
A Dog's Journey Quotes

A Dog's Journey by W. Bruce Cameron

A Dog's Journey Quotes
"I knew this to be true: my name was Buddy, and I was a good dog."
"Only sleep soothed it away—in my sleep, Ethan ran with me through my dreams."
"I felt certain that Ethan would want me to watch over Clarity."
"I wagged my tail a little and it splashed the surface of the pond."
"I sniffed her head—nobody in the world smelled like Clarity."
"We were still sleeping when I heard the screen door shut."
"I eased myself to my feet because I knew that word. Wagging, I went over to sniff Hannah’s sweet-smelling hands."
"I tried to comfort her as best I could, sitting with my head in her lap."
"I knew that upstairs Clarity was probably lying in her bed, feeling lonely because I wasn’t with her."
"I wagged my tail as hard as I could, trying to climb on her and lick her."
"I was so excited I kept waking up and licking her face."
"I hope someday you have a child as awful as you."
"I'll just call Social Services and you can live in an orphanage."
"She's suspended from school, she's been to jail—"
"I don’t care where you take it and I don’t care what happens to it, but I will make your life a living hell, you and the dog both."
"This is a summons for you, you know. You have to appear in court, too."
"I go by ‘CJ.’ Gloria calls me Clarity because that’s the one thing she’ll never have."
"I was so disappointed I could barely summon the energy to go back and lie down on the carpet."
"I sat up and wagged, loving to hear my name."
"I smelled CJ the second the man opened the door at the end of the hall."
"I hoped their people would come to take them home soon, too."
"It felt so good to be near her I slipped into a quick and exhausted sleep."
"I wagged a little. CJ let me out of the car and I stepped through the melting snow to the front door—it felt so good to be home."
"I just wanted to be right where I was, a front-seat dog with my girl, CJ."
"Oh, you are such a good dog, Molly," CJ said.
"CJ didn’t answer, but I could feel her getting angry."
"I wagged to show her that I’d heard my name and was happy I was eating."
"I was so happy to be leaving I sailed inside and then I got to see why I wasn’t going to get to be a front-seat dog—Gloria was there, sitting in my usual spot."
"Duke, stop that," Trent said. Duke dropped off of me and went over to Trent for reassurance.
"The grief in CJ was overwhelming. I whimpered, putting my head in her lap."
"I knew what was happening. I could feel the darkness rising all around me."
"I had met tiny dogs in my life, of course. But I had never before considered that I might be one—I had always been large, because people sometimes need the protection a large dog affords them."
"I was astounded, because I had never thought we’d ever see him again."
"I wagged my tail at her, hoping she understood none of it was my fault."
"We were either in the car or outside every day!"
"I was glad that my girl had found herself another dog after I, as Molly, left her, but clearly now that we were reunited I was going to be in charge, because Duke just didn’t know what he was doing."
"The roar of noise was constant, not with barking but with the same sort of mechanical rumbles and shrieks that greeted me the day I was tilted left and right inside a plastic crate, the day CJ picked me up from the place of barking dogs by the ocean."
"CJ was angry. Duke lowered his head, frightened, but I was rigid and alert."
"CJ was stroking me and I burrowed my head in the crook of her neck."
"You’re the most beautiful bride in the history of weddings."
"You’ve been gone a long time. Six months seems like forever to a dog."
"My whole life, I only really wanted one girl, and now she’s my wife."