
The Enemy Quotes

The Enemy by Charlie Higson

The Enemy Quotes
"I reckon if you tried to get out of town you’d just come across more and more of them."
"I don’t care if Jester is making it up. I don’t care if there’s nothing there at the other end. We can’t stay here any longer."
"In the morning we pack up everything and we go."
"We’re not going to start blaming each other. It won’t get us anywhere."
"If anything was going to happen it would’ve happened by now. This place is dead, like the rest of London, like the rest of the world for all we know."
"We can’t go on like this. We’re getting weaker every day."
"We know it was tough today. We know you got hurt and you lost Deke and all that. We know why you’re angry, but… Well, go easy, yeah?"
"He’d always loved seeing the first green leaves come out on the trees, as if the world was waking up. Now it just meant that the grown-ups were getting bolder."
"To us they’re Strangers. We were always told about 'stranger danger'. And this lot truly are dangerous."
"If anyone was coming to save us I think they’d have showed up by now, don’t you?"
"We’re doing all right, Arran. We’re not starving or nothing. You brought us back the dog today."
"We can’t go on like this. Soon we’re all going to be dead."
"Deep down, though, he knew that really they would never be coming back."
"It was tiring being scared, and it had slowly worn off, so that now he felt numb."
"These grown-ups, the ones who had captured him, weren’t people any more."
"It looked easy. But the thing was, back then the animals were stupid and the humans were clever."
"This was different. These grown-ups were stupid and he was clever."
"It felt good to swear. Even if it was only in his mind."
"If you can’t see the monsters, they can’t see you."
"I’m not leaving this place, Arran. It’s home. It’s safe. I like it here."
"If Jester had only showed up a few hours earlier, then Arran would never have gone up to the pool with the scav party."
"He hadn’t been making it up when he’d told Arran he thought that some other kids would want to stay, though."
"There was only one of him. This was his kingdom now."
"I’ve got to be a father to these little kids, and you’ve got to be a mother."
"I don’t want to be an adult, Maxie. I want to go back to being just a kid again."
"He was Sam the giant slayer. He was going to escape."
"He’s not going to die. He’s strong. He’s our leader. He’s going to get us to the palace…"
"Just be small, he told himself. Be small and still, and try to think of happier times."
"He was Sam the giant slayer. Sam of the silver pin."
"Hope. And Pandora had let it out of the box."
"He couldn’t remember when he had ever been happier."
"This is where Arran Harper fell. We don’t know the day or the date, but we’ll never forget it."
"Forever young. Always the beautiful Arran you knew."
"You planning on going to the Oscars? Make some more cheesy speeches?"
"If any lions did get out, they’d be miles away from here by now."
"We got split up. I was trying to find my friends."
"The world’s turned upside down. I wouldn’t be surprised. Nothing surprises me any more."
"The world is going back to how it should be."
"It's all right, Rhiannon, you'll be all right."
"That great chopper will only slow you down."
"The idea was, Maeve, that when we got here everything was going to be all right. But it isn’t."
"It’s not the greatest life in the world. But it’s a life."
"I’m sick and tired of feeling sick and tired."
"We still made it through, though. We’ve done it before. We can do it again."
"I was just an ordinary girl before. Nothing special."
"I had two brothers and two sisters. Everyone finds their space."
"I’m different. My gran always said I was half clever, half stupid and half crazy."
"If you made it to the end of the day, then it was a good day."
"I finally figured out what Freak’s original message meant."
"They would march and they would kill and they would smash everything in their path."