
The Anatomical Shape Of A Heart Quotes

The Anatomical Shape Of A Heart by Jenn Bennett

The Anatomical Shape Of A Heart Quotes
"I’m not one of those cool, creative kids in my art class who make skirts out of trash bags and paint in crazy colors."
"Sometimes people smile when they’re sad. And sometimes girls who look sad are really smiling."
"I mean, hello! I was eighteen, baby. I could finally... vote and buy all those cartons of cigarettes I’d been pining for. Yippee."
"If you think of anything or remember something about one of your classmates, give me a call. Sometimes I’ve been able to mediate a solution between the property owners and the perpetrator."
"Members of Discord were known for engaging in antagonist behavior toward the mayor’s office and had done tens of thousands of dollars’ worth of damage to public property."
"I stared at my phone, which was propped on the pencil ledge of my drafting table."
"But there I was, the girl obsessed with anatomy, on the verge of sobbing over the corpse of a woman I never knew."
"I'm trying to impress a girl and not look like a total putz, so I'm leaving now."
"Art shouldn't be practical. It should be emotional and expressive."
"Heath and I aren't blessed with a gift. If I had your talent, I wouldn't be stressed out, working graveyard and missing out on my kids' lives."
"I’ve spent the last three days at the Zen Center trying to get back on my feet, and you just pull me up like it’s nothing."
"I wanted you to see me and not my family—not the politician or the psych patient. Just me."
"People don’t faint for no reason. It could be an indication of something more serious going on with Jack’s health."
"It’s not your fault. Seriously, I’m just tired."
"Nothing was particularly interesting … until I clicked on a local blog run by the opposing political party."
"My dad built all this when he won the first election."
"It’s like when someone offers you candy, and you think, ‘I want that,’ but then another part of you says, ‘Sugar is bad for you.’"
"That’s what she said, anyway. I didn’t look."
"If it hadn’t been so chaotic, she might’ve found another way."
"They’re perfectly fine. I bring them home for Heath all the time."
"I didn’t know Jack’s mother, and Jack’s sister was overseas, who was in the hospital?"
"But still. Kind of a jackass, just like he was when I first saw him that afternoon at the hospital."
"What was I saying? God. The rambling. It’s enough to drive me crazy."
"Her grandmother was a Haight hippie, and she thinks this gives her some kind of free-love club card."
"I’m schizoid. I hear voices in my head. Sometimes I see things that make me feel like I’m dreaming while I’m awake."
"I’d taken a detour into her mind, and it was a scary, sad place."
"It’s like solving a secondary puzzle to figure out the perfect spot."
"I’ve never really minded the scent of hospitals."
"Because everything we do in life affects someone else."
"I’m not sure what I feel. All I know is that I’m tired of being the innocent bystander who gets punched in the gut."
"I don’t want my mistakes to affect everyone else in the room."
"I want to keep to myself and do as little damage as possible."
"Doing nothing can cause as much damage as doing something."
"Because she’s human, and she makes mistakes."
"I should’ve bought some of those inserts you told me about."
"I’ve had a small setback, but I know what to do to fix it."
"Life is better when my son isn’t moping around the house."