
Out Of Sight Quotes

Out Of Sight by Elmore Leonard

Out Of Sight Quotes
"Medium security and, most of the cons here are violent offenders."
"I think they believe like you no one can dig a tunnel in muck."
"It's okay if you do it to insure your future."
"Myself, it's not so much I'm violent as habitual."
"I never saw a fighter take as many shots as you did and keep coming back—outside of Rocky Balboa."
"I bet that’s all the hacks they send out. Otherwise nobody’s left to mind the store."
"He was in a bind, owed a lot of money and got forced into throwing a fight."
"While the guy was sleeping, I think there was more to it than the grass."
"I’ve had to run like hell a few times, but I don’t think I’ve done any fleeing."
"I wasn’t armed that time. I didn’t hit the guard repeatedly, either. One swing, he went down."
"They found the girl’s Chevy, at the Holiday Inn on Southern, right where we left it."
"Why don’t they know we took her with us? Maybe they do, but for some reason they’re not saying."
"I was thinking, you could give Glenn a call. If he did get away and feels safe."
"‘The car, property of the U.S. Marshals Service."
"Afterward, she went to sleep in the bedroom with her children."
"I don’t allow any man other than my husband in our bed."
"It says in the headline, ‘"I slept with a murderer," says shaken Miami woman.’"
"The guy comes to her door, says he’s a rafter, just made it here from Cuba."
"I spoke to her, the guy told her he missed his little girl and she felt sorry for him."
"‘The woman’s married. She goes to bed with this guy because he misses his little girl and then tells the world about it."
"She fixes him pork chops and rice, the next thing you know they’re making love on the sofa."
"She says, quote, ‘"I don’t allow any man other than my husband in our bed."’"
"The next morning she fixes the guy Kellogg’s Corn Flakes for breakfast and sends one of the kids to the store to get him a can of Colgate shaving cream, regular scent."
"You see it as a testimonial, an ad. Escaped con swears by Colgate shaving cream."
"I’m pretty sure it’ll be on the news tonight."
"FBI, sheriff’s office, Florida Department of Law Enforcement are all out looking for you, but it doesn’t say where."
"You can always depend on the old spy-fucker."
"It’s not that cold. You know what you do? Relax your body. Don’t hunch up, swing your arms, keep your blood moving and it doesn’t seem as cold."
"You can always depend on the old bank-robber fucker."
"Nobody calls me Snoop no more or Snoopy, is what White Boy’s trying to say. He’s a little crude, you understand. No, I left that Snoopy shit behind me."
"You learn from doing. You learn where the money’s at, then you do it. You don’t go in a house and toss it looking for valuables, slit open the mattress, that kind of shit."
"It’s like seeing a person you never saw before—you could be passing on the street—and you look at each other and you know something."
"You want to forget the whole thing and go to California, I’ll drive us."
"I don’t want to go in until I can give them something, like pay my way."
"You’re gonna have to shoot him, wouldn’t you?"