
Devil Said Bang Quotes

Devil Said Bang by Richard Kadrey

Devil Said Bang Quotes
"If wishes were horses we’d all have shit on our boots."
"Don’t make any long-term investments. Have a good time now."
"Hell’s five rivers crash into each other there, churning the water into an endless storm of whitecaps, tidal waves, and whirlpools."
"Who’s the designated driver when you have two Devils in the room?"
"The growling engine vibrates my body from my feet to my head, shaking the stench of Mason’s chop shop out of my lungs."
"I’m a menace. I’m a monster. I’m a stooge and I don’t care who knows it."
"I’ll bet cash money that hole never gets any deeper or any more full."
"No skulls for me tonight, thank you very kindly. I’m as cool as a cat napping on a pint of Rocky Road."
"Ghosts trail us on both sides of the street."
"If I’ve learned one thing, it’s that all shed blood, yours or your enemy’s, stains Creation forever and there’s no washing it away."
"I don’t want to be a cosmic shit magnet drawing trouble to me, but maybe that’s how it is with nephilim."
"I keep seeing red leggers in the crowd. That’s new."
"The city burned and they want to turn back the clock to the way it was. We will not permit that."
"You’re always so serious. So linear. You’ve got to get into the spirit of things."
"I don’t even know if they do that kind of thing down here. Probably they think if you’re dumb enough to lose a finger, you deserve for it to stay lost."
"The universe doesn’t revolve around Earth. No goddess is going to come along with milk and cookies for Hell’s lost lambs. We’re so fucked."
"I don’t want to have to do any of this again. I’ll know soon enough."
"I’m not like you or Muninn. My celestial half is gone. I’m just another human asshole."
"I’m not going to fight hard to stay Lucifer."
"You mortals love to hear yourself talk, don’t you?"
"You ever take off like that again, you take me with you."
"That’s cool. I’m into cosplay. Between the armor and the arm you can be both brothers in Full Metal Alchemist."
"I’m the Devil. Not metaphorically. I killed the other candidate and Lucifer took off back to Heaven and stuck me with running Hell. I’m the new Lucifer."
"Don’t sweat it, Father. I met God. He isn’t what you think He is. I know the Devil pretty well too. He isn’t what you think either. Trust me, Heaven or Hell, consider yourself taken care of."
"You are so wonderfully stupid. People are talking about you now that the other one is gone and you’re back."
"I came back for the knife I loaned you. Hand it over."
"This place is my home more than Heaven ever was."
"I’m sorry about everything but this is me and I’m not dead."
"I’m trying to pick and choose my fights better."
"You’re just in time for the bake sale, boys. Who brought the cupcakes?"
"You’re lucky to be alive, you fucking idiot."
"You bastard. You don’t want me to go with you."
"Still, I wouldn’t trade lives with anyone back at Blackburn’s."
"You ever going to tell me about that armor, Tin Man?"
"Like God, the ways of the Sub Rosa are mysterious."
"Damned as I am, murder is still a hard thing for me to condone."
"Seeing your world. It’s frightening but exciting."
"Mostly I do what I’m told. Mostly that’s all I do."
"They’re lost kids. Ones that all died badly."
"I’m Lamia. I breathe death and spit vengeance."
"God’s a drag. The Devil’s a bore. The only people worse are the ones who run the temples."
"They want to fade into the woodwork and disappear. It’s not depression. It’s more like a desperate desire to become invisible."
"I swear I can see rivets along their sides like they’re floating islands of steel."
"I don’t need any of it. Fuck Saint James. Aelita and King Cairo are the ones I need to worry about and by 'worry about,' I mean kill."
"I don’t want you to melt your brain too soon."
"You're the head clown. You get out of the little car first while the others are still crushed inside."
"The book doesn’t say. But there are other texts that talk about battles between Gods in other dimensions."
"He shakes his head. 'I had no choice,' he says."
"None of you will be as tasty as the kids but I’m forced to go on a child-free diet for a while."
"To break down from one mind to five is troubling enough."
"I feel a little earthquake under my feet. A hole opens in the concrete a few feet away."
"The world is going to end when the Angra Om Ya come back."
"I don’t usually get that lucky but I’ve got Candy, a place to crash, food, and the Key."