
The Memory Book Quotes

The Memory Book by Lara Avery

The Memory Book Quotes
"They say my memory will never be the same, that I’ll start forgetting things. At first just a little, and then a lot. So I’m writing to remember."
"Listen, name of God, this isn’t supposed to be a feelingsy thing, but it might have to be."
"Sometimes life is really terrible. Sometimes life gives you a weird disease."
"The feelings came back yesterday in Mrs. Townsend’s office."
"The idea that Mrs. Townsend would even consider that I would give up my future filled me with rage."
"I wasn’t good at the feelingsy things. Let’s move on."
"I’ve got this enormous butt on ostrich legs, the hair of a 'before' picture, and weird milky brown eyes like a Frappuccino."
"I’m not good at the feelingsy things. Let’s move on."
"Being scared of death, or being scared of even smaller things like people and parties and Stuart Shah; all of that seemed silly."
"I feel like what a superhero must feel like. I feel like I can hear everything, see everything."
"If you don’t believe the future is going to be better, then you won’t take action to make it better."
"You just get better, that’s all I need. You just get better."
"This year has been weird. I feel like I can do a lot of the things I do because I usually go after stuff that I know I can do. I can act and run QU and make out with people not just because I want to, but because I know I can."
"I am essentially Robin Williams in Dead Poets Society."
"I’m going through cards like a nun praying on rosary beads, mouthing each phrase."
"I remember I had just finished second affirmative. Maddie had stepped up, given me a pat on the back as we passed each other, and I’d sat down."
"I’m happy, I’m focused, and I will do everything to get better. Except for compromise on my goals."
"I know everything is scary but I’m the one going through it, okay?"
"I am no longer competing in debate, so I will be able to focus my efforts on completing the year without incident."
"I’m trying to say I’m sorry for not telling you about…"
"I love you both so much but you can be so stupid sometimes."
"What if this is just the beginning of a series of failures?"
"I wish we were riding home in a limo—not for the glamour, but so Maddie and I could sit on opposite ends."
"You can’t pretend you didn’t wait on purpose to tell me right when we got to your house!"
"I am just a normal, ambitious, laid-back young woman who does not have a debilitating disease."
"I think it's easy to group all the factors that get in your way into one big wall: money, race, sexuality, relationships, health, time."
"If we keep learning about the history of our obstacles, we will have the opportunity to dig the poison out of the world. We will have purpose."
"Because honestly, who’s to say that I won’t improve? We can’t eliminate that as a possibility."
"Speak of the devil, someone just peeked his head in here and yelled, 'Samantha Agatha McCoy! You better get your butt out here!'"
"Everyone! I wanna read this," Stuart yelled as the golden strips of light popped behind him.
"All strong women are allies, and if I can’t run the world, you should, and you should know I’m behind you."
"I guess I mean get rid of ‘the plan’ altogether. Do them because they’re good things to do. Do them just for the sake of doing them."
"I don’t want pizza. I was just saying that we could…"
"I’m tired, Gia." He turned to me, his Irish cheeks now tinged. He paused. "I just want us all to be grateful we’re eating a nice meal."
"It truly is a miracle of science," Dad said, cracking up. "That Mom’s farts don’t ever really stink."
"I like to rite on this cmpoter mom tot me how to do a face :) i dont no how to do captal letters but we are lernng how to in class sammie is the best sister"
"Are you sad?" I asked. "I am sad," he said, and swallowed. "I don’t like to leave you for so long."
"I think you’re better than this," Stuart said to me. "It’s hard for me to know you this way, the way you are now."
"I missed you," he said suddenly, and shrugged like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"You mean so much to me," I corrected myself, because he does.