
One By One Quotes

One By One by Ruth Ware

One By One Quotes
"It helps to shut out the voices in my head, their voices, pulling me this way and that, pummeling me with their loyalties and their arguments to and fro."
"Snow is so white on the ground, but when it’s falling, it looks gray against the sky. It might as well be ash."
"It’s strange how snow can make the night seem brighter."
"Why did I come? Why? But I know the answer. I came because I couldn’t afford not to."
"There’s no road up to St. Antoine 2000, not in winter, anyway."
"It’s not just the snow; it’s a hundredweight of unwelcome memories bearing down on me."
"Saturday is both the best day of the week and the worst."
"I’m sure they will. It’s gorgeous, really warming, and… um… complex."
"I’ll do it! I said so, didn’t I? I’ll do it while you dry your hair."
"I just lie there, my dark hair fanning out around me, floating, gazing up. Remembering."
"I don’t imagine he sits there searching the user records for Liz Owens every few days."
"Nah, you’re not getting it. The whole point is the connection."
"It’s like that. You and Lady Gaga, sharing her earphones. It’s really powerful."
"As long as there aren’t any fucking stealth vegans this time."
"You were dreaming last night, shouting about someone called Will. I heard you through the wall. It woke me up."
"I don’t need the science bit, what I want to know is when will it be back up?"
"God no. All my work problems can be summed up in one word—Topher."
"It’s just, it’s hard to come out and say it, you know?"
"I can understand that. It must be really hard being away from her."
"I think the cold, hard reality of Rik’s figures wasn’t lost on any of us."
"I can’t do this. I can’t. I can’t ski down in this. I’m going to die, I know I will."
"I can’t do it!" I scream, and suddenly, out of nowhere, I am crying."
"I’m—I’m sorry, Eva, I know we talked about this last night, and I promise, I am—I am going to do it—it’s j-just—"
"I’m quite sure. I’ll meet you back at the chalet."
"I’m going to talk to the lift attendant, make him let me back in."
"She stops and glances again at Elliot. He is still head down, tapping away with his earphones on."
"I think you could be, and that’s enough to give me the cold heaves."
"I just keep feeling like there’s something wrong… something I saw… I just—like, can’t put my finger on it."
"Well, there ain’t no point in sugarcoating this," he says. "My key’s gone. Someone’s half-inched it."
"My surname is FitzClarence. My friends all call me Erin, but that’s my middle name."
"You’re saying someone has access to every room in the place now? None of us can lock our doors?"
"You fucking liar," he shoots over his shoulder. Then he leaves the room.
"Everything I told you—about me, about dropping out of uni—it’s all true. I just didn’t tell you why."
"This is bloody convenient for you, isn’t it? Before, if anyone managed to get access to any of the rooms you and Erin were prime suspects, now you’ve contrived—"
"We got caught in an avalanche," I say at last, forcing the word out.
"What did you say?" It is Miranda, her voice almost accusing.
"I’m saying, this isn’t the first time our little Erin has been involved in a fatal skiing accident."
"What did you say?" Rik says, turning to me, frowning, and I shake my head.
"Eva was on that slope," I say reluctantly. "I saw her too."
"This had better be good," he says, and his expression makes me quail, it’s so angry.
"I—I couldn’t go back," I say, very quietly. "Do you understand that? I couldn’t go back to my old life."
"I’m not sure I ever did. What they stand for—"
"I reckon it’s a better bet than the resort," Carl says flatly.
"Oi, what about the other chalet?" We all turn to see Carl, standing in the living room doorway, his hands in his pockets.
"I don’t care," she shoots over her shoulder as she leaves. "I don’t care what Ani said. There is one person in this room who had a motive for Eva’s death. One person. Stop pretending that isn’t the case!"
"I thought that was the worst thing that’s ever happened to me."
"I was wondering if we’d hear something tonight."
"I can’t believe any of it is true. It doesn’t seem real. I keep wondering if Eva was just in an accident, but then what about Elliot and Ani?"
"I’m just thinking, once is bad luck, twice is a hell of a coincidence. How many skiing deaths can one person be involved in?"
"It’s okay," I say, but somehow the words are hard to say. There is something in my throat—an unexpected kind of lump. "It’s okay. It’s not your fault."
"I’m sorry," I whisper to him. "I’m so, so sorry."
"I am alone in an isolated chalet with a murderer, and there’s nothing I can do."
"It’s all I’ve ever wanted. It’s all I wanted from the girls at school, with their bitching and their teasing and their prying."
"But what if… what if she were talking about Liz."
"She probably felt safe. She didn’t know I had a passkey."
"But I don’t feel guilty, even about Ani, because it’s not my fault, any of this."
"I have to be very, very careful. I cannot afford a mistake."
"But I have to know. I have to know what she knows."
"I don’t need to act quickly. I have time to think about this."
"Liz is watching me. I don’t dare to open my eyes more than a sliver."
"I am lost in thought as Liz sits down opposite me."
"I never asked for this. I never wanted any of it."
"I never believed her. That text—I knew something was wrong."
"Bloody hell, you look even worse than Inigo, and that’s saying something."
"I think… we just watched Liz murder someone."
"Never you mind. Bit of nepotism never did no one any harm."
"CHOON, mate. Oh—and my ID, it’s DANNYBOI. Luv ya."