
Malice Quotes

Malice by Keigo Higashino

Malice Quotes
"The relationship between teacher and student is based on illusion. The teacher is under the illusion that he is teaching something, and the student is under the illusion that he is being taught. What’s important is that this shared illusion makes both teacher and student happy. Nothing good is gained by facing the truth, after all. All we’re doing is playing at education."
"Everyone has secrets. And everyone has the right to keep them. Even if they’re dead."
"It makes most sense that the murder was an impulsive act, done in the heat of the moment, with whatever implement was at hand."
"I’m going to have to ask you to let me search your apartment."
"It’s amazing what you can accomplish once you’ve drawn your conclusion in advance."
"Personally, I feel I’m approaching this case very objectively."
"It's not like we parted on bad terms. We talked about it and agreed we should stop seeing each other."
"I've been wondering what was up. Haven't seen you around in a while."
"Imagine what you will. Just ... it's not related to the murder."
"I'm working under the assumption that this will be the last full piece I write."
"I'm not in any hurry. You do what you need to do."
"It brought back memories! Anyway, I really want to read it, I just haven't had the time."
"That was all he needed to say to get the full story out of me because nothing less than the truth would explain the scene captured on that tape."
"All I've said is pure conjecture at this point. However we feel this is enough to construct a viable motive for your crime."
"They were such good friends. I don’t think I ever saw them fight or argue."
"Honestly, I think he only said those negative things about Mr. Hidaka’s work because of his own mixed feelings."
"I didn’t have a shred of doubt in my mind about Hidaka’s good intentions."
"I resisted the urge to ask him why he hadn’t then called me a couple of days earlier."
"Technical skill alone doesn’t make a salable product, you know."
"I couldn’t help but pretend that we were newlyweds, just moved into our new home."
"I was never the healthiest guy, and it often took me a while to recover from colds."
"In a sense, I killed her. If I hadn’t gone mad and tried to kill Hidaka, none of this would have come to pass."
"The crime was too great, and the potential punishment too severe."
"Well, that comes as a real surprise! I certainly had no idea."
"Of course when a kid starts hanging out with the wrong crowd, there isn’t much that’s going to save him if he doesn’t have an ally."
"It’s really a shame what happened. I wonder what went wrong along the way."
"I think the only reason he ended up going again was thanks to Kunihiko."
"That’s part of the reason why I have real trouble believing what happened."
"We used to get in trouble, jumping on the new futons back in the warehouse."
"Well, I wouldn’t exactly describe them as the best of friends either."
"Who wants to drag lousy stuff that happened to them when they were a kid out into the light?"
"Let me just say, never in a million years did I expect a detective to come down here and question me about this."
"That’s right. It was Hidaka we wrapped up in that cellophane."
"I suppose I wonder if it’s really necessary."
"You make it through the tough stuff, and you get a little stronger, a little wiser."
"That’s right, the one who got offed? No kidding. Guess you never know how someone’s going to check out till it happens."