
Winterwood Quotes

Winterwood by Shea Ernshaw

Winterwood Quotes
"Never waste a full moon, Nora, even in winter."
"The moon is whispering your secrets. It knows your darkest thoughts."
"Spellbook of Moonlight & Forest Medicine."
"If you have a fire, then you have something."
"Those woods up there are dangerous, but not as dangerous as the men themselves."
"There is more to fear in men’s hearts than in those trees."
"But you can’t always blame the Wicker Woods for the bad things that happen."
"Always the dark. Knocking at my skull, finding a way in."
"I’m safer without them. Locked doors are better than friends you can’t trust."
"She lived to be an old woman, long white hair to her ankles, trailing her through the garden where she dug up marigolds and vanilla leaf and wild ginger, certain the locket would be found among the roots."
"I was probably hypothermic," I say, then chew on the corner of my lip, imagining him feeding me soup while I mumbled nonsensically."
"Because my grandmother slipped into my dreams and whispered about the lake, about remembering."
"I didn’t want to be there that night," he tells me, his voice tiptoeing around each word."
"You don’t understand, Nora," he says, swallowing hard and turning to look at me. "It wasn’t an accident. They knew what they were doing."
"It’s too late now anyway. We can’t undo what’s been done."
"I don’t know if I can trust this," I say, I confess. "This thing inside my own heart."
"I thought I would leave and never see her again. But now I stand at the shore, watching the fire tear down through the snow-covered pines, and I can’t seem to make my legs move."
"Would you have believed me?" he asks. "Do you believe me now?"
"I lower the spellbook in my arms and watch the sky rain down in scattered bits of ash."
"None of it matters," I say. It’s too late now anyway.
"I glance up the shore, where the trees between us and the road are already engulfed, flames winding up into the skyline, catching on treetops, cyclones of heat and ash."
""Nora," he says. But I won’t look at him because nothing is okay."
"I shrug away from his touch. My heart seizing in my chest, my lungs burning so bad it feels like they’re on fire, encircled by flames."
""Nora, no," he calls, his voice broken, crumbling beneath his tongue."
"The lake snaps and creaks like old wood, like ice not as thick as it once was."
"This is how I will be remembered inside the spellbook: Nora Walker died on the lake, her body never recovered."
"A notation I will make inside the spellbook, if I ever get the chance."
"I never knew why things appeared inside the Wicker Woods."
"But Jasper found it inside the Wicker Woods. The ring returned."
"My heart rises and then collapses. A ball inside my ribs."
"I pretend I am a Walker who is just as powerful and brave as the women who came before me."
"I am a Walker who wants to be called more than a witch."
"She recites her tales, and we peer up at the stars and wait for spring to settle over the lake."
"The second time I’ve known that I’ll never leave these mountains, the cold dark of the forest, the bottomless lake beyond her room."
"Nora Walker could bend time as if it were a prism of light on blue-green sea glass."
"That the story of a witch, one who slips through time, can never really have an end."