
The Witness Quotes

The Witness by Nora Roberts

The Witness Quotes
"But as the minutes dragged on, Elizabeth pushed herself off the bed. Patience, she knew, was her mother’s greatest weapon."
"Elizabeth—never Liz or Lizzie or Beth—spoke fluent Spanish, French, Italian, passable Russian and rudimentary Japanese."
"You’re a freak. But as of now, you’re not a coward."
"I’m tired of being your experiment. I’m tired of having every minute of every day organized, orchestrated and choreographed to meet your expectations."
"If I’m mature enough to understand that, why aren’t I mature enough to make my own decisions? I want this break. I need it."
"She didn’t want to be a doctor. She didn’t want to spend every waking hour on a schedule or hide a stupid pair of jeans because they didn’t fit her mother’s dress code."
"‘Please,’ Elizabeth murmured as seconds ticked into minutes. ‘Don’t make me give in again. Please, please, don’t make me give up.’"
"If people decide you're eccentric, they'll stop wondering."
"No one likes a fist in the face, but it can get to be a habit. On both sides."
"Everybody wonders what in the world you do out there all by yourself."
"It's a natural thing. People have a curiosity."
"I like to solve problems. I believe in a lot of things. Don't believe in a lot, too, but one of the things I believe in is there's right and there's wrong."
"The intellect is a more accurate gauge than emotion. The intellect deals with facts. Emotions are variable and unreliable."
"She's not sounding like one of those survivalists or those crazies thinking they've gotta load up on the guns and locks for the revolution or the Rapture."
"Mythology is fertile ground for artists and storytellers."
"Who wants perfect? I answered your questions, but you didn’t answer mine."
"It’s not right he has to be in a cage like a criminal."
"Life is a series of choices and circumstance, action and the reaction, and results of other people’s choices."
"You make it so I have to throw myself at you, and all you do is get mad."
"You want me on my knees, that’s the way to do it."
"I’m not willing to engage in a relationship."
"I don’t know what to do with them. With you. With this."
"I’ve been taking care of myself since I was seventeen."
"Why doesn’t anything go the way it’s supposed to with you?"
"It’s all so complicated and fraught."
"Your proposal constitutes a bribe, an exchange of money for my misrepresenting the facts."
"I don’t require phone calls or dinner companionship or conversations... or any of it."
"Justice seemed so clear-cut to her, but the law that sought it, enforced it, was murky and slippery."
"People should pay for their actions. There should be consequences. There should be justice."
"It’s not always black and white, right and wrong."
"I don’t like strangers coming to my home, trying to intimidate and threaten me."
"I’m responsible for myself. I don’t need or want to be protected."
"I’m not afraid of him. It also matters to me I’m not afraid of him."
"You make me want to risk the quiet, Brooks, and I thought the quiet was all I ever wanted."
"You can’t keep running, Abigail. You can’t keep shutting yourself up, shutting yourself down."
"She makes me happy. When I’m with her I feel like that’s where I’m supposed to be, where I’ve been wanting to be. And everything that matters makes sense."
"It was a mistake, and some of it’s on me for not talking it out with you. You’re sorry. I’m sorry. Let’s forget it."
"I loved you an hour ago. I love you now. I’m going to keep right on loving you, so get used to it and stop expecting me to let you down."
"Love doesn’t turn on and off like a light switch."
"It seemed like a circle. Seeing Ilya in Justin Blake, seeing what I thought of Sergei Volkov in Lincoln Blake. Seeing so much of what I admired in John in you."
"I’m going to trust your word, and you’re going to trust mine. You promise me that, and I’ll promise you I won’t do anything without your full knowledge and approval."
"I’m a computer scientist, and specialize in security. I’m also a hacker."
"A highly intelligent girl who’d been trained personally by one of those marshals in firearms, who’d requested and received five thousand in cash from her trust fund, who’d forged IDs, had spent a summer while the legal wheel slowly turned, thinking about what would happen to her once she testified."
"I’ve had a number of years to consider what they’d do to me if they could."
"If I can do what I’ve theorized, and the authorities listen and act, this will be over."
"She would finally look out from the witness chair in the courtroom, stare into the eyes of Korotkii, Ilya, Sergei Volkov, and speak the truth."
"I want to learn to be the kind of mother who can touch or hold without thinking, and for no important reason."
"I’ll have one person who knows the truth, who knows everything, whom I’ll never lie to."
"I thought maybe he had some work for me, and I could sure use it."
"But I haven’t had one drop since you arrested me, God’s truth, not till tonight."
"He tied your weakness to your manhood, and tied both to your desire for work. It was cruel and manipulative."
"It made me mad, but it felt true when he said it."
"I’m an alcoholic, and I know I can’t have one drink and not take another."
"He was cruel to you. He should be ashamed of what he did to you."
"I’m ashamed to say, it was cash money and I took it."
"You have an illness, Mr. Crew. He exploited your illness, used it against you."
"I want to live. I’ve come to understand there’s a difference."
"I have your address, I know where your children go to school, where your wife works."
"I don’t deserve to die for it, any more than Julie did."
"John Barrow died in my arms while trying to protect me."
"They would never have found me, but I came to you."
"I’d estimate they’ll be in the hotel by ten."
"I need to let it go, and at least some of the pain and guilt and grief."
"She was meant to come here, and I was meant to find her here."
"Elizabeth Fitch was pronounced dead on arrival at three-sixteen p.m."
"I’m going to take you fishing sometime, and you’ll see the difference between restful and tedious."
"I’m sorry. I was expecting you’d send someone in if you had the opportunity."
"Do you think I’d have come to you if I didn’t know you could authorize exactly what I’m asking?"
"Your superiors wouldn’t be pleased with the bad press."
"I’ve kept this for twelve years. Wherever I’ve gone, whoever I became, this was with me."
"They’ll pay, Abigail, for what they did to you, to Anya Rinki, to all the others."
"Look at her, standing there with a gun on her hip, a smile on her face and pasta on the table."
"I know how to say ‘bullshit’ in several languages."
"I can’t get a pulse, can’t get a pulse. Come on, Liz."
"That wasn’t just impulse, and it wasn’t showing off."