
Anatomy: A Love Story Quotes

Anatomy: A Love Story by Dana Schwartz

Anatomy: A Love Story Quotes
"The world is not kind to women, Hazel. Even women like you."
"Ghastly business, but a small price to pay for one's health and well-being."
"I heard it’s the fever back again. Took a whole family living at Canongate last month."
"Let your fate be on your own head, then. I have given you all the motherly advice I can."
"I may not have been as attentive to you as I might have been."
"The world is an impossible situation, a trick of society as a whole."
"We men fear death. Death! Gruesome and terrible! Inevitable and senseless!"
"Your father owns Hawthornden, and when he dies, Hawthornden will go to Percy."
"If the fever is back, you and I will have to worry about a lot more than a job."
"No more than the trouble they got in just being poor and living on the streets of Edinburgh. Body snatchers were a vital organ of the living city itself."
"He didn’t even know if she liked music boxes! He was a fool. No, worse than a fool. He was a romantic fool."
"The way Jack liked to think of it, he had a better view up here than even those posh folks in their fancy box seats."
"I’ll manage. I can assure you: I will manage."
"Everyone knew they were doing it; police hardly cared, so long as they didn’t take clothes or jewels from the graves."
"Whatever little those poor souls did in life, they did plenty in death."
"It’s a terrible situation. I examined the body myself, and I was horrified to find the lesions on Mrs. Harkness’s back consistent with Roman fever."
"The warm waters at Bath will do you well, my darling."
"It might be you who finally discovers the cure."
"Life at Le Grand Leon was like living inside a music box."
"No, unlike some of my more regrettable colleagues, I wouldn’t object to teaching the rare woman who had a mind capable of natural philosophy and the study of the body."
"You will come face-to-face with the strange, the macabre."
"Women have such trouble controlling their emotions."
"To be clear. You’re refusing my offer of a promenade."
"You dig up dead bodies in the middle of the night in graveyards, and you're afraid of riding a horse?"
"I haven't really said it out loud before. It sort of felt like a bad dream up until now."
"I'm not a fool, Jack Currer, no matter what you might think of me."
"The trick to being a good resurrection man was getting in, and getting out, before a mourner half a yard away would even know that you were there."
"We're rotting bags of meat is all, and we start going bad pretty quick."
"I don't believe they let viscountesses dissect dead bodies."
"Dead bodies are never going to bite you. They're never going to do anything to you. It's living things that hurt you."
"I don’t think that will be his decision to make."
"Humanity is far larger than the sum of its pathetic individuals."
"The purpose of a physician is to protect and serve his fellow man."
"This is going to be a good day, she thought."
"Science, the information you can gather, the things you can learn—these are what last."
"I’m fascinated what a young lady of your social standing would be doing associating with a resurrection man."