
The Twentieth Wife Quotes

The Twentieth Wife by Indu Sundaresan

The Twentieth Wife Quotes
"When my mother came near the time of her delivery, he (Akbar) sent her to the Shaikh’s house that I might be born there." - Sultan Salim
"Normally, the streets would be deserted at this time of day, but today the Moti bazaar was packed with a slowly moving throng of humanity."
"In the distance, between the two rows of houses and shops that crowded the main street of the bazaar, the red brick walls of the Lahore fort rose to the sky, shutting out the imperial palaces and gardens from the city."
"Mehrunnisa had an intense look of concentration on her face as she traced the curves and lines, the tip of her tongue showing between her teeth."
"The Emperor’s eyes were suspiciously bright when he looked at his son."
"Mehrunnisa, along with the rest of the court, waited in silence for Man Bai to respond."
"Salim had always been temperate, but a few months ago, while on campaign near Attock to put down the Afghan rebellion, Mirza Muhammad Hakim had suggested that wine would ease Salim’s fatigue."
"Everything good in his life had come from that time after the storm at Qandahar."
"Mehrunnisa gave her mother a quick look. Empress of Hindustan!"
"Mehrunnisa shook her head and went back to the mirror. Allah forbid that what Abul said might come true."
"‘You have turned into a beautiful girl. How old are you now?’ Ruqayya asked."
"The Emperor’s own zenana is filled with women connected to the vassal kings of the empire."
"‘Let her be!’ a rich, imperious voice commanded."
"Your Highness, please, you cannot play in the dirt. You know it is forbidden. Please come back to the verandah."
"‘We are not talking about my life,’ she said with dignity. ‘Go now. I must get ready. The Empress has commanded my presence.’"
"How could Salim repay Akbar’s affection thus?"
"It was power; these women knew how to have it and to hold it."
"He knew many men like the young Persian: brave, adventurous, though essentially restless."
"But even then he had known that was not his calling; being a warrior was."
"We are pleased with your dedication and loyalty to the throne."
"Her disposition was volatile, her wit lively and satirical, her spirit lofty and uncontrolled."
"You will come to me soon, Mehrunnisa. I know your father is Mirza Ghias Beg."
"As long as Udaipur remains independent, that will not be so."
"Without confidence, they will not support him when he comes to the throne."
"How is it you are so wise? Where does that wisdom come from?"
"You must not think so. These past years have shown his repentance."
"The Emperor cannot treat me as a child any longer."
"No evil fortune is greater than when a son... becomes contumacious and rebellious to his father, without cause or reason."
"His Majesty has clearly stated that he wishes you to be heir."
"Mine is always in your service, your Highness."
"Rivers dried to a mere trickle, exposing huge, sandy, pebbly beds on either side."
"The end was near. Even Akbar seemed to know it."
"No one even bothered to be circumspect anymore."
"Irritated by the constant tension between Salim and Khusrau, Akbar commanded them to set up an elephant fight."
"The crowd hushed into silence as the referee of the fight rode up to the imperial balcony."
"It would be an empty title, an impotent palace."
"The pain returned: one short stab where her spine met her hips."
"An attempt had been made on his life by his own son."
"What is it but an insignificant holding? What do I know of farming and estate management?"
"The crowd roared with delight. Salim and Khusrau edged their horses closer."
"The sun danced off the sea of jewels in turbans and shimmered on the gold embroidery of qabas and sashes."
"It was said that a price had been put on Khusrau’s life."
"He would die fighting if necessary, but he would not surrender."
"We cannot afford to be attacked from both sides."
"The aroma of ginger-spiced chicken and fragrant rice filled the imperial tent."
"The Emperor himself follows at the head of a large army."
"The crown was now his, and he had no intention of giving it up until he died."
"The summer monsoons had begun, and trees and grasses grew lush and wet."
"The passion for Mehr-ul-Nissa returned with redoubled violence when he himself mounted the throne of India."
"It is not so easy sometimes to speak of what is closest to your heart."
"I trust you to make the best decision. But think before you decide anything."
"I would have waited longer if you had wished."
"It is inauspicious to talk of one husband when I am to have another."
"I will doubtless be a fallen woman, but I will not—absolutely will not—come to your zenana as a concubine."
"This much I do know. I offer you a better life than you can ever have."
"No woman had ever denied him anything before."
"From today, my beloved Empress shall be given the title Nur Jahan."