
Nightblood Quotes

Nightblood by Elly Blake

Nightblood Quotes
"The darkness became a physical thing, devouring light."
"I apologize for making your life so difficult."
"It made me feel so powerless, so out of control."
"The sky lay black and clear, studded with diamonds."
"The horizon was orange now, the stars winking out as dawn claimed its due."
"I’m so glad you gave me an excuse to do this."
"Your icicle of a king isn’t going to like this."
"Every instinct is telling me to send you off somewhere safe and to fix all this myself."
"You are nothing but a Fireblood peasant, a dirty bit of provincial scum that clawed her way into the king’s bed."
"We would have built up our navy and attacked Sudesia. We would have wiped out you Firebloods once and for all."
"If you don’t stop, I’m going to kiss it out of you."
"I’m almost positive you’ll bring about my downfall."
"I know that you came here as a prisoner slated for death. I know that you were spat upon and reviled and insulted at every turn."
"You think I won’t? A Frostblood is always restrained."
"You were like puppets in your hands. You used your terrible darkness to make us turn on one another."
"I always knew your kind would be the end of us."
"I can’t seem to stay angry at you. What have you done to me?"
"Do you need to yell some more? It’s not good to hold it in."
"I would package you up and send you off to Marella—"
"I don’t want us to let each other go. I want us to hold on with everything we have."
"I want whatever you’re offering. And I don’t want you to be unsatisfied."
"Remember what? As the first time I saw a side of you that I cannot love."
"If something is valuable enough, one pays the price gladly."
"Just remember the choice was yours. You didn’t want me, not the other way around."
"I don’t want you to choose differently. Ever."
"You’re a dreamer, Prince Kai. A dreamer chasing rainbows."
"I wish we could bring this one home with us. Such a darling little mortal."
"It is unnatural for a Fireblood to behave as you do, silent and grim. Without life. You need to eat and laugh and sing and feel things again, Ruby."
"You are not cursed. You are a guardian, keeping the world safe from the Minax."
"I’ll kill you," I swore. "I’ll kill you and her grief will be so great that we will devour her mind and she will never come back. She will cease to be."
"That’s right. So you know this sensation already. Hold on to me. When you feel the Minax gaining power over you, take some light from me to fight it back. We can do this. Together."
"Power over these mortal creatures is your birthright. Your inheritance. I gave this to you as a gift."
"If you don’t give her what she needs, there are others who will."
"I will do that again and again until every spirit is released."
"I reject your claim and refuse your so-called honor."
"I would do so again, a hundred times over, and thank Fors for giving me the chance."
"I have always believed in you. Go. Make me proud. Make your goddess proud. And save us all."
"I thought you were stronger than I really am."
"I could never hate you, but I am furious right now, Ruby."
"My companion waits for me, she said in my mind."
"Did not destroy, the spirit said. I took its darkness. Its light ascended. And now I follow."
"Eternity is a very long time, Ruby. You should have thought of that before you defied me."
"Eternity." His whisper rolled like thunder before fading into silence.
"How?" I asked brokenly. "It took me a while to find you."
"You are a plague," he raged, bounding toward me. "I will end you now, and your spirit will pay!"
"I understand the word eternity perfectly," I said. "That's how long you'll live in exile."
"You have no purpose now but in suffering, which pleases me."
"The moment you leave, I'll kill you. Is that clear enough?"
"I love you so much, Ruby. And don't you ever leave me again."
"It's not time for that, not for a long while yet. We have work to do."
"You are not your fire. You are not your darkness or your light. You have an unconquerable spirit, determination, compassion."
"I don’t know. I’d sense it somehow, wouldn’t I? I don’t feel all that special."
"You are so lucky I don’t have my fire right now."