
Gardens Of The Moon Quotes

Gardens Of The Moon by Steven Erikson

Gardens Of The Moon Quotes
"In times of conscience he held the world's concerns above his own. Fortunately, he reflected, such times were few."
"Is it not wisdom to conclude that other lives are of less importance than one's own?"
"The power of divination was in his head and he could not deny it, no matter how hard he tried."
"For Kruppe, the power of divination was in his head and he could not deny it, no matter how hard he tried."
"Every god falls at a mortal's hands. Such is the only end to immortality."
"He cannot help but hear it. An endless ringing that sings in the head."
"For all that Kruppe has seen, for all that he suspects to be, he is just Kruppe, a man who would challenge the gods in their own game."
"The man's future was sealed; to some it would be called treason."
"The easiest thing to break is a man's heart."
"In any case, have you checked on him lately?"
"Personally, I believe the proclamation of neutrality to the Empress will go through."
"What happened at Pale isn't as simple as you make it."
"Peaceful? Are you blind to what happened to Pale's nobility?"
"The closest-held secret is the one that never sours with age."
"When it came to subtlety, Rallick Nom was sorely lacking."
"I've walked this land when the T'lan Imass were but children."
"We've cleaned out everyone else. As for Whiskeyjack and his squad, he's all yours, Adjunct."
"The cessation of my clan's chieftain, Kig Aven, was accompanied by all my kin."
"The Crimson Guard will be into the northlands by the time our reinforcements arrive."
"The Empire has its history, and we each are in it."
"Whatever energy burned between them, it felt dangerous. Which made it exciting."
"I can take care of my own problems, Adjunct."
"If you had a hand in this I'll find it, and that is a promise."
"Fire flashed in the sky ahead of her, perhaps a league distant."
"Crone tensed. That had been sorcery, but of a kind she'd never known."
"The air washed over her hot and wet, with a charnel stench that reminded her of burnt feathers."
"Crone knows naught. All things are gathering, gathering here."
"Aye, but Kruppe's dreams have taken a strange turn."
"A Jaghut Tyrant, imprisoned by the Jaghut themselves."
"The only way to destroy an Imass was to chop it to pieces."
"The presence in our city tonight was a conjuring."
"The Jaghut who entombed the Tyrant were born of a different Elder Warren."
"Empire was a part of them, a legacy flowing like blood through human muscle, bone, and brain."
"The thought that she could allow herself to slip into carelessness so easily had left her shaken."
"All is well with the child Tattersail. The Rhivi protect her, and she grows swiftly, as is the nature of Soletaken."
"Dragnipur tasted a demon's soul this night, Adjunct."
"We observe without being observed. We learn while remaining a mystery to all."
"As any commander of long standing knows, treachery breeds its own."
"Time? Within this barrow, Adjunct, time does not exist."
"Through the gamut of life we struggled for control, for a means to fashion the world around us, an eternal, hopeless hunt for the privilege of being able to predict the shape of our lives."
"We fight as well as any man. We die alongside them. Mercenaries of the spirit."
"What, then, will I be preserving? A history, a particular point of view."
"Do I raise Moon's Spawn into the heavens, where we live on, beyond any risk, any threat? What, then, will I be preserving?"
"Is an honourable cause worth anything these days? Does it matter that we've borrowed it?"
"Imagine your spirit dying while your body lives on. Not for ten years, not for fifty. But a body that lives on for fifteen, twenty thousand years."
"Duty holds me, yet a duty that is in itself hollow."
"The history is done, Baruk, and the Tiste Andii point of view is one of disinterest, stoicism and quiet, empty despair."
"It was as if I was about to remember something. But it never came."
"If anything, someone will mark me and the Guild will come. If I can get a word in before they kill me, there's a chance."
"You take away everybody else's humanity, you take away your own."
"I'd hate to think that evil was real, that it existed with a face as plain as the next man's."
"The sting brings death in the span of grief that marks a final breath."
"The powder changes some people. There is no predicting such changes."
"As much as she'd intended to take command of things, it seemed that this Whiskeyjack had been doing just fine up until now, given the circumstances."
"Why on earth would an estate hire a bunch of strangers as guards?"
"It's what makes the nobility drool. Look there, a big tattooed barbarian glowering down at them. Exciting, yes?"
"He'd stood at Dassem Ultor's side, arguing tactics with the Sword of the Empire in the midst of battle."
"Your plan is sound. Tell me the name of this estate."
"The shadow of the Malazan Empire hung over all."
"Darujhistan seems smaller. Almost insignificant."
"It's one of the biggest cities I've ever seen."
"They ran in endless circles and called it growth, emergence, knowledge."
"Raest fashioned an empire of sorts, bereft of cities yet plagued with the endless dramas of society."
"They even managed to convince themselves that they possessed freedom, a will of their own that could shape destiny."
"They elected champions. They tore down their champions once failure draped its shroud over them."
"I saw the ages in their eyes, a worldly map inscribed in each whirled scale on their hides."
"Their sorcery bled from them like the breathing of stars, and I knew then that dragons had come among us."
"It seems, Lady, that the evening is well under way."
"A fool has challenged my honour, friends. And since when has Turban Orr permitted such an insult?"
"I wait on no man, and certainly not for some thin-lipped prancer pretending to manhood."
"Your skills are required, Rallick Nom. Accompany me."
"In this age even a mortal can kill you. The tide of enslavement has reversed itself."
"Fear not. Brood has convinced me to spare you, at least for the moment."
"You've been serving a god and you didn't even know it! How's your luck been, lately?"
"Imagine, even the stars blotted out, leaving naught but dread in this world."
"She's breathing. There's some kind of knife in her, looks like it's covered in sap."
"The quest for vengeance is ended. The Azath will not be touched, for it is new, a child."
"The sergeant mused, no losses, though the captain's armour had taken a beating."