
The Stationery Shop Quotes

The Stationery Shop by Marjan Kamali

The Stationery Shop Quotes
"Life had pulled out from under her everything that they had planned. No worries."
"Our fate is written on our foreheads when we're born. It can't be seen, can't be read, but it's there in invisible ink all right, and life follows that fate. No matter what."
"I'm good, I'm fine, it's all okay, okey-dokey. Easy-peasy Americanisms."
"I would like it, for you girls to be the next Madame Curies of this world."
"But you, my daughters! You will go further than your mother and I ever dreamed!"
"You are in everything I see. In every moment, you are with me, Roya Joon."
"I want nothing more than to get closer to you, Roya Joon. I want nothing else."
"It seems to me that he never loved you. It was all a game for him."
"We do not always get what we want, Roya Khanom. Things do not always work out the way we planned."
"You think about him all the time. Right? He's the first person you think about when you wake up in the morning. He's in your dreams."
"I'll be back as soon as I possibly can. It's just complicated right now and I have to figure it all out, to find a way."
"I wish I could tell you why--I will one day. For now, please know that I am fine, that you need not worry."
"With a knife that looks like a sword, the girl's father magically whisks out the inner soft flesh of the fruit."
"Your cousin is sixteen now and ripe and ready for you. You two were destined from birth."
"Ali thinks that Atieh looks like watery yogurt; he imagines her to be just as bland and tasteless."
"Badri. Badri. Badri. Ali repeats the name under his breath as if he could possibly ever forget it."
"This girl is not a thing that should enter his mind. She works with her father in the market."
"For the prayer, they'll kneel and touch their foreheads to the ground and lose themselves in meditation."
"I'll tell my baba to cut your throat! Don't you come near me."
"You want to own a shop? Like a bazaari? Like a merchant?"
"If I made you think that we stood a chance for a future together, I was wrong."
"Sitting here and sulking will only pave the path to becoming a pickled old spinster."
"You can take your degree from the university and put it in your pocket and it will be there for the rest of your life."
"I had planned it all down to the minute when we would arrive at the office of Marriage and Divorce."
"It's as though someone has sprayed every particle of dust with the suffocating melon smell."
"I want to accept that you made the choices you made for a reason. You will be a lady scientist after all."
"You should have heard Jack tonight, Sister! Why are you sitting here in the dark? Oooh, smells so wonderful in this house!"
"We could move back east. I got accepted to BU!"
"All I'm saying is that life happens and I forgive you and I wanted to see you again."
"Don't feel sorry for me for being in this place."
"I feel better than I have in ages. It's because of you."
"I haven't stopped thinking about you. What I'm trying to say, Roya Joon, is that I have not stopped thinking about you since that day in the square."
"All I could think was what if you came and I wasn't there. I didn't want to leave you there. I waited for you. I waited because all I wanted was to see you, to explain everything, to hold you again. But you never came."
"Nothing in my life has been more painful. I've thought about you constantly for sixty years."
"I didn't want to burden you with what was, back then, our shame."
"I wanted to be there for you, to be with you every step of the way."
"My heart is sharp as a knife when it comes to remembering everything that happened that summer."
"She could not stop us. She could not end our happiness with the threat of suicide!"
"It was just a sliver, a tiny shard of his life."