
The Bourne Deception Quotes

The Bourne Deception by Eric Van Lustbader

The Bourne Deception Quotes
"I speak Russian well enough, but I prefer to speak English."
"I’m always happy to speak foreign languages."
"Americans overseas only wanted to speak English."
"There was always a quid pro quo to these deals."
"Hope sometimes arrived in seemingly unpleasant forms, like a bed of nails."
"Compromise was the name of the political game, whether it be domestic or international."
"We do not even know our wives, it seems unlikely we should know our... counterparts."
"What is so special about the Russian to bring the American secretary of defense forty-two hundred miles to a city he despised?"
"Life is dangerous, like anything governed by chaos."
"I'm hoping I can convince you to throttle back your physical training."
"Everything has happened before. And it will happen again."
"He'd been here before, he knew it. There was a vibration from the wind, the restful sea, the smiling people, the island itself to which something inside him resonated."
"You know, all this has happened before. And it will happen again."
"Billions of dollars to be made off a war in a new theater of operations."
"How he hates all of us," Soraya said. "He can’t even make the distinction between Arab and Muslim, let alone Sunni and Shi’a."
"Never mind," Hart said. "I presented my reasons to the president and he agreed."
"Yes, but it’s unclear whether its leader, Akbar Ganji, would be pro-Western. My guess is probably not."
"However, as you can see, the Black River intel doesn’t concern Ganji or his people. We aren’t talking here about a velvet revolution, but one steeped in blood."
"I don’t know. What happens then is not up to me."
"I have to laugh at his naïveté—and yours. Frankly, I assumed you had a more… shall we say pragmatic outlook on America, the country that exports Mickey Mouse, war, and occupying armed forces with equal abandon."
"You were shot, Bapak," she said, "You didn’t die, but it’s hard for you to climb our steep hills."
"Forget the vampire tactics, I’m right as rain."
"You stepped in a great steaming pile of shit."
"Being paranoid is in my job description, isn’t it?"
"Nothing seemed out of place, which was precisely what worried her."
"Well, there was no help for it, she thought. She’d done the best she could, now it was put one foot in front of the other and pray that she’d slipped any surveillance."
"She had the key in her hand as she approached the car from across the street."
"What was she expecting to find? Nothing, hopefully. But there was always a chance."
"Spotting nothing suspicious, she unlocked the car and slid behind the wheel."
"She was no longer comfortable staying in one place too long; neither did she feel safe going back to the office or even her home."
"Why else would Noah and the NSA come after Jay and now her."
"The entire drive had been filled up with these fourteen letters."
"Someone suspects he’s here, someone is after him."
"Don’t you think I tried? Here’s what I got for my efforts: four agents killed in the line of duty and a severe reprimand."
"I’ll be sending you the last-minute details within the hour."
"I assure you, Don Hererra, I'm far more interested in the Goya than I am in Iran."
"It cost me in political capital, but I did it."
"You have only one shot at this. Come with me now or Noah will own you forever."
"If there was anything Oserov knew how to engender in others, it was fear."
"To kill this beast from behind when it was terrified of me seemed cowardly, craven."
"Life in Nizhny Tagil had trained them to ignore anything that wasn’t their business."
"He’s nothing, you said so yourself. If you put him away, they’ll just find another fool to take his place."
"The sooner we clear up this car bomb mess, the better."
"No matter what your husband decides, you and these brats are finished. Dead, six feet under, get me?"
"For your information Dimitri Ilyinovich Maslov is the head of the Kazanskaya."
"That’s Lev Antonin’s son, in case you have any interest."
"You’ll lie there and keep still until I tell you otherwise."
"The worst your enemies can do is kill you. The worst your friends can do is betray you. Fear only the indifferent, because at their silent consent, treachery and death flourish!"
"Life is full of compromises, especially for the Mari. I was alive, he’d given me children whom I adore, and he swore to keep them from harm. That was my life, how could I complain when my parents were murdered by the Russians, when my sister disappeared when I was thirteen, probably abducted and tortured because my father was a journalist who repeatedly spoke out against the repression of the Mari?"
"There's us and there's the universe. Everything else is like those stories you tell your children."
"She’s your responsibility, my friend. All of them are your responsibility now."
"Are we good or evil? What’s really in our hearts? It’s dispiriting when we don’t know, or can’t decide."
"Perhaps we’re both good and evil, depending on the time and the circumstance."
"Detectives Sampson and Montgomery are currently fishing on the Snake River in Idaho."
"That’s because I never know who I’m talking with."
"It’s my payment. A unique prize for unique services rendered."
"In my world there are only two kinds of people: friends and enemies."
"Silence or a lie will only gain you a bullet through your left shoulder."
"You never felt the urge to tell her, to confess."
"He’s more than a man, Boris. Like me, he’s a graduate of Treadstone."
"I'm not yet certain of all the details, but what's clear is that Black River has made a deal with the devil."
"So they decided to force the issue. They used the downing of our airliner to go to war against Iran."
"With this Iranian oil, we’ll no longer have to kowtow to the Saudis, the Iranians, Venezuela, or any OPEC nation."
"My God, this is brilliant—demented, horrific, unthinkable even, but decidedly brilliant."
"The oil field land-grab is illegal, isn’t it?"
"Holly Marie Moreau was buried in a small sema—cemetery—southwest of the village where she’d been raised."
"You thought you could fuck me up, Colonel, but I’ve waited a long time for this moment."
"I imagine you’re wondering why he didn’t tell you? Because he was testing you—just like he was testing me."
"How many times do you have to die before you learn how to live?"