
The Singles Game Quotes

The Singles Game by Lauren Weisberger

The Singles Game Quotes
"No one believes in your potential more than I do. But part of being a professional is being able to have honest and rational conversations about the reality of a situation."
"I will come back from this injury. I will get back into the top ten. I will win a Grand Slam. And I need you to believe that."
"If I’m ever going to make it really big, it needs to be now. Not in two years. Not in three. Right this very moment."
"I want to win a Slam, and it’s becoming clearer every day that Marcy is not going to be the one to take me there."
"You’ve got what it takes, kid, and I know how to make sure you reach that potential. Whatever you decide, I’ll be in your corner from now on."
"We've never gotten hung up on formality before, so we shouldn't really start now."
"I can sleep more on that plane than I can at home. Couldn’t pass up the chance to come wish this girl good luck in person."
"This is your career; I certainly understand your concerns."
"You deserve the best, C. You work hard for it, always have."
"It's not enough to show up: she's got to stomp all over her opponents."
"If she wants it so bad she can fucking taste it."
"You think the men are walking around apologizing for everything and hugging each other? Hell, no!"
"I was shocked when I glanced up to see Marco Vallejo smiling across the spa’s quiet room."
"I love tennis, I love drinking and traveling and dating and sleeping and reading and shopping, too."
"You are a goddamn warrior, Charlotte Silver, and warriors win. What they do not do is hug their opponents or ask after their mommies or hope and pray that everyone adores them. Do you understand me?"
"It’s just that I’m really grateful for this job, even if he is… difficult sometimes."
"Of course I’m going out to celebrate tonight, and then I fly out tomorrow."
"Thank you for your cooperation," she said. "You’re free to go."
"It’s strange, but he’s just kind of a regular guy."
"This is career-making for you. It’s happening, Charlie, it really is. Between Todd and the new image and the attitude, it’s all coming together."
"It takes a hotshot player to win the point when her opponent’s not ready," Karina said, and then, before Charlie could even react, Karina reached out and yanked Charlie’s hand into a viselike handshake.
"You are not just a slut, but you are a cheater, too," Karina whispered.
"I'm not sure how that qualifies as a 'questionable injury,' if that's what you're suggesting."
"You have to train like that if I want to compete."
"I have never felt better prepared for a tournament in my entire life."
"I'm hoping fifteen minutes will be enough to get the right shot."
"I just won Charleston and Munich! Are things really so grim?"
"I never even thought it possible for you to do something so epically, indescribably, undeniably DUMB."
"It will not go down that way," Charlie told herself.
"It's about f’ing time you won one of these things."
"Feel free to spread the word: I fired Todd Feltner. And I loved every minute of it."
"You’re lucky I ever agreed to coach you in the first place."
"I won’t tell Todd," he had said, looking at his feet.