
Death's Mistress Quotes

Death's Mistress by Karen Chance

Death's Mistress Quotes
"Vampires could be emancipated from their masters’ control when they reached a certain power level, freeing them from forced obedience."
"It’s always so much easier when the vamps I deal with despise me. It’s the ones who profess anything else that confuse the hell out of me."
"That was frowned upon by the Vampire Senate, the ruling body for North American vampires, who preferred feedings to be kept nice and subtle."
"I’m tired, I’m hungry and I have a head in a bag. Do not mess with me."
"I’m sure you would," I said sarcastically, as Mircea tore off the check.
"They don’t have them, Claire! They wouldn’t still be attacking if they did!"
"The storm didn’t bring the wards down, and they can’t get in."
"What is that?" she screeched, shaking her foot.
"I’m better than good with a blade weapon or a reasonable facsimile, but I could barely even see the thing."
"I needed iron or I was dead—something, anything—and then I spied a linen-wrapped handle sticking out from under the rag pile."
"Life rarely cares about our plans," I told her cynically.
"I have a lot of contacts in the auction business," she told me, her color high.
"There are things we want, and things we may have. Sanity lies in knowing the difference."
"You cannot save someone if they do not wish it."
"Vampires do not grow old. We do not die. We are as unchanging as the mountains."
"Magic, in her mind, was something that she did, requiring a conscious effort on her part, and was therefore something she could stop doing."
"Vampires aren’t human, but they’re part of the natural world. And that world thrives on change."
"The bond between a new Child and her master is very strong."
"The mountains change, Louis-Cesare. It just takes them longer."
"Evil is evil, regardless of the face it wears."
"You do not work with Lord Mircea. You work for him. It is not your place to question his commands."
"If I had allowed you to retain your memories about Vlad, you would be dead. Merely another of his victims."
"You have been favoring your left hand all night. Is that why?"
"I think Dorina has proven that she knows how to keep a secret."
"If you don’t start to trust me, this is never going to work."
"We go on this same merry-go-round, over and over, until I’m dizzy."
"This cannot leave this room. Not a word, not to anyone, not anywhere, no matter how secure you may think the location to be."
"But it is not merely the war that is being discussed."
"We cannot afford constant power politics, bickering and infighting during a war."
"Sometimes, Dorina, I wonder what it is you think of me."
"She was alive, Dorina, in a way none of the other women, and damn few of the men, I knew were."
"She was a beautiful woman. You look a great deal like her."
"Louis-Cesare is a warrior, first and foremost."
"Sometimes I wonder what it is you think of me."
"I've never spoken to you much about your mother, have I?"
"Nobody ever said the family didn't know how to hold a grudge."
"How much do you know about the European Senate?"
"You do not understand what the Senate was like when—"
"And thereby discovered a way out of the quagmire."
"She can stay here," I said, wondering about my sanity.
"Promise me you will look after her, that you will not leave her alone."
"The senators were loud and unruly, and the consul had to flatter and cajole and threaten to get anywhere with them."
"It made me realize how… sterile… our Senate had become."
"There is no debate anymore, no discussion, no need for compromise."
"It's never a good idea to stick anything you'd mind losing through an opaque ward."
"Underground is where all the interesting things happen."
"He was as tough as nails, as he'd more than proven."
"How many times am I supposed to kill this one poor woman?"
"I have not yet recovered from the last time."