
Kiss The Dead Quotes

Kiss The Dead by Laurell K. Hamilton

Kiss The Dead Quotes
"In reality, the rooms are pretty small, and there are almost never big picture windows; that’s why real police footage is grainy and black-and-white, rather than Technicolor gorgeous."
"Some of my best friends are vampires and shapeshifters."
"I’m a legal vampire executioner, Mr. Wilcox, but you have to break the law to bring me to your door."
"Mr. Wilcox, Barney, you haven’t been dead two years yet."
"Old vampires had one name, like Madonna, or Beyoncé."
"The girl that Benjamin and the others took is only fifteen."
"I counted to ten, to keep from yelling at our suspect again."
"I raised a hand and spread it flat in the air as if I were holding something he should have been able to see."
"Problem is that sometimes the law is gray, and not clear, and other times, it’s too clear—clear, but not just, not right."
"Once I’d believed that the law was about justice, but I’d carried a badge and a gun too long not to understand that the law was about the law."
"When you have a badge, sometimes that’s all that’s left; you have to follow the law."
"I was a necromancer, the first real one allowed to live and mature into their power in over a thousand years."
"You’re not dead, you’re undead; it’s not the same."
"Ignorance isn’t bliss, but neither is knowledge. Sometimes you just know more, but it doesn’t make you any happier."
"Morals aren’t just for when it’s easy, Anita. They aren’t morals if you throw them aside every time it’s convenient."
"Then leaf subsides to leaf. So Eden sank to grief, So dawn goes down to day. Nothing gold can stay."
"You are not your father. You will not abuse like he did."
"He’s on the website for Guilty Pleasures. They list the animal form of all the strippers, I mean dancers, who shapeshift."
"The only reason I’m not in the same boat is that I don’t change forms."
"I like being in love with who I’m in love with now."
"I’ve never seen you as happy as you’ve been the last couple of years, Anita. Whatever you’re doing, it works for you. It makes you happy."
"I’m just trying to go get some food with two fellow officers; anything else is what you’re thinking, not what I’m saying."
"If you’d been listening, Brice was saying that you have a reputation with the other cops for being unreasonable."
"Sometimes you just gotta poke the badger with the spoon; I'd just learned not to poke it too often. Badgers get pissy when you poke them too much."
"Obsession isn’t love, though as he held me, face shining with the kiss, my heartbeat still rapid from the touch of his lips, it was kind of hard to tell the difference."
"I tried to stop poking at what love was, and wasn’t, but… sometimes you just gotta poke the badger with the spoon."
"Every time I think you can’t get more amazing in bed, I’m wrong."
"When you hunt vampires, sunlight is always your friend."
"I was the one most likely to be depending on my body to save my ass on a regular basis. It was a serious incentive to exercise."
"I liked standing here in the kitchen with the smell of breakfast all around, and the sunlight streaming bright and warm, and the man in my arms smiling down at me, while everyone else’s laughter filled the air like some kind of happy perfume."
"I was pretty sure that Jean-Claude could keep my death from dragging any of my other metaphysical sweeties down to die with me, including Nathaniel, but… I’d never been as happy as I was right now."
"You can’t feed on me, Anita. You didn’t even try to feed." "I forgot."
"How do you divide yourself between killing people and loving them?"
"No, Dev, sorry. You’re cute, but no one’s cute enough for this kind of grief."
"Fair, love isn’t fair, Anita. Love is one of the least fair things in the world."
"There isn’t a sex trick in the book that could make me put up with this level of shit from anybody."
"I am certain that Anita loves me, as she is certain that I love her."
"It’s hard to get away from someone who’s stronger than you are if you don’t want to hurt them. Shit!"
"You aren’t Anita’s master; that implies control, and you have none over her."
"Why is it wrong to want to be certain of love?"
"In the end, the fact that you do not love yourself defeats us all."
"We believed in violence to save the innocent. We are not complete pacifists."
"The point of a human servant is to appear human."
"They're just people, and like all people, some of them are good, and some are bad."
"You're vampires, Weiskopf. That can't be changed, and that means that you need a master."
"There has to be a way to be just human again."
"The law gives them the right to trial, unless the warrant has been issued for their deaths."
"Saving the woman and the unborn child was the right thing to do."
"If anyone dies because you didn’t tell us, then you are as guilty as they are, and human servants are treated the same as vampires under the law if the vampires in question commit murder and the servants aid them in any way."
"We would never forgive ourselves if more innocent lives are lost."
"That sounded like an excellent motive for all sorts of bitterness."
"Don’t sacrifice Nathaniel to keep me safe, I’d never forgive you for it."
"He means something to me, too, Anita. I’ve had a pride of werelions, but this is the first home I’ve had since the woman who raised me… It doesn’t matter. I want him safe, too."
"Keep him safe for both of us; I’m on my way."
"He wants you to come down. He says he’ll let Nathaniel go for you."
"We don’t have time. Is Sin someone important to you, too?"
"Give us eyes; give us the location of everyone in the room."
"He’s a human involved with the group that killed two cops. Anita’s warrant of execution allows her to kill anyone who is involved in the crime that the warrant pertains to."
"You can open your link between you and Mephistopheles, or Nathaniel, or Cynric. You can see the room that way. We don’t have to guess."
"It was like an evil song stuck in my head, with the beat of Bomb, bomb, bomb. Fire was the only thing that wereanimals couldn’t heal."
"Every name he mentioned is a lover, and most of them live with me, most of the time."
"I’ve lived with Nathaniel for three years, four in June."
"I knew. I hoped, but in this instance, hope didn’t seem enough."
"I sat there with Nathaniel’s hand in mine, and Sin holding on to the other hand, and just sat there holding them, and being held. That was enough. That was more than enough."