
The End Of All Things Quotes

The End Of All Things by John Scalzi

The End Of All Things Quotes
"It’s going to skip around. I’m going to get lost telling the story and come back to points and then get lost again."
"I’ve spent nine months at the bottom of a gravity well."
"It’s the programming that got me interested in piloting."
"Let’s talk theoretical scenarios for a moment."
"We have an encrypted destination on this memory card."
"You will have five minutes from right now to signal your understanding of these directions."
"If your effectiveness decreases too far then you’ll be punished."
"Two days later I broke the bridge simulation and escaped. Sort of."
"Well, that was rude, I thought, and would have smiled if I could."
"The bridge simulator was now my whole world."
"I’m not going to bore you with the details of what I did."
"I waited for the moment where Control, or whoever, looked at the Chandler’s system and found evidence of me wandering around in it."
"They deserved what I was going to do to them. Whatever it was."
"I copied it, tweaked it, attached everything coming in from the outside to it, as well as the bridge simulator."
"I was so grateful for it. And at the same time, so contemptuous of it."
"It’s one thing to know you’re already dead. It’s another to work on something that might give you a chance to stay alive."
"I’m not going to suggest Galeano will ever forgive me. She won’t. I like to think that in time she’ll recognize the necessity."
"I wanted him to talk, and talk, and then talk some more."
"I don’t think it was sheer megalomania, or, if I wanted to be nice about it, him taking pity on the guy he’d caused to be turned into a naked brain."
"The difference being, of course, that one of us had made the choice to be lonely. The other one of us rather unexpectedly had the choice thrust upon him."
"The entire copying process took just a little under two hours."
"It was because I knew something about the humans that the general did not."
"I waited and eventually I think Ocampo’s vestigial sense of moral obligation kicked in."
"Everything I could see or sense was inside of it."
"I’m not going to lie. Part of me was annoyed that they didn’t."
"What I believe is that both our governments are in an impossible situation at the moment."
"I would imagine we wanted what in fact happened. Using the information to destroy the comity of the Conclave and to force open the fissures that were already developing."
"We take our pain and our risk early, and as a result we as a people are saved."
"No one will accuse anyone here of treason, or of faithlessness to the Conclave."
"It’s easier to be the aspirational leader when the thing you’re building doesn’t exist."
"I’m leader of the Grand Assembly, not the leader of the Conclave."
"Evidence from the Abumwe report combined with my own agents’ intelligence gathering lays it squarely at your door."
"We are not four serti past the assassination of our leader."
"I have the power to condemn you to death. I hope we understand each other."
"By this time tomorrow I will be the ruler of the Conclave."
"I wish I could be there to see you do what will come next."
"That’s how it’s supposed to work for martyrs."
"I hope you will be the one to finish our work. To set the Conclave’s future in stone."
"We’re not attached to this place. We’re not attached to Kyoto."
"If they’re part of the Colonial Union, I’ll defend them."
"You’re doing that thing where you’re trying to be nice to someone you were just trying to kill."
"Once the Colonial Union falls, Equilibrium will protect it from species who will try to raid or take over."
"I trust that you have nothing left to lose, Secretary."
"Equilibrium is dedicated to bringing about the end of the Colonial Union."
"You’re expecting us to create a viable system of interplanetary representative government right now."
"I’m not surprised we have a civil war on our hands right now. I’m surprised it didn’t happen sooner."
"They don’t have to do a good job of it for it to be a civil war."
"We’re meant to believe that the Conclave has decided that the only way to deal with humanity is to destroy the source of its soldiers and colonists once and for all."
"The CDF won’t kill you for that, Mr. Okada. What they will do is strip your brain out of your head and let it lie in isolation."
"Diplomacy as treason. Reaching out with an open hand instead of a fist, treason."
"It’s clear we speak the same language. So allow me to offer you the compliment of being equally blunt with you."
"I would agree, Colonel Egan. But if you’re looking to blame the Phoenix government, you’re going to need to look at the Colonial Union contracts first."
"Right now you just have one citizen of Phoenix irrationally angry with you. If you force the issue, you’ll have a billion quite rationally angry with you."
"My name is Rafe Daquin. The pilot of the Chandler. I am like you."
"We asked you to complete the mission. You did what we asked you to do."
"The Colonial Union could force the issue. But that is a solution that is worse than the problem."
"If it’s okay with you, I’d be fine with just having this bit of our interaction tabled as read, so we can move on to other things."