help me keep here."
"You will only mark yourself as a murderess," said Iphigenia flatly.
"The illusion of power is manna enough for them."
"Well, you’ve arrived just in time. The ceremony will soon be complete."
"I've given them more in the last fifteen years than they've ever enjoyed in the history of their breed."
"Your time is over, Bandit King," she said. "A new era in Wildwood has begun."
"But I did!" shouted Alexandra, her temper finally piqued. "I gave him life. Twice."
"And so they will pay. They will pay with their lives. And their families’ lives."
"This is a coup," said the girl. "So if you wouldn’t mind opening those gates, we’d greatly appreciate it."
"One thing is certain: No process of government building is ever easy."
"I can’t believe it," Curtis said quietly. "We did it."
"Once upon a time," she said, quietly, "there lived a little boy and his big sister."