
The Phantom Of The Opera Quotes

The Phantom Of The Opera by Gaston Leroux

The Phantom Of The Opera Quotes
"He is extraordinarily thin and his dress-coat hangs on a skeleton frame."
"The ghost must have something to do with it."
"The ballet-girls are right," he said. "The death of that poor Buquet is perhaps not so natural as people think."
"Your soul is a beautiful thing, child," replied the grave man's voice, "and I thank you. No emperor ever received so fair a gift. The angels wept tonight."
"I am the little boy who went into the sea to rescue your scarf."
"When I am in Heaven, my child, I will send him to you!"
"But his heart thumped in his chest when he distinctly heard someone moving, with a light, stealthy step, in the room next to his."
"But she seemed not to hear me and acted exactly as though I were not there."
"I realized that I had no excuse for following her and that this way of spying on her was unworthy of me."
"I am thinking that we shall not see each other again."
"I felt as if I were face to face with Satan."
"Everything that is underground belongs to him."
"I have promised to explain everything to you one of these days."
"You must never try to fathom the mystery of the man's voice."
"I thought to myself, 'The chandelier may have come down upon the voice.'"
"I cried out. My voice was the only sound, for the singing and the violin had stopped."
"I am not an Angel, nor a genius, nor a ghost... I am Erik!"
"I give you back your liberty, Christine, on condition that this ring is always on your finger."
"You must never ask me that. I will play you Mozart, if you like, which will only make you weep."
"He kissed the hem of my dress and did not see that I closed my eyes."
"He accused himself, he curses himself, he implores my forgiveness."
"The kind that gives you a thrill, when you think of it... Picture it: a man who lives in a palace underground!"
"The Angel of Music! Really! That is very curious! The Angel of Music!"
"I am going to tell the siren to open the door."
"You don’t love me! You don’t love me! You don’t love me!"
"It's the other one's fault! Why did he ring?"
"I am stifling. All those mirrors are sending out an infernal heat!"
"What have you done with my bag? So it was to take my bag that you asked me to release you!"
"You're not afraid of the dark, when you're with your little husband!"
"You have given me till eleven o'clock tomorrow evening, Erik."
"It's the silliest trick you ever saw, but it's very useful for breathing and singing in the water."
"I won't answer for anything if Erik's secrets cease to be Erik's secrets."
"I did my utmost to keep my head and not to hope for water, because I knew that, if a man hoped for water, the water that reflected the iron tree, and if, after hoping for water, he struck against the mirror, then there was only one thing for him to do: to hang himself on the iron tree!"
"We not only saw the water, but we heard it! We heard it flow, we heard it ripple! Do you understand that word 'ripple'? It is a sound which you hear with your tongue!"
"And we bent lower and lower over the trap-door. What could there be in that cellar which opened before us? Water? Water to drink?"
"Eleven o'clock tomorrow evening! And what else could Christine say but no? Would she not prefer to espouse death itself rather than that living corpse?"
"She was waiting for me. … waiting for me erect and alive, a real, living bride … as she hoped to be saved."
"I had become no more, you know, than a poor dog ready to die for her."