
The Quest Begins Quotes

The Quest Begins by Erin Hunter

The Quest Begins Quotes
"Each of those pieces of ice contains the spirit of a bear, and if you are good, and brave, and strong, one day your spirit will join them."
"Because it is snow-sky and she is hunting. With her quick and powerful claws, she hunts seal and beluga whale. She is the greatest of all hunters on the ice."
"But then snow-sky returns, bringing back the ice. Silaluk is reborn and the ice-hunt begins all over again, season after season."
"Remember the story of the Great Bear. No matter what happens, the ice will always return."
"We’ll find a way to survive, even if it means eating berries and grass for a little while."
"We thank you, spirits of the ice, for guiding us to this meal."
"We must stick together, because we are the only ones who will look after one another."
"We cannot go to the land yet—or we will all die."
"Black bears can swim like fish, climb like monkeys, and run like tigers. We are the kings of the forest."
"A journey is nothing but a river of pawsteps."
"I wouldn’t mind being that star right now. I bet it never gets tired."
"You don’t want to be that star. That is the spirit of a bad bear."
"I remember a pool of water. Where is it? It was right there…"
"Who are you? You look like me. Where are the others?"
"Unless they take her away and don’t bring her back. Then I’m not sure what happens."
"It wasn’t his fault the giant bear had tried to kill him."
"I can teach myself. I will learn to hunt and forage on my own."
"If you must die, do it somewhere else, far away from me. Go away, and don’t come back."
"I’m going to leave the Bear Bowl and go into the wild to find her lost cub, Toklo." - Lusa
"There is nothing for me here anymore. At least now I can be with my Tobi." - Oka
"It’s a sad story. But things are tough all over right now." - Purnaq
"I have trouble finding enough food for myself. I don’t need a stupid cub tagging along behind me." - Purnaq
"You’ll never know what it’s like to live in the wild." - Oka
"I promised Oka I’d find her lost cub." - Lusa
"Why have you abandoned us? Spirits of the ice, where are you?" - Older male bear
"I’ll find Toklo for you and make sure he’s all right, and I’ll tell him that you loved him." - Lusa
"She wouldn’t be any better off out there, and they’re probably worried that she would attack other flat-faces if they let her go." - Stella
"The trick is to look before you jump." - Mother bear
"I wish I could see a forest and catch my own prey." - Lusa
"It used to be. Fishing…finding fish in the rivers was what we used to do. Back…back then." - Oka
"You don’t know what I’ve had to do, Tobi." - Oka
"Go back to where you came from." - Adult bear
"You’ll never know, because you’re shut in this place." - Oka
"It’s not your problem if she sleeps outside in the rain." - Stella
"I’m sorry I couldn’t feed you enough, but didn’t I try?" - Oka
"I will find Toklo for you. I promise." - Lusa
"Over here!" he bellowed, veering to the right.
"I don’t owe him anything," Toklo told himself.
"Mother," she whispered. "Spirits of the ice, please save me."
"I’m going to tear you apart, puny cub," the grizzly snarled.
"That’s not going to get you anywhere," said a voice from the next enclosure.
"Keep still. There’s no point fighting them," Nanuk growled.