
Slewfoot: A Tale Of Bewitchery Quotes

Slewfoot: A Tale Of Bewitchery by Brom

Slewfoot: A Tale Of Bewitchery Quotes
"Stop with the tears. You're not a child anymore."
"The land is mine. There is naught else to be said."
"This is Sutton, not Hartford. We do not take orders from Lord Mansfield here."
"You are a blessing, Abitha Williams. I would truly be lost without you."
"Angels must often do dark deeds in the name of the Lord."
"Goodness, woman. Stop fretting so. I am not going to fall in."
"I am sick to death of this want to suffer needlessly."
"What she is doing is an affront to the foundation of our society, an affront to you, to the good folks of Sutton, and to the good Lord himself."
"We may be running low on all else, but thanks to your masterful beekeeping, we have honey aplenty."
"I am lost without you, Abitha. I shouldn’t need say it. You know this."
"What a couple of odd ducks we are. Mayhap together we will find our place."
"It brings me such joy when you allow yourself time to draw."
"We are lucky to get that. I did my best. I am telling you."
"Why are you acting so, Edward? Is this about last night?"
"We cannot leave him down there. What if he still lives?"
"There will be no going down. No rope is so long."
"Mayhap he is not at the bottom, but upon some ledge."
"This is for you, Edward. For being a kind and gentle soul… for being my friend."
"You stupid girl. You better start practicing your Pequot."
"You are alone in the woods, dear Abitha. Vulnerable… ever so vulnerable."
"No, you're not. You keep saying that. Yet you're still here. Just admit it. You're afraid."
"Why must you always let your stubbornness get the better of you?"
"They are a plague killing our magic, our very souls."
"It is her place to speak up in all matters to do with Edward’s holdings."
"I am not disagreeing with you, but this is our law. Who are we if we do not uphold our own laws?"
"Go on then. Take one. They are for you, my child. They will help you see."
"I’ve had all I can take. Do you hear me? All I can take!"
"I will not allow you to steal my father’s farm!"
"Why, any awful thing could happen to you out here. Do you understand? Anything."
"What was that?" He cocked his head, listening.
"Poor creature, she has indeed lost her way," Lord Mansfield said.
"Why will no one help me?" He spun away from her and stormed from the barn.
"I can tell you, neither her nor his actions sit well with the village."
"Let go," she whispered. "Let go. Let go. Let go."
"No, no, of course not. I am out of sorts. That is all."
"I am the girl who looked into the eyes of a thousand gods, am I not?"
"Let us stir up some big magic this night. Let us call the moon and the stars to show us who we are."
"God is coming to Sutton. Time to choose your side!"
"She might send us all up in a ball of flame next."
"It is time to see just what you are capable of."
"If I should see you again, it will be your end."
"You have done more than save me here… you’ve given me the strength to stand on my own. Giving me back my dignity… the means to…"
"No," she said. "I just cannot do such a dark deed."
"Samson, you have proved your heart is good and that your nature is Godly."
"You will not shoot me, Abitha. As I know you are no murderer."
"I am innocent to all. I have not now, nor ever, consorted with Satan."
"I’d rather die here and now than be tortured and strung up by a pack of liars and pious denigrates."
"You have brought down the Lord’s Holy Anger."
"She set her bees upon me! Isaac and Ansel as my witness."
"It is the name of a common pixie. And that… that is but a common cat, you half-wit!"
"This is Sutton, and outside of that court, I am the authority."
"It is but a cat!" Abitha cried again. "Not anything more."
"I am innocent. I am innocent! I would never allow harm to my child. Never!"
"The governor will hear of this, Cornelius! I will be bringing forth a full report! Heed me, you will be held accountable!"
"Samson, I beg of you, come to me. I’ll give you whatever you want. Whatever you need. Just take me from here."
"I am not the tempter, nor would I deceive you. This has to be your decision. It has to come from your heart or the spell will not bind."
"It were not Sarah Carter that aided the Devil, good sir. Nay. It were that man yonder!"
"I confess only to my love and faith in the good Lord above."
"It’s time you began to understand what you are. The wilderness is your home. You have many friends here."
"I am the shepherd and I am the slayer. I am life and I am death."
"I have decided that you are to be hung from your ankles until you expire."
"I am sorry," he whispered to the sapling. "I have failed."
"You can avoid this, you can choose a quick snap of the neck instead, an almost instant death."
"If it is a witch they want, then a witch they shall have."
"I said lower your voice. This is my house and you will show me the proper respect. Do you understand?"
"Charity," Anne said, speaking gently but firmly. "Enough now. The bible demands that you be obedient and respectful to your parents."
"This will not do, Wallace thought. Something will be done, he assured himself."
"Enough," Wallace shouted. "The witch is dead. That show is over. Do you hear me?"
"I want you to live knowing what is waiting you at the end of your life. This scar will always remind you that there is no redemption, not for you, child."
"We are under attack. It is the witch. She has friends with her."
"God will protect us, but we must do our part."
"Death is not for you, reverend man. I have need of you. A small task."
"I am death and I am life, and the circle … it will go on."