
A Touch Of Malice Quotes

A Touch Of Malice by Scarlett St. Clair

A Touch Of Malice Quotes
"You should start with what makes you the most excited."
"If you are going to beg a god for help, be specific."
"Don’t my lady me," she snapped. "What are you doing?"
"You must be prepared for the unexpected. Not all are as they appear, Persephone."
"My lord is a creature of habit. He has eaten the same thing for eternity—no wish for variety or…flavor."
"You know, you could acknowledge how difficult that was for me. Isn’t that what friends are for?"
"I got…distracted while bringing you here," he admitted. "I thought…I lost you."
"Lord Hades!" A chorus of voices rang out as several children rushed toward him, hugging his legs.
"Fate does not make sense. That is why it is so easy to blame."
"It’s alright, Hades," Persephone interrupted. "I did not ask to cause you grief."
"You cannot stop her from choosing this path, but you can fight her along the way."
"I just…wondered why you did not side with the Titans," Persephone said.
"I do not understand this wedding," Zofie said.
"Healing is a necessary power to master before going up against any of the Divine."
"Hades was the ultimate addiction. He was a glorious high, an intoxicating bliss she wanted all the time."
"We are a shield for those who no longer wish to be ruled by the gods. We will cut the threads that bind us to fate, free those under the spell of their divinity. We are freedom."
"Grief means we loved fiercely…and if that is all anyone ever has to say about either one of us in the end, I think we lived our best lives."
"It’s…different," she said, searching for the right words.
"But I will promise that I will never leave you willingly."
"You have given us much to consider, goddess."
"You must be prepared for anything, for everything."
"Except that she had possessed such power. In the Forest of Despair. She had used Hades’s power against him, and it had felt cruel and agonizing, and it tasted like sorrow—bitter and acrid."
"I will coax the darkness from you he’d whispered before he had explored her body for the first time."
"The earth began to shake, and pieces of rock rose from the ground."
"Her chest felt as though it had imploded—all her breath stolen by whatever invisible force had hit her."
"Persephone’s fingers dug into the palms of her hands; her throat bled as she screamed at him and cursed him."
""Stay with me," she begged. "I cannot," he said."
""Forgive me?" It was like those words made her more aware of her surroundings and the horror around her."
""Everything is falling apart," she whispered."
""No one—not the gods, certainly not me—will keep you from retribution.""
""He demands your attention, Persephone, and has your friendship only because of a bargain, and when you needed him before all those Olympians, he was silent.""
""I thought…I thought I’d never see you again." "I’m here," she whispered."
""You’re an alcoholic." "Hades is an alcoholic," Apollo said."
""He doesn’t want me." "You don’t know that." "I do because he said so!""
""I am well," Harmonia said and smiled. "I’m sorry I had to leave…""
""Your point?" She sighed. "No, Apollo. I don’t want vodka.""
""I am sorry. I never wanted to see you suffer again, not like you did in the days following Tyche’s death.""
""A decision I will regret for the rest of my life.""
""If she ceases her attack upon the Upperworld? Probably nothing.""
""I will make you writhe," he promised, crawling up her body with predatory grace."
""You’ve been through a lot," he said, though his eyes burned with a desire so potent, her legs already shook."
""That’s exactly why you need to talk to him!" Persephone argued. "Would you have Ajax think you do not care for him?""
""It’s okay," Hades said. His arms tightened around her, and his lips pressed into her hair. "I’m here.""
""Why should I care what he thinks?" She recognized his response as a defense mechanism—anytime something didn’t go his way, he immediately decided it wasn’t worth his time or energy."
""I would do anything if it meant protecting you," he said."
""I thought you said gods couldn’t die unless they were thrown into Tartarus and torn apart by the Titans." "Usually," Hades said."
""If you ever see her again, please turn her into a tree," said Leuce."
""You cannot help how you feel." "I knew better," he argued."
""Where are the children?" Yuri smiled. "They are in the garden with Tyche," she said."
""You will have no choice." It was then Persephone understood there was no reclaiming the Demeter beneath the surface."
""I cannot wait for you to see it in the spring," he said. "You will love the gardens.""
""Good morning, my lady!" Ivy said, coming around her desk, a coffee in each hand."
""I know what you wish to ask," the goddess said."
""I’ll give you an example. Hades, God of the Underworld, allows criminals to continue breaking the law so long as they serve him.""
""I am overprotective and fearful for you, and perhaps selfishly, I wish to remove anything that reminds me of my failure to protect you.""
""She is very protective of her sister," Persephone said."
""I am so sorry," she said. "Your absence is why I cannot sleep.""
""Are you sure you’re okay, Persephone?" "I will be," she said and then smiled faintly. "Promise.""
""I was protecting you," he seethed, leering over her, blood dripping from his face onto her skin. "And this is how you repay me?""
""It will not be easy, Persephone. The system is broken. Something new must take its place, but there are no promises in war, no guarantee that what we fight for will win.""
""And what would that have changed?" "Nothing, save that I might have spent less time angry with you.""
""I cannot sleep," he said. "I do not wish to disturb you.""
"I am changing, Hecate," Persephone said, her voice breaking.
"You are becoming," Hecate corrected. "You feel it, don’t you? The darkness rising."
"You should not feel ashamed of hurting people who hurt you," Hecate said. "It is the nature of battle."
"I am a Goddess of Life," Persephone said. "A Queen of Death."
"You are my everything," he said. "My first love, my wife, the first and last Queen of the Underworld."
"I am thinking of how happy I am," he answered.
"That I will do anything to keep you," he answered.
"Forgive me, my darling," Hades said as he touched each cuff, turning them into soft bindings.
"I am thinking of how surreal this is," she said. "I am your wife."
"I am well," he said. "I’m sorry I had to leave…"
"I will destroy him," she said. "I will end him."
"I would never—will never—let them have any part of you. Do you understand?"
"No," Persephone whispered, and her voice cracked. "I am not well."
"I have thought about it for a while," he replied.